Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1330: An Wenyi who is anxious

It's important to be able to do a single debug, because the difference is so great. If they can, they will consume at most two or three materials at a time, which is still within their controllable range, but if they can't, it will be very depressing.

After all, it proves that every failure requires the entire weapon to be remade, and the material of the laugh is a terrible number. That's the rhythm of doing everything all over again. Therefore, if a single fine-tuning can be performed, it is only to replace some parts. If you try one by one, the consumption of materials between the two is simply the gap between heaven and earth!

"I can't..." But Guan Rongfei gave Ye Xiu an answer he didn't want to hear.

Ye Xiu could only sigh when he heard Guan Rongfei's words. There was no way that the materials they would research for their weapons would be rank 75 rare materials. If they all failed, even their Happy Guild would not be able to afford it. After all, other people's equipment needs to be studied now. Although Happy's equipment was pretty good now, it wasn't the limit.

Rather than consuming so many materials on their weapons, it is better to use the materials on other equipment. After all, it is Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's strength, and the attributes of their weapons and equipment are enough for them to run rampant in the alliance.

So Ye Xiu decided to suspend the research on the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella and the Phantom God.

As a result, Ye Xiu finally made up his mind. When he was about to talk to Guan Rongfei, Guan Rongfei took the lead and said, "The next part of the challenge is mainly to consume these three materials." Fei sent Tang Yin and Ye Xiu a screenshot of the required materials.

This time it wasn't Ye Xiu, even Tang Yin's determination was finally wiped out at once, because the next three rare materials were also very precious, but they didn't seem to be unable to persevere when they gritted their teeth. Compared with their weapons as a whole, In terms of materials consumed, this is already quite acceptable.

In the end, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu looked at each other, and they could only clear up their complicated feelings and continue to cheer Guan Rongfei.

"By the way, after changing the weapons of the two of you, do you want to stack the other weapons of our team at level 80?" Guan Rongfei suddenly said excitedly. At this time, Guan Rongfei's interest seemed to change from The Thousand Manifestations Umbrella was removed from the phantom **** and spread to the other equipment of his own team.

"Um... Didn't I say before that the types of materials required for other equipment are too few to complete?" Tang Yin asked curiously, he still remembered that the reason why he chose the weapons of the two of them was because of his weapons. The materials required are much more than those required to run normal weapons.

"Technical reasons can always be broken through." Guan Rongfei said very spontaneously.

"But even if we can make breakthroughs in technology, can our materials support such a burden?" Ye Xiu also asked. After all, Tang Yin's material quantity is comparable to the sum of the three major guilds. Level seventy-five is the level cap that was only opened last year. Although their wild map gains in seventy-five are very good, they can't tell how ho-ho they are.

"I'll make a list of the materials I need as soon as possible, and wait for you to hand it over to Wu Chen." Guan Rongfei, as always, said nothing to Ye Xiu.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Tang Yin said anxiously this time "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i´m thinking we can take it step by step."

"All level 80 equipment appears in this era when the upper limit is level 75. Thinking about it, it's very powerful?" Chen Guo, who had just appeared, also heard Guan Rongfei's words.

"Boss, calm down." Ye Xiu called out immediately, his own boss's thoughts were already flying. Cheng Yaojin, who was worried about the sudden killing halfway, did not know the concept. You must know that even with Tang Yin's legacy, they couldn't withstand such a large-scale high-end development. Therefore, it is appropriate to reduce Guan Rongfei's work enthusiasm at this time.

No way, the current Guan Rongfei is not very rational at first glance.

But when Ye Xiu was about to convince Chen Guo, he found that Chen Guo seemed to have just finished drinking, with a wine glass in her hand, and her expression was also confused.

Well, the boss was directly drunk, let alone trying to persuade him.

The seven-day holiday of the Spring Festival passed quickly, and the players who lost in the major stations also began to return to the team one after another. Compared with other occupations, they can slowly enter the working state after the holiday, but their occupations are completely different from the players at the first time. The challenge of state, because they are about to usher in the twentieth round.

The members of Team Happy also returned to the team intermittently on the sixth day of January 28th. And An Wenyi got it the first time he returned to the team. Chen Guo took over from Ye Xiu's hand with a new look of ice cold.

An Wenyi knew very well that he was Happy's shortcoming. It has always been a tactical breakthrough for other teams. To this end, Happy created a lot of tactics around him. So even he himself admitted that his existence did seem like a burden to Happy.

And he also knew that the outside world had never stopped questioning Happy's treatment. These An Wenyi also know that no matter how rational he is, as a newcomer, facing these pressures is really great. But he still persevered.

An Wenyi also knew that Happy didn't choose him because of his talent, but that Happy didn't have any better choices at the time. That's why he trains harder and harder, and he hopes that he can rely on these trainings to gain something.

And this holiday was the most uneasy one An Wenyi had ever had, because Happy chose him as a helpless move, but now with Happy's performance, he could recruit a new priest to replace him once and for all.

His reason also told him that this was Happy's best choice, so when the winter transfer period started, he was always worried. But the team didn't do much until spring break. But even so, one night after returning home, he still had a nightmare. The content of the nightmare was that Chen Guo told him that the team had a new priest to replace him. The reason why he told him now was to want him to have a good year.

An Wenyi was immediately woken up by the fright, but after waking up, he found out that "I want you to have a good year" is quite in line with Chen Guo's style. Use high-intensity training to keep yourself from thinking.

This kind of apprehension continued until he returned to the team, and Chen Guo shoved his little hand coldly into his...


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