Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1403: key

At this moment, all the reporters were so embarrassed that they could dig out a three-bedroom and one-hall under their feet, and then they could not get out. After all, as the victorious MVP of this match, even if the reporters didn't interview them, they were too embarrassed to doubt the opponent's ability. It's not an exaggeration to say that.

But these reporters are also very desperate. After all, because of An Wenyi's previous performance, they have a psychological estimate when they watch the game.

Watching the game was originally for appreciation, so they subconsciously ignored An Wenyi's existence. The result of this is that even if they are professional knowledge in the industry of glory, they have not found out who the mvp is this time.

And now they don't know why An Wenyi won the mvp, which makes it difficult for his interviews to continue. In the end, I can only ask management questions to mess around with time, such as how An Wenyi thinks of his performance in this game.

"Just doing the right thing at the right time." An Wenyi's evaluation of himself was very bland.

"Can you talk about it in detail?" Of course it's fine if they answer together like this, but now they don't know why An Wenyi took this mvp, and they can't relate to the context at all. How should they write it?

"Uh...let's go back and watch the game yourself." An Wenyi was also quite speechless, and he had to describe the details and just think about it...

Of course, this is not because An Wenyi disdains to do it, but because he is embarrassed to do it. After all, he also saw the timing as a shining point. He couldn't be asked to say, "The situation was critical at the time, but thanks to my timely placement of a holy man on the target of the battle..." If that was the case, then he would not be An Wenyi, but Wei Chen.

In the end, Happy's reception was over. In the end, the questions in the minds of the reporters remained unanswered. To this day, I still don't know how An Wenyi helped Happy turn from defeat into victory.

But although the doubts in the heart have not been explained, the final news is still to be written. So one after another, the reporters went to watch today's game all over again. They were mentally prepared for this game, and they were professionals in this field. They quickly discovered the role An Wenyi played in this game. At the same time, it made them even more embarrassed. After all, they could miss such an important turning point, which was really unprofessional.

"An Wenyi, this is... found the feeling?" This is the question of all the reporters after watching this game. But now there is no press conference. They want to ask, but there is nowhere to ask.

But when this guy almost made the entire league feel that this guy is just a burden, since he directly took the mvp of a team, isn't this transformation a bit too ferocious?

For a time, reporters from major media were all excited, and one by one, they began to think about the next article centered on this issue. You must know that the original match between Happy and He Wu was not worth reporting. After all, what was the difference between the strengths and rankings of the two teams. But thinking is different, An Wenyi suddenly won the entire mvp, this alone is already an amazing topic.

Of course, such reports are not enough to make the headlines, because there are two more exciting games in this round. That is Samsara vs Tiny Herb at home, and Tyranny vs Blue Rain at home.

You must know that these four teams are undoubtedly not giant-level championship teams. The final result is a home victory, and the final score is also 7 to 3. One of the most concerned is that Tiny Herb's dominance in the ring match was broken again after Tang Yin. The only things that haven't been broken this season are Ye Xiu's winning streak and Tang Yin's hegemony in the ring. And both are on the same team.

Compared with the competition of these four giant teams, this round of competition also broke an upset, that is, Team Wind Howl, which has always been invincible in playing against weak teams, lost again this time. But this time their opponent is not a strong team, but a magic!

This new team, which has just entered the league this season, beat Whistling 7-3 in its home court. And the game between the former Excellent Era players on both sides. In the end, the players on the magical side, who seemed to be relatively abject, finally won.

Wind Howl was a relatively strong team when faced with weak teams. At the time of this defeat, it was closer to falling out of the playoffs, and the ninth 301 was still catching up strongly. In this round of showdown with Huangfeng, it directly scored 8 to 2.

However, this round of 301 did not use their life-threatening style of play.

Compared to the slowly rising 301 team, Wind Howl is really embarrassing now. The transfer in the winter failed to solve their team's problems, so they directly started their journey in the second half of the season under such circumstances.

In the first half of the season, although they were a little embarrassed to lose against a strong enemy, they were still very strong against the middle and lower teams, which is why everyone still has confidence in them.

But now what? Since it was directly defeated by the magic, this has always been a rookie team.

Although this team has also had some good performances during this period, this can only prove that they have a certain strength. But now the season is over halfway through, and they only have 102 total points, so this kind of achievement is not good enough. Completely the most typical mid-range team. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

But now Wind Howl is still defeated even if it is only facing such a team.

This undoubtedly ripped off the last bit of fig leaf they had left. There are more and more questions about whether Wu Xiao's team can still produce good results this season, and at this post-match press conference, Tang Hao, the team leader of Wu Xiao, was not absent this time, but he was furious. He severely reprimanded the team members for not working hard enough.

"That's why I don't like Tang Hao," Tang Yin said while looking at the answers and reports at the Tang Hao press conference.

"Now their problems are essentially no longer working hard, because this is only the most basic and least worth mentioning thing. Glory does not rely on hard work to solve all problems." Tang Yin said.

"Then what exactly is Wu Xiao's question now?" Although Chen Guo didn't like Tang Hao, she was still very curious about Wu Xiao's current question.

"It's a method. As professional players, they don't lack effort and the belief to win. What they really lack is a method." Ye Xiu said.

"Method?" Tang Rou looked at Tang Yin curiously, she liked to hear Tang Yin analyze these things.

"Simply put, they lacked a key. In the past, the key to their victory was vulgar, but now they have lost the key without preparing a new key. The result is like a person who wants to go home, but how? I can't even open the door." Tang Yin said.


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