Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1352: The scavenger's play

Of course, because of his three-axes situation, his attack and retreat also have a certain rhythm. When he hits three-axes, his attention can reach a very terrifying height in an instant, and during this period, His operation is comparable to that of a god-level player in terms of accuracy and efficiency, but after this time limit has passed, his state will experience a very obvious decline, and he may even perform some extremely substandard operations.

And this ability to greatly improve his concentration within a period of time is the reason why Mo Fan can perform operations at the level of a great **** within a period of time. But the funny thing is, this ability is like a skill with a CD on Mo Fan.

After clarifying this point, Ye Xiu also understood Mo Fan's situation. This is Mo Fan's characteristics and the origin of his style.

After that time, Ye Xiu didn't think about the plan to smooth out Mo Fan's habit, but worked with Tang Yin to create a training method that made the best use of the situation, so as to maximize his talent. The practice is actually very simple, which is to improve his organizational skills, thereby increasing his continuity in battle.

After all, when he was playing online games before, Mo Fan would always withdraw after picking up things. After this wave of three-axes, there was no need to fight. Of course, at that time, he didn't need to think too much about skill pairings. You can use whatever you want. Just throw out the skills you want to use directly. Anyway, the battle is over after the three axes, so there is no need to think about it at all.

But now it's different, now it's the game. After the three-pronged axe is over, the game can still continue, and even the end of the game is still early. At this time, after finishing the three-axes, Mo Fan would inexplicably fall into the embarrassing situation of not knowing what skills to use, or just not knowing what skills to use to continue to maintain this state.

But obviously such a state can never appear on the field of play.

And after Tang Yin and Ye Xiu's training, the current Mo Fan finally won't be so reckless when using the three-axle. And this improvement is huge for him, how huge is it?

The ninja who fought against Sun Xiang for the first time and was easily crushed by Sun Xiang all the way. Now we can rely on such an outbreak to fight against Sun Xiang.

So after Mo Fan and Sun Xiang were right a few times, it was no surprise that Tang Yin turned around and ran away. After all, Mo Fan is like this. After the outbreak, he needs to relax his attention and perform such continuous operations.

However, Mo Fan wanted to be a rookie, and of course Sun Xiang would not allow it. Although he didn't know why Mo Fan wanted to retreat, he still chose to attack.

But what Tang Yin and Ye Xiu didn't expect was that Mo Fan had just ended the outbreak and stopped for a while. In the next instant, a wave of explosions started again.

Earth-centered decapitation, annihilation, flame slash, back-body binding, forbearance?

Five consecutive skills, extreme combo bursts with almost abnormal concentration. Even Sun Xiang didn't have a solution. directly connected to the residual blood.

But is it too short a gap from his last outburst?

Speaking of which, neither Tang Yin nor Ye Xiu had calculated it. With such a highly focused outbreak, Mo Fan could hit it a few times in a game at most. It's also not very clear that after he has concentrated his perverted energy to explode once, the next time he continues to pervert, it will take more work.

But in terms of past experience and data, Mo Fan's outbreak is actually more like an overdraft. After each concentrated outbreak, it will lead to a period of mental laxity. And now Mo Fan has fired two bursts in succession. Although the purpose is very obvious, it is to take Sun Xiang away quickly and explode his own state, but how much of a burden will this bring to him?

"This guy is usually silent, but he really fights at this critical moment." Of course, everyone at Xingxin knew about this characteristic of Mo Fan. Although it wasn't as detailed as Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, they didn't know much about it. Every two or three days a team can fight. Let everyone get acquainted with each other. That's why Wei Chen was so surprised when he saw how close Mo Fan's second outbreak was to the first.

"How long can Mo Fan fight like this?" The so-called Happy's only conscience, Yifan was the first to start worrying about Mo Fan's situation.

But when he asked these words, everyone in Happy fell silent. There is no way, Mo Fan is usually too withdrawn, thinking about where his limit is in this situation, he will never tell others. Even the owner, Mucheng, didn't say much.

As for Mo Fan, who succeeded in the combo, even though Sun Xiang was already bleeding, he still did not continue to attack. Instead, a tumbling continued to hide.

After all, this is a ring match. He wants to ensure that he can enter the next round as much as possible. Anyway, there is time, so take your time.

But people who don't know Mo Fan are a little puzzled by this move. Not as good as the on-site commentary.

"Huh? Why didn't Mo Fan chase after the victory?" Pan Lin obviously had such an obvious advantage over Mo Fan, but he was very puzzled by his retreat after that. UU reading www. After all, uukanshu.com could take Sun Xiang directly with just a little more damage.

"Maybe it's because I don't have the confidence to kill it in seconds...Is it..." Li Yibo was also very puzzled about this.

"In this way, Mo Fan is a bit too conservative. It seems that he has not played too long a combo since this season, but with the explosion he just showed, I think he should be able to do better. , I personally think he is a bit too conservative." Pan Lin said.

"Uh...I guess it has something to do with his birth!" Li Yibo thought for a while and said.

"You mean scavengers, right?"

"Yes, after all, a good scavenger, his first point is the ability to protect himself! After all, if he can't protect himself, he still goes to scavenger like this, and even if he does, he may be exposed. Although the current Mo Fan is already A professional player, but as far as I know, he used to be quite active in online games. This cautious and conservative attitude was probably developed during that period, right?" Li Yibo explained.

What Li Yibo said really made sense, and that's how Mo Fan's consciousness and style of play were formed, but they obviously didn't notice the characteristics of Mo Fan's three-axle style of play. There is no team Mo Fan's style of play that comes with a CD.

But this is normal. After all, Mo Fan's playing times are very limited, and the positions he plays are also different.


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