Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1197: Terrible "new team"

Chapter 1227 The Terrible "New Team" (For Subscription, For Recommendation)

Saying that it was Mucheng's change was actually a bit inaccurate, and it should be better to use progress. After all, Mucheng is still the same style, but there has been a significant improvement in all aspects of play and technique. Even their old rivals, who have studied each other for so many years, are a little overwhelmed.

Sometimes they all think, this year's challenge, Su Mucheng will not go to further education, right? The current Mucheng and the Mucheng under their influence are a whole notch stronger. You must know that Su Mucheng is already one of the top professional players in the league, and now she even gives people a kind of direct pursuit like Wang Jiexi and Huang Shaotian. A player with an independent title generally exists.

If it was said that Chu Yunxiu, who had no psychological pressure, had the strength to compete with Wang Jiexi, then Su Mucheng also had such qualifications.

But this is actually quite normal in Ye Xiu's opinion. It would be strange if Su Mucheng didn't make any progress under Tang Yin's one-on-one training. Not counting the ones before Mucheng entered Happy, they had to know that the Challenger Tournament itself ended relatively early, and since then, Tang Yin has been training Su Mucheng.

This training took almost half a year, and Mucheng's own understanding of the gunnery was the ceiling of the glory. If there was no progress, it would be a very unexpected thing.

But Happy's strength now is related to Mucheng's adaptability to her own progress. You must know that each major team has already caused all kinds of headaches due to Ye Xiu San and Tang Yin's bizarre skill effects. He also spent most of his time studying them when he faced Xingxin.

There is no way these two people need to study because there are too many things, not to mention the new style of play they brought, just what skills they are playing on their weapons has already caused them a lot of headaches. As a result, Happy told them today that they had more than one weapon, which made them want to kill.

With the two of them in their way, when other teams face Happy, they naturally have less time to study other Happy players. This is the main reason why Happy's rookie wall is still not obvious. And Mucheng's progress has now undoubtedly become their research project.

Although it is a lot better now than before, in their plan, they originally wanted to use a melee class like Li Xun, plus a life-threatening blow to replace Mucheng, and the current Ge Zhaolan was originally to match the opponent Tang. soft. As a result, Tang Rou's change in Happy's lineup directly disrupted their layout. At the same time, they could only rely on the players' on-the-spot performance.

Seriously, if they just lose, they are not afraid. After all, they are all veteran players, and winning and losing is a common thing. But it's scary to think that they don't even know how they lost, because it means they can't learn the lessons they deserve and improve from the experience. This is what they are afraid of.

But now Happy gave the major teams in the league such a feeling, and even if the game had reached this point, this feeling was already obvious. Facing Ye Xiu's loose people, and Tang Yin's style of play. They still felt unfamiliar, and then there was another steamed bun with a very peculiar idea, and now even their familiar opponent, Su Mucheng, had progressed so much that they couldn't recognize it.

For each major team, Happy is a new team in the true sense, with new players, new roles, and even new styles of play.

And these brand-new elements have to be dealt with and resolved, all of which require each major team to spend time studying and figuring it out, but the problem is that there are not only opponents like Happy in the league, but also 18 other teams. Winning is because of transfers. Or the change of play and lineup due to retirement and introduction, these also need to be studied.

Under normal circumstances, according to the situation of the league's one game a week, it would be fine. Everyone had a week to study each other before the match, which was enough time except for daily training, but now there was one more Happy. A week is simply not enough time for the major teams to study them thoroughly. And Happy also took advantage of the situation, and after stabilizing his style, he started to plunder. They're all in the playoffs now.

And their pace still has no meaning to stop at all, and this time Ge Zhaolan played in the void was the same. In the face of the current Mucheng, she was completely suppressed and beaten all the way, and in the end, even after changing her blood, she was able to knock out more than 20% of Mucheng's almost 30%.

At the opening of this ring match, Mucheng could be said to have played very well. As always clean and neat, the scalp is tingling.

Amidst the applause of the audience, Ge Zhaolan returned to his position with a little dejection. He originally wanted to shine for the team, but was ruthlessly crushed by the opponent.

Li Xuan could only sigh at this, there is no way they really did not expect the opponent's lineup. And they can't blame others for such a result.

Then Li Xuan set his sights on his best friend, best partner, and at the same time, Wu Yuce, who had the vice team who could compete with him for the "No. 1 Ghost Swordsman of Glory".

"Yuce, it's up to you." Li Xuan patted Wu Yuce on the shoulder and said. Now they don't want to win the ring match, but at least they have to show their emptiness.

Team Void's arrangement after the ring match was that Wu Yuce and his two top players who were now honoring Ghost Swordsmen would be in the ring. But now there were still three people on Happy's side, and Su Mucheng even had more than 70 percent of her blood. This situation is not a star and a half behind.

Wu Yuce also knew what his friend meant, and without saying anything, he got up and walked to the competition seat. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Although it is said that this is not Void's home stadium, Happy fans still applaud each other out of politeness, and Void's local fan group, although the number of people entering the venue is limited, far less than the vastness of the home stadium, Happy, but seeing their own deputy The team still sent warm cheers. And now, the cheers of Void's fans were highlighted by Happy's polite applause.

Probably because of the support from the fans, Wu Yuce's pace was more stable, and when he met Ge Zhaolan who stepped down, he could stop and have a simple exchange.

Soon Kure Yusaku entered the competition seat, took out his account card, and logged into his character. And his character Ghost Swordsman Gui Ke is also an all-star character, and the only female character among all-stars in recent years.


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(End of this chapter)

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