Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1237: none of 1

While many people were still watching the players on the competition stage speculating, there was already a huge wave of waves. You must know that this is the home of Tyranny, and the players who come here are also local fans, mainly Tyranny. And here, Tyranny fans are an absolutely huge part, and now there are only Tyranny fans who have such momentum.

In this way, the final answer was revealed in the cry of Tyranny fans.

The desert is solitary, the stone does not turn.

That's right, although the manipulator of Shifuzhuan has changed the roster role, it has not changed. Both characters have been All-Stars from the beginning of the league all the way to the present. They never separated.

After all, it is the strongest combination of the home team, and the finale is very effective. It directly brings the atmosphere of the scene to the peak.

In the picture on the big screen, the King of Fighters Desert Guyan is as always moving forward without the slightest retreat, and it will remain unchanged for ten years. Because there is always a figure beside him to assist him, the stone does not turn. It is precisely because of him that Da Mo Guyan can charge forward so recklessly!

ten years…

This has too many classic influences on the composition, and the highlights are suitable for appearing on the big screen. Highlights are far above any pair combination in length. Because they have this capital. From the early days of the alliance, until now, these two characters have almost become a symbol of the Tyranny team, and this is something that no other team has ever had. Not even Excellent Era, who once built a dynasty.

And those old Glory fans who had followed Tyranny for ten years were completely unable to suppress their emotions at this moment.

******! What is Tyranny doing! Sensational? This shouldn't be their Tyranny's style! Since it's going to make us cry, no, absolutely not allowed! Tyranny's heroes shouldn't cry, tears are too ugly and not suitable for us Tyranny!

This was the voice of the Tyranny fans at the scene.

"As always, ten years of glory, turbulent, ten years of combination. We all know that characters can always be with us, but players will one day leave us. But we have such a player in Tyranny. He leads Tyranny. Tu has reached one peak after another, and it is he who has continued to lead us Tyranny for ten years. The first season began, followed by the second season, the third season, the fourth season, and finally to the tenth selection. This season, he has been standing here, standing on the peak of glory, and this person is not one, he is the only one, tell me, who is he?!"

"Han Wenqing!!" At this moment, the audience boiled again, and at this moment, Tyranny's fans almost shouted in a roaring manner. That's right, that person is Han Wenqing! To be eligible for such an honorable choice, Han Wenqing was the only one in the entire alliance. Originally, his old rival Ye Xiu was considered an opponent, but this guy didn't retire in the middle of it, and it took a full year and a half after that.

Therefore, only Han Wenqing can meet these conditions. Without one, he is the only one!

Han Wenqing not only persisted on the field for ten years, but even more difficult is that in these ten years, even now, he is still the top strength in the league. Even if the years have begun to erode his operations, delaying his response. But it can never weaken his will, and the wear and tear of his thoughts will only make his will tougher. And this is Han Wenqing, the operator of Desert Guyan for ten years, and the captain of Tyranny's team for ten years!

And now Han Wenqing has come to the middle of the stage without making a sound, and the character of the desert is also directly projected to his side. From this moment, the whole process started to quiet down, everyone is looking forward to them, looking forward to their Captain Han Wenqing, a fighter of ten years of glory, can say something at this time.

But Han Wenqing didn't say anything, and saw that Han Wenqing directly declined the microphone handed over by the emcee. He didn't say much, but turned his head to look at Da Mo Guyan, his ten-year partner standing proudly beside him.

A character who has been fighting with him for ten years, now standing by his side like this, even Han Wenqing can very well experience this feeling. Pat the illusory shoulder of Desert Lone Smoke. Then his eyes became firm again, and he clenched his right hand tightly and raised it above his head. Facing the fans in the audience, the players and even the audience in front of the TV team, they did not exert any force, but they waved them very firmly.

Han Wenqing didn't say anything at all, but he seemed to have said everything.

I'm still standing on this stage with my fist clenched, and that's enough! Enough to explain everything, to prove everything!

The Tyranny fans used their warmest voices to respond to their captain's actions again. At this time, Tyranny's vice-captain Zhang Xinjie also walked to the stage. Every step was calculated precisely by him. The difference between each step was indistinguishable with the naked eye. Standing precisely beside Han Wenqing.

Although he is not the first-generation operator of Shibuzhuan, Que is the one who has been with Han Wenqing for the longest time. After all, the players can't keep fighting like the characters. From this point of view, the first-generation players who go out and bring the characters into the team are the first-generation players. A player that is very far in the past for today's players. But although it is very far away, their spirit and will are still in their roles, which will be passed on by the next generation of operators.

Captain Lian Wei stood on the stage together, raising his clenched fist. This moment is full of boiling, this moment, this action is worth a thousand words!

The applause at the scene was now continuous, and no one would care about Tyranny relying on his own playing advantage to greatly highlight their All-Star players. The reason is very simple, because he is Han Wenqing, and no one is more suitable to be the protagonist than him in the all-star celebration for the tenth anniversary of Glory. And he is also the only player who has experienced time and glory. At this moment, he is even on the team of Tyranny!

The applause didn't stop for a long time, but Tyranny couldn't really arrange Han Wenqing's special session here. After that, he arranged for players from other teams to appear again this time. There were also some invited team mascots on stage. The one that caught everyone's attention was a large dog, which looked a bit mighty and domineering under the special effects of the lights, so he came to Han Wenqing's side with his dog leash in his mouth. .

When Tang Yin saw it, he began to admire Tyranny's lighting engineer. After all, not everyone can make such a naive Alaska look so handsome. That's right, an Alaska!


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