Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1224: Debut is the pinnacle!

The post-match handshake was followed by the press conference, and now Xiao Shiqin was helpless when he saw the impatient reporters under the stage. He knew that today he was destined not to have a good time.

But they have done a good job this season, and they have received a lot of praise and recognition during the period. So although the current situation is a bit embarrassing, it is not impossible to face.

Continue to work hard! Before taking the stage, Xiao Shiqin cheered himself up again, walked out of the swimming lane, sat on his main body, stood up straight, and faced all the media's questions.

The sixteenth game of the league is over, and some people who like to do some weird statistics quickly discovered a funny similarity. In the ninth round, the Thunder lost the team game, and there were five 10-0 at a time. The terrifying score, and this time their Thunder team missed again, and this time, there were 4 10-0 in this round of the game.

What's happening here? Is the Thunder's team game actually a bellwether? But he didn't dare to do anything, some boring people still gave Thunder this title.

And this time, the teams that won 10-0 were Samsara, Tyranny, Blue Rain, and Wind Howl. Among them, Blue Rain and Wind Howl were the teams with poor results during this period. This time 10-0, they responded to a lot of boring questions. As for Samsara, after he won 10-1, he led Happy again in the 10-1 game, and as for the total points, he was still in the lead.

The other giants also performed well in this round. Hundred Blossoms, Void, Misty Rain, Tiny Herb, and even Magic all won this round. And this time, it was a big victory for the home team, and all ten games were won by the home team. And the outcome of this game is also in line with the paper strength in the minds of the players. It can be said that there were no surprises and upsets in this round. Of course, this premise is that Happy's victory over Thunder is not unexpected.

And now Happy's total points had reached 115, ranking fourth in the leaderboard, taking the place of Thunder. The Thunder that they defeated this time was the only team that lost in the playoffs, and this time it went directly from fourth place to sixth place. Total points are now 105

The fifth place right now is Blue Rain, who scored 10 points in this round. Tyranny and Wei Chen had the same score, but this round helped them sort out the order. Grass third.

And Tyranny, a team that had been subjected to all kinds of public opinion at the beginning of the season, has also completely rectified their name this time. The argument dissipated after they moved to the second place. And Samsara is as strong as ever, even saying that this season they have taken the lead to make others ignore their existence.

The competition in the playoffs that everyone is concerned about, Samsara was subconsciously stripped out by them. It can be said that apart from the fans of Samsara, most players pay more attention to the battles of other teams. Among them, there was no strong domineering like last season at the beginning of the game, but it returned again in the middle of the season, and winning the second place after Samsara was the focus of everyone's attention.

After this competition, how did Tyranny catch up, or even surpass? It seems that not long ago everyone was still wondering whether he could make the playoffs this season, but in the blink of an eye, they were already in second place in the standings.

What was Tyranny's performance during this period of time?

After this problem came up, many people found that theirs had no effect at all. In the end, the impact on Tyranny seemed to be that they increased their rotation mechanism, and even Han Wenqing was in the rotation position. I remember when their grades were very inconsistent. But it doesn't matter when they start scoring streaks.

Just like every Tyranny's victory, there are more popular things that make them less concerned about them. And it was under such circumstances that Tyranny had quietly rushed to the second position.

As for Tyranny's silent calmness, many people felt terrified. Although it is said that most of Tyranny's main players are veterans, they are not yet to the point where they can be ignored!

But no matter what, this round of playoffs has not changed much, no one rushed in, and no one fell. Wind Howl and Hundred Blossoms sit fairly firmly in the seventh and eighth positions.

Even if Team Misty Rain has been chasing after this period of time, they are still 3 points away from Baihua. Not to mention, there are still 301 in the void after that. One is 82 points and the other is 81 points. They are still two digits away from the playoffs. .

Afterwards, the surprising thing is the Magic Team. After the end of this round, their ranking came to 13th. As far as a team that is new to the league is concerned, such a result is already very good. You must know that last season, Yi Zhan, which attracted much attention because of Ye Xiu, didn't have such good results at that time. And when everyone praised the prospects of Team Magic, they even forgot that another new team that also entered the league this year is now in the playoffs.

From this, it could be seen that in Happy, with Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, Zhang Jiale, all-star-level gods in charge, no one was looking at him as a rookie team. Not to mention Tang Yin, who is now giving each major team a new experience of the rookie wall~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the most dazzling rookie in this round is also the rookie who allows the major teams to experience the rookie wall again. Even the front page headline of the e-sports weekly newspaper after that was Tang Yin. The reason is very simple, a rookie who has just debuted, but has the strength to play a one-on-two even against the fighting God One Autumn Leaf, the King of Fighters in the desert, the Sword Saint Ye Yu, and the magician Wang Jiexi. Now you tell me again, he just ended the season with a very strong Thunder streak in the team game. If such a genius is not qualified to be a front page headline, who has?

Don't forget, even Zhou Zekai, the current number one Glory player, was defeated by him in the past!

And Tang Yin did exactly as Wang Jiexi and Huang Shaotian had expected, his debut was the pinnacle!

For this season alone, even Zhou Zekai or the returning Ye Xiu. Neither has made as many headlines as the rookie. Or rather the young man from his first appearance at the All-Star Game. It didn't disappear from everyone's sight anymore.

This is also what makes everyone look forward to Tang Yin's future performance. A man with strong personal strength and commanding ability comparable to a tactician. If he is not proficient in all occupations, some people even think that he will be the next Ye Xiu!


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