Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1335: Still unresolved voice issues

Chapter 1365 Still unresolved voice problems (please subscribe, please recommend)

"There is actually no doubt about this, after all, the current definition of the league's winning streak is simply winning continuously, even if you just don't play a game, or because you are in a bad state after defeating an opponent, you are facing the second place in the ring. If one is defeated, it is still a failure, as long as there is an interruption or a defeat, even if the victory continues after that, it can only be said to be a complete victory, but it cannot be said to be a winning streak." Li Yibo said.

"Instructor Li, do you think God Ye Xiu can continue his winning streak in the face of Samsara again?" Pan Lin asked.

"It's hard to say if it won't be interrupted. After all, Ye Xiu shouldn't give up the single match. After all, his winning streak is the guarantee of Happy's morale," Li Yibo said.

"In other words, the pressure is on Samsara's side. Seeing that they are planning to deal with Ye Xiu like this, are they directly letting one of their two cores fight against Ye Xiu, trying to end Ye Xiu's winning streak?" Pan Lin continued with his own questions.

"It's really hard to say, it mainly depends on the wishes of the Samsara team, whether they want to choose to face Ye Xiu directly. But even if they choose to face Ye Xiu directly, it should not be Zhou Zekai who will fight with him. Most likely it is Sun Xiang who volunteered to fight. ." Li Yibo said, but he didn't talk too much.

"With that said, we are looking forward to this game even more." The guessing show between the two ended.

"Okay, both sides show that they are ready, and the game is about to start." Pan Lin saw that the referee finally began to signal the players from both sides to prepare to play.

"Let's take a look first. Who is Happy's first match?" Pan Lin shouted, and the director's camera turned to Happy's player seat.

"Ye Xiu, Happy's first match player this time is still Ye Xiu!!" Pan Lin said in a very high tone.

On Team Happy's player seat, Ye Xiu had already stood up to the warm applause of the audience. Turning around and waving to the audience behind him, he walked directly to the competition seats.

"Xingxin's side is still Ye Xiu, so who will Samsara play?" Pan Lin continued what he had just said, and the camera had already cut to the Samsara player's seat.

At this time, Samsara was the first player who had already stepped out of the player seat.

"This is... Jiang Botao..." Pan Lin looked at Li Yibo, who was also depressed. After all, this time Happy didn't slap them in the face, but Samsara came to them out of nowhere. Now, whether it's Zhou Zekai here in Samsara? Sun Xiang? They didn't play, but directly dispatched their team's vice-captain, Magic Swordsman player Jiang Botao.

"Looking at this rhythm, Samsara didn't pay too much attention to Ye Xiu. He didn't care too much about his winning streak. You must know that Jiang Botao has never played in the starting lineup this season, but today he played directly. Maybe Samsara I didn't pay too much attention to what we were concerned about. But since the vice-captain is on the field, there must be some plan or attention, but I just don't know how to play the next game of Samsara." Li Yibo lightly brushed aside his mistakes.

Players from both sides entered the battle seats one after another, and the game started quickly. Since it was Happy's home court, Ye Xiu's map was chosen by Ye Xiu this time, and Ye Xiu's battle map was as simple as ever. It is still the kind of map that is most suitable for both sides of the bar.

Speaking of which, it's actually pretty incredible. After all, for a veteran, his experience is one of his most advantageous weapons, and map selection is an advantage that can maximize their weapon. But in Ye Xiu's case, it was completely different. He simply chose the simplest and crudest picture because of the unfamiliarity of the major teams with his weapons and style of play. But it is such a simple and rude play, but no one can stop him.

This time, Samsara challenged Happy, and it could be said that there were a lot of topics. After all, Happy had a series of swept-point stances before. The momentum is catching up with Samsara, and even the ten-to-zero record is one more than Samsara, and Samsara Sun Xiang and Ye Xiu have such a deep relationship. And now who is the real "gun king" between Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai is also a topic of frequent debate.

But Samsara did not make these topical characters meet, but chose to let Jiang Botao start. They are also not sure whether this is a normal sequence arrangement in Samsara, or a tactic, and what special arrangement is there.

The characters of both sides began to load, and the map was as clear as ever. There was nothing worth noting, just hit it.

"Senior Ye Xiu, you have been winning streaks like this, our juniors are under a lot of pressure, don't you plan to give our juniors some opportunities to surpass?" Jiang Botao said on the public channel.

Regarding the matter of voice, the alliance is still discussing, but so far there is still no discussion. So now. The game remains the same.

Actually, as far as this goes, it's not the rules that matter to the league. Do you want to know why you even chose to ban languages ​​in the first place? That's not for the convenience of broadcasting.

After all, as long as the players cannot communicate verbally, they must rely on text communication. Then the audience can see the exchanges between the two players in the battle, as well as the tactical command. This is the main reason for banning languages.

But if you use language, it will not be so convenient to broadcast. If the channel is divided into two as in the game, one on each side of the two teams plus an announcement channel, what about the voice over there during the broadcast?

After the voice is indeed turned on, the communication between the players will indeed be complete, but it is also presented to the audience. It is impossible for the audience to see all the details of the command as clearly as before.

Take the current round as an example. In fact, the conversations between the players are all like Ike, but after they are all turned into voice, they can only be handed over to the director to switch. UU reading www.uukanshu.com and the result is doomed Many things will be missed.

So what is going to happen? The league and the broadcaster are still negotiating, but there is still no result, so the current game is still a text exchange.

"Of course!" Ye Xiu directly agreed with Jiang Botao's opinion, but the result surprised everyone a little, so he sent another message below: "As long as you are like my deputy team, there will be no competition in the ring. Lost. If you are lucky, you can play every time, so won't you be able to break it? After all, the ring match can be 1v3, so you can beat me in three matches." Ye Xiu said.

"Let's continue the game..." Jiang Botao didn't mean to talk trash, he just liked to chat with people, but he really couldn't take Ye Xiu's words.


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(End of this chapter)

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