Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1413: Showdown between rookies

"What? Finally stopped running?" Tang Hao was already gnashing his teeth, but Lin Jingyan ignored the other party's information and directly attacked Tang Hao again!

"Good job!" Seeing that the other party was finally willing to confront him, Tang Hao's spirit was shaken, and he was inexplicably attacked twice in a row, which made him very depressed. But now Lin Jingyan was finally willing to come out and fight him with real swords and guns, and he actually felt a sense of pleasure in discussing Tang Hao for a while.

After all, in such a frontal battle, Tang Hao is not afraid of anyone!

For a while, the two rogue fists flew, and all kinds of strange props were used by them one after another. The two sides just met was the most tragic close combat.

Tang Hao is also the number one rogue now. Lin Jingyan can't take advantage of these hard conditions alone. even suppressed.

But in the end it was Tang San who fell first. And this time he fell and he didn't stand up. Because this time his life was completely consumed!

"If I can't even deal with 50% of you and me, then I should really choose to retire!" Looking at Tang Hao, who was beaten by Qi, he typed this sentence before the game was over. At this moment, his blood volume is still 17%.

If you just look at the game record, Tang Hao used 50% of his HP to directly and forcefully knock out 83% of Lin Jingyan's HP, which is indeed very domineering, and the title of the first rogue of glory is indeed well-deserved. But in the end he still lost.

At this moment, the scene immediately boiled, and countless applause came to Lin Jingyan, because these were all for him.

That's right, the current Lin Jingyan is no longer the number one rogue he used to be, and he can't even get into the All-Stars. But even if these represent the great gods and the aura of the peak recedes, he can still win!

This is e-sports, as long as you enter the arena, neither fame nor technology can match the final victory.

Because only victory is the best affirmation of everything for you. Otherwise, no matter how powerful you are, if you can't bring victory, it's of no use.

And the current Wu Howl team perfectly exemplifies this, because the current Wu Howl can be said to be a team composed of top-notch choices, but it is such a team, they still lack victories, and now they even start to lose The trust of fans and supporters.

Lin Jingyan, who came out of the battle room, subconsciously looked at the Whistling fan group on the road. Originally, there were not many people coming this time, but now it is dead silent. And the old road he is familiar with still holds the whistling banner, but he just stands there...

1 to 0.

Tyranny takes the lead at home.

Although it was said that they had lost a game, Wind Howl had already fallen into such a low state. Logically speaking, it should not be, after all, pizza wins or loses is a common thing, not to mention that it is only one point behind now. But now the loser is their Wu Xiao's absolute core, Tang Hao, and Tyranny defeated Tang Hao only by the player who Wu Xiao gave up and was defeated by Tang Hao, Lin Jingyan. The meaning of this is somewhat different.

But these things didn't matter to the Tyranny fans at home, and they didn't even realize it. After all, those were the differences between Wind Howl's present and past, and they were not fans of Wind Howl, so of course they couldn't understand the complexity.

The current Wu Howl fan club is a little too low, and some people even got up and left silently for the first time. This has never appeared in the calendar of glory.

And Lin Jingyan, who returned to his player seat, is now receiving the blessing of his teammates, after all, in the eyes of most people. He defeated him at the official occasion of the professional game today. If nothing else, this game alone was the best response and vent to what Tang Hao said back then. Valley chick

But the fact is, Lin Jingyan was not as excited as everyone showed, just shook hands with his teammates who came to bless him very gently and politely, and finally returned to his seat and sat quietly...

As for howling? He doesn't care anymore.

Although seeing Tang San fight made him a little nostalgic about the past, the main thing he missed was the character that belonged to him. But at the end of the day, what has passed will pass. Lin Jingyan also knows that he has reached the twilight of his career, but since it turns out that he can still play, he will not give up and will fight for a future!

That's right! Your future is here! In Tyranny! Lin Jingyan looked at the account card in his hand, the three words Leng Anlei were as clear as ever.

Here, Lin Jingyan has completed a battle of revenge and a battle of understanding.

At the same time, on another arena, it was also the first game of the individual competition. And this game has come to the time to decide the winner! What attracted people's attention was not only that this match was an old rival Blue Rain vs Tiny Herb. Feel the battle between the rookies of the two teams.

Lu Hanwen vs Gao Yingjie.

These two are the new generation of rookies in the professional league. One is to directly enter the main position from the beginning, face the cruelty of the professional game, and rise from it. The other is to be carefully cared for by the team, adapting to this cruel competition environment in a step-by-step manner.

Although the players on both sides grew up in different ways, they both became professional players who could be on their own. And by this season, the two of them have already lost the only remaining youth in the team, and they have become the benchmarking figures of the new generation in the current league.

In this game, these two iconic players are fighting for their own teams in the competition of course.

Phantom Invisible Sword!

Lu Hanwen's Liu Yun waved the giant sword in his hand, and it was a big move. And I say that I am a rare epee-shaped swordsman in the professional league now, although his attack speed is not as high as that of the lightsaber. But his attack range is larger and more surging.

While the giant sword was swung, huge sword marks were left in the sky, and Gao Yingjie, who was flying on a broom in the sky, was pulled down abruptly.

"Let's see where you're going this time!" Lu Hanwen, who Chen Guo forced the opponent down, said in a high-spirited voice on the public channel, as if this young man had inexhaustible energy. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is always full of passion and blood.

In comparison, Gao Yingjie did not have such a sharp edge. But he grew up under the care of the team, but he could feel the expectations of the seniors in the team even more. Even if you don't say it's for yourself, just to respond to these expectations. Gao Yingjie's belief in winning is no lower than that of Lu Hanwen. At the same time, his performance in the game will be more detailed and precise.


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