Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1440: Li Yibo who exploded

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"Team Wang, do you have any way of saying this map? Are you all in this arena to decide the outcome?" Tang Yin asked curiously when he saw the map. Anyway, it's still fighting now, and everyone in Happy didn't even move. So Tang Yin planned to chat before the game.

"Yeah, Wang Dayan, how about we have another one-on-one showdown? Whoever loses will be directly slapped, how about that?" Ye Xiu continued, seeing that the other party didn't respond, and he said some trash. After all, good feelings are good feelings, so Ye Xiu wouldn't hesitate at all when he spat out trash talk during the game.

Faced with Ye Xiu's arrogant words, the Tiny Herbs on the opposite side still didn't react, but the audience at the scene was already in a frenzy. Facing Ye Xiu, it was a burst of output. Too bad everyone in the game room couldn't hear it.

But even though they couldn't hear it, everyone in Happy could almost imagine the mood on the other side, Tang Rou couldn't help but said, "I don't know why, but I can suddenly understand Tyranny and the others' hatred of Ye Xiu. ."

Although it was very frustrating to lose to Excellent Era three times in a row, it was a competition after all, and it was not unbearable. But the question now is that Ye Xiu will taunt and provoke like this at the beginning of every match, and he will be able to successfully provoke his anger. Defeat it again. This is very frustrating, and Ye Xiu, next time, will continue to appear with the attitude of "I just like to see you who want to beat me but can't achieve it".

If this is in TV dramas or anime, it is already an iron template for villains. Then wait for the protagonist to slap him in the face. But the problem is that their protagonists can't beat each other, and they contacted three times and were killed by this family. Words their psychological shadow area.

At this moment, Tang Rou felt that it was simply too scientific for a Tyranny fan who grew up under such circumstances to be so cruel to Ye Xiu.

In Chen Guo's eyes, the current Tiny Herb fans have the feeling that he is leaning towards the Tyranny fans, but the players in these competitions don't know, and the players on Tiny Herb's side are still very calm, even if Ye Xiu They were all mocking like this, but there was still no response from Tiny Herb. And from the audience's God's perspective, the Tiny Herbs are now moving forward according to their plan.

"If I can't do it, let our deputy team play with you. You almost won the last game. You have prepared so many ways to play against Xiaoyin. If you can't achieve your goal, won't you be unwilling? "Ye Xiu continued to talk trash.

"What about the competition, how interesting is that nonsense?" Wang Jiexi finally replied. But the **** words in Ye Xiu's tone could be said to be completely disapproving.

And Tang Yin saw that Wang Jiexi finally replied, and directly sent a relieved emoji, saying, "You are all here, what's the point of hiding since you are all here?"

Tang Yin's words made the Tiny Herbs everyone's equipment appear a meal, but in the end, the five Tiny Herbs still appeared on the edge of the middle arena, and they had a face-to-face with Happy for the first time. And with them came out an electronic eye that fell from the sky.

This was only discovered by Wang Jiexi when he found out that their positions were exposed, and they shot them down along the way. However, because of this electronic eye, their raid was meaningless. Now that everyone in Happy dared to stay under the ring, there must be some reason.

This is indeed the case. Faced with the Tiny Herbs showing their bodies, Ye Xiu said very arrogantly on the public channel: "Don't rush to attack, let them come down first."

Faced with Ye Xiu's provocation, Tiny Herb and the others were unequivocal. Since the raid failed, they would be directly attacked. All the staff come down directly.

"Now that you're so decisive, since you guys have come down, let's retreat!" After saying that, everyone in Happy turned around to shoot, and they jumped onto the stairs surrounding the arena.

After Mucheng and Tang Yin reached the high point, Mucheng directly cooperated with Tang Yin to launch the first wave of attacks on the Tiny Herbs below.

For a while, the grenade and the missile flew together, and the firelight exploded in the same color. Abruptly scattered Tiny Herb's crowd, but no one would be hit by such an obvious attack. But Tiny Herb doesn't have any long-range attack classes, eh? In the face of Tang Yin and Mu Cheng's attack, they really couldn't fight back. Tang Yin and Mu Cheng, who were at the top for a while, had an advantage.

"As far as Happy's players are now, they do have certain advantages as they are condescending. If this map is based on grabbing the commanding heights to determine the outcome, then this map will be a bit complicated. After all, it is like this. The ladder directly surrounds this map, and if you want to take advantage of these high points, you must control the details of each attack and defense. After all, the commanding heights here are exactly the same. Possibly." Li Yibo said while looking at the map Tiny Herb had chosen.

"That's right, although Happy has now climbed to a higher position, Tiny Herb and the others can also reach the same height as they are by laying down casually, and these steps are all connected. It's very easy to launch an attack." Pan Lin said.

"That is to say, this time, the battle that officially started at the end did not take place on the steps as it is now, but horizontally," Li Yibo concluded.

"It seems that this idea is not wrong. Tiny Herb has already begun to be arranged, and they don't care about Happy's short-term occupation of the high point." Pan Sen said.

"That's right, after all, the lower part is in the inner circle, and the perimeter of the inner circle is also broken, which is destined to be impossible for Happy to occupy the high position all the time," Li Yibo said.

"Tiny Herb has already started to move. They have already moved around this inner circle and distanced themselves from Happy. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Now their positions are almost the same, even Mucheng can't affect their perfection."

"Now the two teams are at the same height once again, and the height difference between them now has many details that affect the game. Looking at Wei Chen's orderly movement, it is obvious that there was a special contact. This should be the reason why they chose this map. Now Tiny Herb also wants to attack Happy!" Li Yibo explained more and more excitedly. As a result, at this most exciting moment, Xingxin's actions directly caused him to utter a curse...


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