Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1272: First fight!

"We won't think of you as shameless. We Tiny Herb are talking about teamwork and skills. That's why... our results in the ring competition are so good." Wang Jiexi also showed his fox tail at this time. , This guy wants to directly arrange himself and his teammates directly into the ring match. After all, he is also lazy to let his team members play the hardest team game.

If Ye Xiu came up naked and chose a position for himself, Wang Jiexi just wanted to fill the most troublesome team matches first. After that, he and his team members will be able to enter the single game logically.

But Tang Yin immediately became uneasy when he heard it, he was going to grab a position with him! Said: "I will win you two by one!" After all, Tiny Herb lost to Tang Yin in the ring match this season...and it was really a two by one...

Ye Xiu thought for a while, then suddenly said to everyone, "Then it's such a pleasant decision, let's do the individual competition, two Tiny Herbs in the ring, and Xiaoyin Shoulei, so Tiny Herb sends another person to the team competition, it's not a good idea. Just right?"

And the rest are naturally the two from Tyranny, the two from Hundred Flowers, and the last one from Li Hua from Misty Rain.

"Let's discuss some of the next lineups!" said Zhang Xinjie, Tyranny's deputy. He ignored Tang Yin's previous argument and said calmly.

"Hey, you guy, you have to have a limit for ignoring us!" Tang Yin said dissatisfiedly.

"This is Tyranny!" Zhang Xinjie said the cruelest truth lightly.

Here is Tyranny.

The rest of the people also understood what Zhang Xinjie meant. Indeed, even many people with obsessive-compulsive disorder like him really like to play this kind of exhibition match, and this single number is Tyranny's appearance. Han Wenqing and Zhang Xinjie are absolutely impossible to demolish their own stage, and even their own mission is to make this All-Star match more exciting, so they will never agree to arrangements like Ye Xiu and the others who are just trying to save their own troubles.

And without their consent, they can change it back with just one sentence, after all, this is their appearance.

"It would be great if I could go to A..." Ye Xiu said helplessly. After all, this was a decision made by the opponent. Even Tang Yin's luck couldn't interfere.

Ye Xiu's sigh caused everyone to squint. After all, although everyone didn't like exhibition competitions, your performance was too obvious. It's not an exaggeration to say that it was deliberately demolishing the stage.

Tang Yin was also very depressed. After all, the host, he couldn't say anything. But there are also many influences, such as Ye Xiu.

Ye Xiu continued, "Since this is the case, let's make a more domineering arrangement. We're like this..."

Everyone watched Ye Xiu finish talking about his new plan, and sometimes everyone had all kinds of strange expressions.

"Uh... It turns out that Lao Ye is here to demolish the platform. But I like this idea very much, hehe." Tang Yin said.

"Hmm, definitely intentionally demolishing the stage!" Chu Yunxiu also said.

"That's not very easy..." Yu Feng also said hesitantly.

"Don't say that, what are you afraid of? I'm not afraid of a rookie in my deputy team. Young people should have some confidence in themselves." Ye Xiu laughed.


This word is really not suitable for these people in front of them. After all, these people are not the top players in the league, and the people they are afraid of really do not exist. But this is a matter to be decided after all, use Han Wenqing and Zhang Xinjie, who are all looking at them. After all, this is their home ground, and it is up to them to make a decision in the end.

"That's it!" Han Wenqing said with a very bold slap on the floor.

In the All-Star Game, there is another difference from the regular game. It's just that the time is not so strict. There are referees who go to their various teams to confirm, and the game will not start until both sides have discussed it. After a period of confirmation, both parties have confirmed it.

"Next is our first individual match. We will invite the starters from both sides!" The host said again and again, looking at both teams. After all, that's a feature of today. Neither player will be disclosed in advance, until the game begins to reveal the answer. So even he, the host, doesn't know which player will play in the first game.

Team A played Lv Boyuan, a judo player from Team Samsara. This arrangement is equivalent to telling everyone that the Samsara team will not all enter the team competition to cooperate.

And the starter of the competition team was Chu Yunxiu, who had already won a spot in the singles match.

Everyone has some surprises when they see Chu Yunxiu playing in the starting lineup. After all, for a **** like Chu Yunxiu, the most suitable position should be in the team competition, but this is the All-Star. The most important thing is strong players, since this arrangement must have its purpose. And this also makes the audience more curious about the lineup of the next B pair.


"Uh... Team Chu, do you want to be so ruthless as an All-Star?" Lu Boyuan, who was bombarded by Chu Yunxiu in various ways throughout the entire process, even had difficulty getting close, said a little depressed. No way, such an exhibition match was simply touching the seal of Chu Yunxiu, and all kinds of bombardments were not interrupted. An elemental mage who needed to sing abruptly blasted the gunner's attack rating.

A perfect interpretation of what is called: explosion is art. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Up to now, Lu Boyuan's ears are still buzzing.

"Is there? I think it's okay, I had a great time playing this game." Chu Yunxiu said with a smile.

Lu Boyuan: "..." Of course you banged it up! Have the ability to get me close!

And for Chu Yunxiu's outbreak, the audience watched with enthusiasm. All kinds of cheers one after another! Show the popularity of this Chu Yunxiu Glory's first female contestant!

A refreshing game like Chu Yunxiu's has always been well received by everyone. Not a lot of what an overwhelming game though. But Chu Yunxiu is indeed in the upper hand, showing his strength at the level of a great god.

What's more, Chu Yunxiu is not only an excellent player with hard power, but also a goddess-level figure who is considered to be online. The audience naturally prefers her. Even if this is not the home of Tyranny, Chu Yunxiu's victory still ignited the audience. , got off to a good start for the All-Star Game.

Moreover, B was Tyranny's home court after all, so of course they would prefer the team with their own team. The only thing that made them uncomfortable was the addition of Ye Xiu in Team B...

However, there is another Ye Xiu in Team B...

"It's really a rat porridge that ruined a pot of porridge!" This was the truest thought of the Tyranny fans at the scene.


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