Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1465: 4 animal flow

Chapter 1496 Four Beast Streams (please subscribe, please recommend)

Luo Ji's sneak attack from behind was not seen again, so he began to guard against it. The civet was also summoned secretly at that time, and asked it to confirm the location of the other party in the past. It's just that Jia Xing didn't know about it at the time, but he was still complacent in his fantasy, and finally came the logical civet and another flower of the devil.

Now that the opponent appeared, Luo Ji immediately placed a flower of the devil beside him to defend against the opponent's possible attacks, and then controlled the ice wolf to attack the opponent directly.

At this moment, Luo Ji began to sing again, and the next moment, a magic circle appeared on the ground, accompanied by the chirping of this huge eagle. A Thunderhawk was summoned and flew straight into the sky. After circling in the sky, Luo Ji's order was directly turned into a lightning attack on Jia Xing's direction.

As a quick-attack summoned beast, the Thunder Eagle is naturally extremely fast. The figure had already killed the opponent like electricity, and this Thunder Eagle was one of Luo Ji's main summoned beasts.

Four beasts!

Seeing the animal summoned beasts such as the civet cat, the ice wolf and the thunder eagle being summoned to the arena one after another by the opponent, everyone quickly judged that the first time Happy summoned beast was the four beasts. Even ordinary players on the scene can tell this.

It takes the little flying dragon as the core, supplemented by the ice wolf, thunder eagle, and civet cat. This is the Four Beasts!

The attributes of the four summoned beasts in the Four Beast Streams are the four dozen elements of fire, ice, light, and darkness in glory. That's right, the Thunder Element and the Light Element are the same. And the summoning style composed of these four summoned beasts is the characteristic of the four beasts. At the level of the seventy-fifth update, the four beasts like this can still use a skill: the four-element array of the beastmaster, a skill that can greatly increase the power of the four beasts.

And now that Luo Ji has summoned one after another, the civet cat, the ice wolf, and the thunder eagle, will the last little flying dragon standing at the core still be far away?

Of course Luo Ji won't let him make mistakes. Although the little flying dragon is the core of this set, the level of learning is the highest here, and because of the low level of skill learning, his singing is also very fast. With the blessing, Luo Ji chanced to ius to complete the summoning of the flying dragon in an instant.

The little flying dragon just flew out of the magic circle, and it was also a circle, and the milk between the mouth and nose was filled with strong flames. After following Lei Ying, he also wanted to attack the opponent.

When Jia Xing saw the other party, he summoned all the summoned beasts in an instant, and he felt bad for the first time.

Civet has extremely high flexibility and attack speed, which makes it difficult to rely on its entanglement. Now he has entered the attack range of the opponent's second Demon World Flower. The rest of the three beasts are also on the way, if they are formed and surrounded by them. Then the opponent is launching the Beastmaster Four Elements Array, and he will be suppressed no matter what.

This one is good, there is something more.

Jia Xing immediately adjusted his mentality and put away the rashness he had in the beginning. He also knew now that the Luo Ji in front of him was not the kind of opponent he could easily deal with. During this period of time, the summoned beasts were one after the other. Each summon is very rhythmic, and the attacks are also very rhythmic and layered. With the increase of these attacks, Jia Xing is also a little overwhelmed.


This unpleasant sound was snuffed out by Jia Xing as soon as it appeared, and the reason was very simple. Now he has been entangled by the civet cat, and no matter how fast he moves, it can't be faster than the Thunder Eagle. At this time, he will hand over his back to the opponent. Definitely not a smart move. And now this situation seems to be able to forcibly break through from the attack.

Is this guy so awesome? As soon as he made his move, he pushed himself into a corner. It's really troublesome.

Now Jia Xing can be said to be quite a headache, but now he has no other choice, and the best solution is to act quickly.

Seeing Jia Xing waving the spear in his hand and swinging away another attack from the civet cat, the dragon tooth hit the ice wolf directly. knock it back.


With an explosion, there were flashes of lightning on Jia Xing's body, which was the attack launched by Lei Ying. Tang Rou hit the gap when Jia Xing attacked the other two beasts.

Really annoying!

Now Jia Xing really doesn't have the publicity mood at the beginning. How Jia Xing is now a professional player, he is very clear about it. The attacks of these four beasts were not carried out automatically by them at all, but were the result of local conscious operation and command. This can make the summoned beast's attack so well-organized and continuous. It was also because of this that he clearly felt the increase in difficulty.

Aren't you ready to move forward?

Jia Xingkan still looked at Luo Ji's movement direction, he was waiting for an opportunity, waiting for the opponent to use the skill whipping on the summoned beasts to increase their attack power by whipping. But now that the siege situation has been completed, most of the summoners are coming up to increase the attack power of their summoned beasts.

And he seemed to suddenly attack when this Luo Ji was approaching. But now Luo Ji didn't mean to point it. Continue to stand in the distance, doing various command deployments.

Isn't this guy going to wait for the summoned beast to be replaced and then add a whip?

Thinking of Jia Xing here, he was already a little helpless. Such a tactical arrangement was too strict, which made him feel at a loss. He could only run and fight at the same time. In the new era, the summoned beasts replaced the direct neutral position to break through.

In this regard, Jia Xing is no longer obsessed with breaking through, but concentrates on the opponent's summoned beast team, waiting for an opportunity. One hit four. In addition to a flower of the devil who is playing support, this is very simple if it is not the attack of the summoned beast. Jia Xing had a flaw long ago and couldn't hold on, but now he can barely hold on.

As long as he can persevere, there is hope, because he is very clear that the existence of summoned beasts is limited by two conditions. The first is time, the summoned beast will disappear automatically when the time is up, and the second is life. .

Simply waiting for the passage of time is not only passive, but also the least efficient. Therefore, Jia Xing is now actively parrying and counterattacking with attacks, and he can kill these spirit beasts faster.

But since the Four Beasts can be used in professional competitions, it is naturally impossible for the opponent to know it so easily. As a quick-attack agility summoned beast, the civet cat is naturally not that easy to achieve. Thunder Eagle and Little Flying Dragon are flying creatures, and they don't feel good to fight. It seems that these four summoned beasts are the ice wolf that is better to fight. Although it is said that it has the most blood, it does not prevent it from dying the fastest.

Ice Wolf: "..." Are you polite?


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(End of this chapter)

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