Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1442: Siege of Wang Jiexi

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In this situation, shouldn't the two teams be the first to grab the high point? Especially when Happy had two long-range occupations, occupying the main points should help them the most, so why did they start attacking Wang Jiexi instead? Is this some special arrangement by them?

Obviously, none of the three people in the broadcast room followed Happy's thoughts, but the fast-changing battle rhythm between the two sides gave them no time to struggle with this issue.

How Long Breaks the Army!

The mighty power of a dragon-shaped phantom phantom directly rushed out of Happy's battle formation, and the target was directed at Wang Jiexi. And it was Tang Rou who attacked first!

At the same time, Ye Xiu had thought about putting away the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, turning it into another weapon, and following the attack rhythm of Tang Yin and Mucheng and launched an attack. At this point, Happy's intention was already very obvious, that is, to forcefully kill Wang Jiexi!

When they started to kill Tiny Herb's strongest and most capable opponent, no one had imagined how Happy's tactics would be, starting with the strongest opponent. Even Gao Yingjie, who was about to take the stage with a gunshot, was ignored. It can even be said that Happy has not intended to force a high point with the other party for a long time from the beginning.

"No way, did Happy want to bring Wang Jiexi to the show?" With Happy's intentions clear, Pan Sen couldn't even close his mouth in surprise.

"Hahahaha, this is no longer ridiculous, this villain is overthinking it! Haha" Ruan Cheng mocked Happy's decision as always.

"This..." Li Yibo was the only one who was a little bit tangled among the three. Now Xingxin's goal was very clear, and even he felt that this tactic was very irrational, but past experience told him that there was a master tactician. With Tang Yin, the tactical genius, it was Xingxin, and it was impossible for him to make such a low-level tactical mistake.

But after all the impossibility was ruled out, the remaining one was just unbelievable, but it was still a fact. And now Li Yibo's guess is that all of this was premeditated by Happy, and there must be a reason for them to give priority to Gathering Fire King Jiexi. rather than a mistake.

"Is this your purpose?"

Seeing Xiang Xiang's surging attack, Wang Jiexi was still very calm. Now that he was not in the sky, Tang Yin's sniper rifle was not unavoidable. Seeing Wang Jiexi squatting down slightly, he avoided Tang Yin's sniper rifle with only a head in his eyes. With a flick of the broom in his hand, his character also shifted slightly. Tang Rou's attack was very accurate.

But Wang Jiexi is very clear that these are just aboveboard attacks and definitely not the end! Because he noticed that there are still two attacks that have not arrived, and these two people directly contracted the existence of the most and best combination awards in the entire Glory!

Seeing Wang Jiexi turn the time, Ye Xiu and Mu Cheng were already in sight the next moment.

"What are you going to do next?" Wang Jiexi thought.

Even the commentators can see the current situation, and Wang Jiexi is naturally very clear. But in the face of such a fierce attack, Wang Jiexi had no intention of dodging at all, and instead responded directly. And seeing the appearance of his own captain, domineering against the entire team, all Tiny Herb fans now are completely crazy.

Laser Cannon!

Mucheng took the lead, and a beam of light instantly swept across the space between the two, blasting towards Wang Jie. But Wang Jiexi, who had already noticed Mucheng's long ago, could have been hit by such an attack. This time, he turned around and avoided Mucheng's laser cannon very gracefully. Grain rates

But just as he turned around to avoid Mucheng's attack, his vision was aimed at them again. I saw that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu had already killed him in front of him. Sprinkle the dispersing powder directly in your hand. But just like the previous attack was not so easy to hit Wang Jiexi, such an attack naturally couldn't easily hit Tang Yin and the others.

Night Cloak!

Seeing Ye Xiu who had reached Wang Jiexi first, he threw out the cloak of the night. But at this moment, Wang Jiexi was also waving a broom, and while backing away, he also waved a dark purple curtain towards Ye Xiubao.

Night Cloak!

That's right, Ye Xiu, who was directly attacked by Wang Jiexi, had the same skill. Facing the opponent's cloak of night, Ye Xiu also jumped back and retreated, but Wang Jiexi had no intention of releasing the opponent at all, and continued to let Dou break through. And just as the dark night cloaks of the two of them collided between them and a black curtain exploded, a cannonball suddenly flew out of the black fog. It's an anti-tank gun!

When Ye Xiu was fighting Wang Jiexi's skills, Tang Yin's attack was just right. As for Wang Jiexi's current position, who was still accurately predicting his current position without a career, what a bold move and confidence in his own prediction?

Tang Yin's attack came first, but Wang Jiexi still responded in time. Directly interrupting the skill Night Cloak, anyway, it is a small skill before level 20, and there is no rigidity. In this way, Wang Jiexi avoided directly before Tang Yin's attack arrived. But avoiding this blow, the next blow has already arrived, and seeing a cold light from the Three Kingdoms, Ye Xiu directly hit him with an arc flash.

Taking off, Wang Jiexi took off at a low altitude in the face of Ye Xiu and the others who were close to each other in an instant, and tried to pull the distance before landing without giving Tang Yin the opportunity to attack. But it's too late!


A sniper gun sound that was louder than the previous sniper rifle sounded, and a bullet from the Barrett sniper rifle directly penetrated Wang Jiexi's head. And Ye Xiu's next attack had arrived, and he started a brutal attack on Wang Jiexi who was dazed. At this moment, the wonderful cooperation between Tang Yin and Ye Xiu was once again shown in front of everyone. Even if they were as strong as Wang Jiexi, they couldn't hold on to a few tricks with their cooperation.

Of course, the other Tiny Herb players, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com certainly wouldn't just watch their captain get beaten by the opponent. King Jiexi directly contained all of Happy's combat power with one person, while the rest of Tiny Herb was looking for the core of Happy's tactics and preparing to attack. This is also the most commonly used style of play for some top giants. And now that Wang Jiexi is concentrated, their attack has arrived.


Xu Bin directly controlled his character to live alone, tentatively rushed into the battle between Ye Xiu and his own captain, and forcibly repelled Ye Xiu's offensive. And Liu Xiaobie even cut his hands in three stages, aiming directly at Tang Yin, who had long-range firepower to output Wang Jiexi. Try to cut off Tang Yin's fire support for Ye Xiu.


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