Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1221: Do whatever you want!

The idea of ​​dealing with Lei Ting Tang Yin is very clear, Lei Ting is a team with Xiao Shiqin as the core. Whether it was the tactical commander or the real-time captain, Lei Ting followed Xiao Shiqin's lead. It also has 100% obedience, which has been reflected in Lei Ting's cooperation. Therefore, it is better to say that Xiao Shiqin's command is excellent rather than the Thunder team competition.

Although the other Lei Ting players are not useless, in front of Xiao Shiqin and Xiao Shiqin, what they do is a collaborator who trusts the captain 100% and obeys the command. The question is, what would happen if Xiao Shiqin and Yu Wenzhou had no time to type and command?

"Go!" Following Tang Yin's order, Ye Xiu rushed directly to the assassin Fang Xuecai, Thunder's deputy, while Tang Rou was a judo player Cheng Tai and his character, Shaishuifeng, who broke through the army and rushed to Thunder . And Mucheng directly started coaxing with Lei Ting's Dai Yanqi's elemental mage, Luan Yinchen, and took the lead in forming a group before he killed him, and divided the battle line into four areas by relying on the gap between them.

At the same time, the pastors of the two teams were also motivated and began to take charge of their teammates.

Seeing that Tang Yin was so "sloppy" and asked Quan to go to the front with him, Li Yibo couldn't help sighing: "Tang Yin's strength is indeed beautified, but the tactical commander is still in a hurry. Such a hurry to start a team Their treatment can't keep up with the rhythm at all. Happy shouldn't let this newcomer with no commanding experience lead the duel."

Li Yibo felt that he had seen through the situation, but he hadn't finished his words for a long time. The development of the situation has been completely opposite to what he expected. An Wenyi's treatment became more and more stable, but Zhang Jiaxing was in a hurry.

"Wait, why is it Zhang Jiaxing who is busy in such a situation? Wait, this is just the beginning. Tang Yin's hand speed has already broken 450!" At this time, Pan Sen suddenly found a problem. On top of the player's hand speed and other data, Tang Yin's 450's hand speed now appears at the highest point. And this number is still increasing with the retirement of time, and it has already broken five hundred in a short period of time!

"Is this the case?" It was Li Yibo who also found out that the situation was wrong, why is it the Thunder Team that is being suppressed now?

"Everyone keep the rhythm, don't mess up, find opportunities to support!" This is Lei Ting's one person finally, but he is only Lei Ting's elemental mage Dai Yanqi, there is no way that the two captains around her are crushed by the other's two captains. There is no time to type at all. She didn't even have the ability to speak distractedly. She just said it, but Xiao Shiqin said it very hastily. It was too late to even shout, so she could only speak.

But because there are headphones, and the game needs to listen to the voice of the opponent's skills, the sound in the sound headphones is adjusted to the maximum. She also listened twice before she could hear what her captain said. And at this moment, they also realized the feeling of Yu Wenzhou at the beginning, and they didn't have time to type. If you want to simply shout, you won't be able to notify your teammates a little further away.

That's right, Xiao Shiqin is Thunder's strongest point, but in Tang Yin's view, he is also Thunder's biggest flaw!

Tang Yin, whose hand speed has already broken 600, still has time to type a word and jokes: "Oh? How to arrange it so that you can pull it? Don't have time to type?" Tang Yin is still bullying others with his own hand speed. , which perfectly interprets what it means to be fast. You can really do whatever you want.

At this moment, Li Yibo's face was swollen, and only then did he realize that Tang Yin's command was not reckless or sloppy.

But at this moment, the audience didn't have time to pay attention to Li Yibo who was slapped in the face. To be precise, they didn't know how to express their current feelings for a while.

So Xiao Shiqin is... getting retribution, right?

After all, when they fought against Blue Rain before, they also bullied their captain for being slow. Deliberately making frequent tactical changes to defeat Blue Rain in the end.

And now Tang Yin is equivalent to teaching in person, telling Blue Rain Thunder how to break this tactic.

Don't you play a lot? Are you not playing complicated? You can't do it directly with your hands, which are definitely suppressed by hand speed. I think you can fight me. Is the life value to command?

In the end, Tang Yin also asked this question, and his current hand speed has reached 650 under the shocked expression of the audience. And Tang Yin is completely motionless because of his own skills, but his heart skills circulate. But Xiao Shiqin can't do it, not to mention that his hand speed can't catch up with Tang Yin, and he doesn't have that many skills, but in the face of Tang Yin's attack, he can't stop at all. Not to mention command typing.

Without Xiao Shiqin's command of the Thunder, the attack quality and the attack quality in previous games dropped significantly. In contrast, although An Wenyi is still Happy's weak point, he has never slackened his practice since he joined Happy. Even if his talent is limited, he has grown up for a year and a half now, don't forget it. Our An Wenyi is not mediocre!

In this regard, the Thunder has been proud of the tactics since the beginning of the season. It was broken in Tang Yin's hands!

The audience who reacted at this moment gave their warmest applause. And now An Wenyi can stabilize the situation. After all, the lineup of the player to heal Happy is above Thunder. Tang Yin, Ye Xiu, and Su Mucheng's opponents are almost irrelevant. .uukanshu.com occasionally throws a supporting skill when she has time, as long as she pays attention to Tang Rou, and now Tang Rou is in an advantageous position. And the reason is very simple, while Tang Yin and Ye Xiu are pressing their respective opponents to fight, they can still give Zhang Jiaxing a cold one every few seconds. Tang Yin even has a variety of robots. After using it, the target is set on Zhang Jiaxing, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

And the result is that Zhang Jiaxing is busy now, and it is still the kind that can't stop at all.

"The captain must be saved!" Dai Yanqi said on their team channel.

After all, Xiao Shiqin is their core, but now his captain doesn't even have the space to type a word.

"Cheng Tai, you support." Fang Xuecai resisted Ye Xiu's wave of damage and typed, but he didn't have time to type. Now that he and Xiao Shiqin wanted to type, they had to exchange their health points. But Xiao Shiqin and the others had to save them, and this was also Tang Yin's plan, and it was the most common in team battles, with all-star players one-to-two.

Wouldn't anyone think that Tang Yin's inappropriate behavior was only aimed at Xiao Shiqin? Tang Yin's tactical policy this time has always been that when others have stars, he plays tactics with them; when others play tactics, you play stars with others. After being able to do whatever you want with fast hands, Tang Yin once again told everyone that all-stars can do whatever they want!


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