Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1200: 03

Chapter 1233 The corner meets love (please subscribe, please recommend)

The distance between the refresh locations of the two guardhouses and the two teams is exactly the same. After all, it is a competitive competition. No matter where it is, the principle of fairness remains unchanged. And Void and the others believed that in terms of movement speed, they would definitely not be slower than Happy and the others. But I also knew that they wouldn't talk too much, so the game rushed out of the refresh point at the beginning of the game and rushed directly towards the watchtower at four o'clock.

Soon they saw the body of the watchtower, but at this moment a figure suddenly appeared at the top of the watchtower.

And the figure that appeared was their most troublesome Dancing Rain!

Now Su Mucheng was in control of Dancing Rain, with one foot on the ground and the other on the guardrail on the top of the watchtower. The giant cannon in his hand radiated a metallic luster in the sun, and the long hair on the shawl fluttered in the wind. How could the momentum of this debut be described as a sassy and heroic figure?

But they also guessed the reason why Su Mucheng climbed the watchtower so quickly. They had to know that this watchtower was relatively close to them, and now there is only one reason for Su Mucheng to climb up before them, and that is Su Mucheng. Mucheng acted alone, using techniques such as flying cannons to get here first.

After all, it's a single person moving, so naturally you don't need to think about them moving together, because you need to pay attention to the formation and affect the movement speed. After all, although each profession in Glory has its own displacement skills, the speed of movement varies from distance to distance. Not to mention the impact of equipment on movement speed is also considered.

If nothing else, the priest and the guardian angel are two good examples. They are the characters with less displacement skills and the shortest legs among the twenty-four occupations. And the whole army must take care of the treatment, so their speed will naturally not be fast. After all, the movement speed of the group movement is not determined by the fastest in the team, but the slowest in the team.

Of course, the Void side can also directly send their gunners to act alone, but if both sides act alone, the gunners of both sides will definitely meet first. And Yang Haoxuan met Su Mucheng alone...

Li Xuan didn't want to say that he didn't believe his teammates, and Su Mucheng's restraint effect on them was really too obvious. In order to restrain her, their Yang Haoxuan couldn't be in trouble. This also showed how much they feared Su Mucheng. So in the end, Li Xuan didn't dare to let Yang Haoxuan go out and act alone. In the end, I didn't expect that Su Mucheng was so forthright that he killed him first.

"Everyone, come on!" Li Xuan shouted directly, deciding to crush the entire team!

After all, Su Mucheng was alone at this time. Isn't this the best chance for them to besiege Su Mucheng?

So the original five people's Void directly split into two paths, and the four of them directly killed Su Mucheng, while the other one changed course, and the one who changed course was the Void's Guardian Angel Tang Lisheng.

On the map, you can see that Tang Lisheng, who was separated from the void, suddenly flew at a speed after passing through a place, just like changing from an old man to Su Bingtian directly.

The reason is also very clear under the holographic influence and the close-up of the big screen, because now it is not the guardian angel guardian who is moving, but the assassin of Li Xun, the sixth man in the void.

That's right, in the face of this opportunity, Void directly and boldly used his own treatment to replace the output role of the assassin!

And after Li Xun came to power, he also started rushing directly, rushing directly in the direction of Mucheng.

After all, Mucheng didn't have much chance to be alone now. Since they had this opportunity, they simply went to five attacking roles, and then directly focused on Su Mucheng to try to take her away.

The ghost steps of the two ghost swords were turned on one after another, and the exorcist Qing Zhixu even put an acceleration symbol on himself, and coupled with the translucent, he directly used the flying cannon to drive away. Assassin's Ghost Lamp Yinghuo may feel that sprinting alone is not enough, as long as the arc flash cools down. At this moment, the five characters in the void are all using their own movement skills, pulling their movement speed to the highest, killing Mucheng's position,

And their positions were also different. The five were all separated, so that Su Mucheng couldn't stop the five of them at once by covering them with firepower.

And Su Mucheng obviously knew that she couldn't defend the opponent's five people at one time, so all the firepower went to Li Xuan's Demon Cry. And from the very beginning, he used his own firepower to the extreme.

In the face of Mucheng's firepower coverage, Li Xuan's movement was naturally not as enjoyable as the others, and even because of Mucheng's powerful firepower attack, he was already pulled away by his teammates to a certain distance. Fortunately, with Yang Haosheng's translucency, he would fight back against Su Mucheng from time to time, otherwise his situation would be even worse.

But Li Xuan didn't care much about his situation. Because his teammates were approaching the watchtower at four o'clock.

"I'm already in place!" Assassin is a moving ceiling in the Glory profession. Even if Tang Lisheng's spirit watcher was dragging his feet, he was still the first to reach the position. Not long after it arrived, it was said in the team channel.

After the report, Li Xun played this direct role and ran to the stairs behind the watchtower, preparing to attack Su Mucheng. As a result, he just came around when a gunshot rang out.

The ghost lamp was shot in the head!

And it is a sniper rifle, and it is directly stunned. But now not only is the character dizzy, even Li Xun is a little confused.

This...this...is this a little bit more?

Li Xun looked at the four Happy characters who attacked him after the sniper rifle, and the whole person was not well...  

Li Xun didn't know how to describe his feelings now, but in fact, they were the last to know about Happy's Tibetans here. Even the other Void players in the player seats had seen the actions of everyone in Happy from the perspective of God.

But what if you see it? Could they still tell their teammates what they saw? In the end, they could only rush around the stage by themselves.

As for the audience? Then they wouldn't have Li Xun's confused look at all. On the contrary, now they can only look forward to it. After seeing Happy's layout, they are looking forward to who will be the cutie in Team Void. Encountering this kind of corner encounters love scene, and it is still four times the kind. And now they finally waited for this scene.

And this will undoubtedly be the absolute climax of this competition!


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(End of this chapter)

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