Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1371: This...is there any reason for this?

Zhou Zekai's outbreak just now was very good, directly widening the gap in blood volume between him and Tang Yin. This is the difference brought about by the skill level, but because Tang Yin gradually improved his hand speed, the difference in life between the two was not a special change.

It can be seen from Zhou Zekai's outbreak that he was fully prepared for this outbreak. The style of play is somewhat similar to Tang Yin's play against Du Ming, except that one skill is not overdone. He also knew that his skills were not as good as Tang Yin's, so Zhou Zekai completely relied on super high precision to hit the burst.

It was also because of Zhou Zekai's terrifying precision that Pan Sen and Li Yibo felt that Zhou Zekai was so perverted that the game was over.

But Tang Yin's punch was a slap to pull them back to show.

"Friendship Po Yanquan!" Tang Yin's hand speed is already fast, even if it is an attack, he still has time to type.

That's right, along with adapting to Zhou Zekai's outbreak, Tang Yin's hand speed has also been pulled to over 650 by him.

The situation of the scene began to change with the outbreak of Tang Yin.

At the end of the day, Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai's operation and understanding of the roles are in the same place, and it is precisely because of this that no one can perfectly suppress the other's situation. The final identity can only rely on the other party's own advantages. Better use.

Just after the punch here, Tang Yin's hand had four holes in the vertical direction and three holes in the horizontal direction. A total of twelve empty rectangular special shotguns.

Shotgun: Use a portable shotgun to fire bullets to attack all enemies in a large area in front of you.

This is a level 20 skill of the ammunition expert, and the attack with a wider attack range also uses a strong knockback and stun effect. And now there is a stone pillar behind Zhou Zekai!

Zhou Zekai was extremely limited by Tang Yin's shotgun shot by a long-range block, and then continued his attack, but Tang Yin's attack was even faster!

The long-range block has just been released here, and the output is still continuing to Tang Yin, but a punch with a drill head hits the abdomen.

It was the mechanic's skill drill arm impact that directly bent Zhou Zekai's body.

And just as he bent down, what came from one side was a knee strike!

The two consecutive attacks directly caused Zhou Zekai's attack to miss, and they all swept to other places.

Zhou Zekai's body was kicked and kicked by Tang Yin's knee, and just as he was raised, a gun was already pointed at his forehead, giving him a headshot! With the stiffening effect of a headshot, Tang Yin's other gun was a floating bullet.

Tang Yin's successive attacks completely broke Zhou Zekai's archery and taijutsu that had amazed everyone a second ago.

Exclamation just now, praise. It seemed that every blow from Tang Yin was forced back into their mouths again.

And seeing this scene, Chen Guo was also very excited. It's hers after all, bro. Turning her eyes, she saw Tang Rou who was also happy.

Tang Rou also saw Chen Guo who was very excited now, and the two immediately hugged and cheered!

Who is the strongest among professional players has always been the focus of debate, but because there are too many emotions in it, most people think differently.

In Tang Rou's eyes, Tang Yin was the strongest, Ye Xiu was indeed very strong, but she remembered what Tang Yin said before. The two of them have an advantage. Tang Yin's advantage is his hand speed over Ye Xiu, and Ye Xiu has more experience in character battles and more flexible operations.

But Tang Yin said at the time that these were accumulated because Ye Xiu had been fighting in the professional circle for many years. But now Tang Yin has also entered the professional circle, that is, Ye Xiu's advantage is shrinking, but in terms of hand speed. Tang Yin is still strong. Although she thinks like this, there must be a lot of personal feelings mixed in, but she has never doubted Tang Yin's strength.

That's why when Chen Guo was very nervous when she saw that Tang Yin was similar, she was still very calm. Because she believed that Tang Yin would definitely win.

It's just that no matter how calm he is, there will still be a little worry, and Tang Yin's outbursts have completely relaxed Tang Rou.

During the game, Zhou Zekai, who was floated by Tang Yin, still did not intend to stop. Although there is no Tang Yin figure in the perspective, he still relies on experience to shoot directly. Countless bullets rained down like raindrops, maximizing the attack range.

But so what?

Your skill level is higher than mine, I'm just afraid you won't succeed?

Tang Yin and Zhou Zekai belonged to the same kind of people. Even in the face of Tang Yin whose hand speed was higher than his own, Zhou Zekai still dared to plan how to fight Tang Yin's face-to-face skills. It is true that they have some disadvantages in some aspects, but this does not mean that they care too much.

Zhou Zekai was like this, and Tang Yin was like that too.

Ignoring the bullet rain that had already enveloped him, the bullet rain also responded directly with the bullet rain. The torrential rain was used, and the two sides tilted this dense rain of bullets against each other.

This moment does not seem to be the battle between the two players, but the connection between the sky and the earth. The attacks on both sides were very intensive. When attacking, he was still in Tyranny state, so he didn't have to worry about his attack being interrupted. And this brings a more arrogant attack!

The reincarnation fans who were cheering at this moment were all speechless, and the screams and cheers stopped abruptly. And Happy's fans were surprised by the aura of both captains and forgot to cheer for a while. But the most depressing thing is the now suddenly low-key commentary room.

There is no way, now Pan Lin and Li Yibo are about to cry, the two of them are now like they are being stripped of their clothes, and this shame is not a single star.

In the face of such a situation, what can they say? What more dare to say?

In the face of Tang Yin, who is suddenly strong now, even if they have peerless eloquence, they don't know what to say now. Originally, they were thinking of words of praise for Zhou Zekai a second ago, but now those words are like an old fist calling them directly. On their faces, they were speechless.

After all, whether it is a commentator or an invited guest, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, their comments should be fair, not with personality emotions and personal inclinations, but they have just started to celebrate the reincarnation in their words. victory.

This is also their most depressing point, why do they behave like that? It's not because Zhou Zekai's performance is too amazing, but with such an amazing outbreak, it seems that there is still no guarantee of victory. Is this...is there any reason for this?


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