Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1313: howling combination

There is an ambush!

Everyone in Wind Howl immediately realized the problem. The attack just now was not from Tang Yin, but from Ye Xiu. And Ye Xiu was just a bait. As for Happy's others, it was estimated that they had already been mixed into the various bunkers of debris on the scene.

But so what? The Wu Howl people had no intention of retreating at all, and continued their charge.

Because the other party can set up an ambush in this place so quickly, it can only explain one point, the other party did not bring treatment!

This judgment is very reasonable. After all, they are already sprinting with all their strength, but it is cool that they are still one step slower than the other party, and the other party is not only faster than them, but also lays traps and bait ahead of time. There is a possibility that they will be a drag. Team movement speed priests changed.

And an ambush without a healing team, they really can't think of anything to be afraid of.

Wind Howl captain Tang Hao thought of it this way. It was precisely because of this that he had no intention of slowing down the formation at all. On the contrary, the current Liu Hao has doubts. After all, Ye Xiu, the former deputy team, knows how much he knows best. Yes, he wants them to be slower and more cautious. But after seeing Tang Hao's firm look beside him, he stopped thinking too much. Go at the rhythm that the captain wanted, and at this moment, a flame swirled and fell from their formation.

The Wind Howl people recognized this skill at the first sight of this Mars, and it was the front rocking of the thermal missile.

"Hide!" Liu Hao yelled and beat, not only shouted out, but also worried that someone didn't hear it clearly on the public channel, and his own character, Dark Sun, ran out of the attack range of the heat-sensing missile for the first time.

But at this moment, Tang Hao directly raised his arm, and threw the brick in his hand at the spark that was like a lighter. And it turns out that hitting this target is obviously much easier than hitting a neutron bomb. The lighter of this thermal missile was hit to the side by a brick.

The other characters of Wind Howl still didn't do anything, only Liu Hao left in the dark and rushed back, but now he was embarrassed and a little blush, but even so he didn't forget to say on the public channel: "Captain Prestige."

"Don't talk nonsense when you have time, isn't it good to play more characters?" As a result, just after Liu Hao finished complimenting him, Ye Xiu said it directly on the public channel.

Ye Xiu's words, Liu Hao said that the corners of his eyes twitched, and now some of the old fans of Excellent Era, seeing this scene, suddenly had a sense that the two were still a team.

There was no comparison. Although Ye Xiu and Liu Hao were both fighting hard for their respective teams, their communication on the public channel was the same as when the two were still in Excellent Era together.

And Liu Hao would never be a gamer, Ye Xiu was cold and disgusted in disguise in the face of his kind compliments.

What's wrong with complimenting some of your teammates' beautiful performances, it can also boost morale at certain times, at least what Liu Hao thinks, but Ye Xiu always remembered that he praised too much.

There are too many, and compliments are also a form of encouragement. This kind of thing, how can the party think too much, and besides, there are many people who waste time typing to encourage the other party regardless of the situation. He doesn't think that just typing a few words to praise others will affect the operation, and there will be a fake neutral.

But even so, Ye Xiu often said that he wasn't focused enough.

That's right, lack of concentration was one of the things that Ye Xiu used to train him the most. It can be said that he was just an ordinary member of Excellent Era, and he was trained until Ye Xiu, the vice-captain, retired.

"You're still too soft-hearted, but does what you say make sense?" On the other hand, Tang Yin said something that Liu Hao absolutely did not understand.

That's right, in Tang Yin's opinion, Ye Xiu was too soft-hearted. Even if Liu Hao had done such a great job, he still wanted to remind him when he saw that the other party was still making the same mistakes as before.

There is nothing wrong with complimenting and encouraging teammates, but if you can't speak to Zhang, you can just say this kind of compliment directly. However, if you put a lot of effort into typing, you may make fatal mistakes in the ever-changing situation of team battles. What's more, when most of the opponent's team members are ambushing you.

It's a pity that as Tang Yin said, Ye Xiu pointed it out intentionally, but the other party still wouldn't listen, and even regarded this sentence as a **** that mocked him...

Facts have also proved this. Liu Hao looked at the message sent by Ye Xiu and thought to himself, "If you have time to talk nonsense, wouldn't it be better to play more characters?"

The more he thinks about this sentence, the more angry he is. This sentence does not affect the operation because of these words. What do you want me to do?

Now Liu Hao is really getting angry the more he thinks about it, he directly controls the character to kill Ye Xiu. You must know that Liu Hao is a person who can control his emotions very well, but it's like everyone has a scale in their heart that can't be touched. Ye Xiu's words directly evoked all of Liu Hao's wounds over the years.

In the past, he could only endure these emotions secretly, but now he will use his strength to fight back all of Ye Xiu's prejudices. He just wanted to tell Ye Xiu that if he didn't do it or not, there would be no critical situation.

Earth Split Wave Sword!

Liu Hao swung a sword directly at Ye Xiu, and the powerful wave of sword energy directly smashed all the stalls in front of him. And Liu Hao stepped on the ruins and killed Ye Xiu.

Tang Sanda and Ghostly Suspicion, the two strongest Whistling characters, followed Liu Hao to kill them immediately.

Although they are still rogues and thieves, the two sides are no longer partners.

Although the Glory Alliance does not have a clear definition of partners, after many years of selection, the so-called partners are generally the most tacit core players in the team. Only their cooperation with Howl, and there are obvious outstanding effects will be included. selection.

But now Wind Howl only has Tang Hao as the silver core, and Gui Shen Su's position in the team is getting weaker and weaker, but now the thief is no longer the core of the Wind Howl team, and now standing beside Tang Hao, can give Who was he helping the most?

Flame Wave Sword!

Liu Hao waved a wave of flames again, and in an instant, all the obstacles in front of him were cleared away, and the continuous use of skills also inevitably slowed down Liu Hao's character. At this moment, Tang Hao passed him and stepped on it. Liu Hao charged at Ye Xiu from the wave of the flame wave sword that Liu Hao just swung!

Nice cover. This is the thought that came together in the minds of everyone who saw this scene!


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