Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1486: Characteristics of Huang Shaotian

Huang Shaotian's attack was very fast, this strike was so fast, so accurate. It was obviously his skill Whirlwind Slash that took the lead, but in the end it was Huang Shaotian's attack that first focused on the front.

And Yu Feng, who was slashing out of the whirlwind, had no chance to evade at all, and was directly forced to the end by this blow. After being forced to the ground, Yu Feng's heart still didn't react, why is this happening? On the offensive, he has never interrupted, even at the expense of selling blood to ensure the continuation of the offensive, but now his offensive is forcibly interrupted by the opponent directly, and he has no chance to react with this fast sword .

It shouldn't even be said that this was his attack, but that he himself slammed into the position of the opponent's attack. Well, it has been planned for a long time. Just waiting for a certain moment to give him a decisive blow.

"Selling blood like this in front of me, who gave you the courage, don't talk about you, even Xiaoyin and Laoye, do you think they dare to sell blood in front of me? Did they leave me for too long? Have you forgotten your style?" This time Huang Shaotian finally sent a message on the public channel. And this time, the message said that it was his style! And the style that Huang Shaotian was talking about was of course not the style that he started sending messages after losing, but the other one was more obvious and sharper. Huang Shaotian's unexpected style.

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And this style is so likely that some people will forget, opportunist, the most glorious opportunist. As long as there isn't a slight flaw, it may become an opportunity for Huang Shaotian to kill you with one blow.

For this, as the original teammate, partner. How could Yu Feng forget. It's just that in their plan, facing his continuous offensive, Huang Shaotian didn't have time to find his flaws. And pride will not have flaws, then naturally don't care. result…

Huang Shaotian's silver weapon is a lightsaber called Bing Yu. Although it was a lightsaber, his blade thought it was a frozen rain of ice. The current icy rain was in Huang Shaotian's hands, waving a dense piece of it, and it tilted like a torrential rain with the rising of the front.

20%, 27%

20%, 26%;

20%, 23%;

20%, 14%;

20%, 10%;

20%, 0…

Yu Feng's full 32% of his health was taken away directly by Huang Shaotian in this wave. What 12% of his health advantage was a joke at this moment. And in the process, Huang Shaotian never got hurt again!

It's not a bad day! Yu Feng weakly looked at the characters from the middle to the bottom of the screen. Some helpless thought. This is Huang Shaotian. Every time he would suddenly appear at the most crucial place in the game and where he was most needed, and launch a stormy attack. At this moment, everyone in Blue Rain was fading, and his appearance in this moment would be enough It directly stole all the limelight from you, no matter how hard you tried before, it was useless.

No matter how Bibi appeared, it couldn't cover up the brilliance of this guy at that moment.

This is the most unacceptable thing for Yu Feng. He originally thought that he had firmly grasped something, but Huang Shaotian had already appeared and followed the slack. This process from being full to empty in the blink of an eye is why he Yu Feng The reason for leaving home Blue Rain.

As a perfectionist, Yu Feng couldn't accept Huang Shaotian's sudden appearance, and then shattered the sense of existence he had managed to condense in an instant. This is too cruel for him!


With this, the last arena match between Lan Yu, Huang Shaotian and Baihua Yufeng ended. This was Team Blue Rain's victory. In addition to their two points in the individual competition, Blue Rain now directly entered the final team competition with a four-to-one advantage.

And this time, it was a battle, so how could Yu Wenzhou, who is a master of the four major tactics, let go of such an advantage. For a very comprehensive reason, he was familiar with the map and won the team competition again, beating Hundred Blossoms with a score of 9 to 1.

Looking at the page where the team battle ended, Yu Feng became more and more sure that his idea of ​​leaving Blue Rain was right. So after Huang Shaotian, Blue Rain and their captain would definitely know Yu Wenzhou. This time is almost his personal command show. With them around, he would never be the absolute core of Blue Rain. And now he is the captain of Hundred Blossoms, and he will continue to lead Hundred Blossoms forward, he does not believe that he will always lose!

In the same round, the other one who scored nine to one was Happy. Their subsequent games were also very smooth, and Tang Yin, who did not have to appear in the ring game, even commanded more energetically. Ye Xiu and the other veterans were also helpless.

After all, the current rookie doesn't want to have a few more chances to play. Needless to say, those who are weak, those who are strong are fighting for the chance to play, let's take a look at Tang Yin. He didn't mind his chance to play at all, even if he worked so hard this week for a new style of play that he could use during training and matches, but in the end he couldn't use Tang Yin.

In his words, I have just debuted, and there are many games after that, so I don’t have to train hard by accident, or I don’t have to use the style I think of. Why are you so tired to expect to play?

Ye Xiu and the others were also very helpless. But what Tang Yin said was really not wrong. In the end, Tang Yin was far from a normal rookie. Normally, the rookies of the major teams need this kind of competition experience. This experience starts in two or three seasons. Haven't we seen that even Gao Yingjie and Lu Hanwen are still growing?

But looking at Tang Yin, he has just made his debut and has accumulated experience in professional competitions for a few rounds. Coupled with the strength of the ceiling of the professional league, it is difficult for his strength to improve. Even Tang Rou and Mucheng couldn't beat him. His last defense was to help the opponent collect a corpse, so his improvement was very limited.

So for Tang Yin to be lazy in this situation, veterans like Ye Xiu and the others have nothing to do. And even if there is a way, what's the point? Ye Xiu, as the team captain and theoretically the most commander of the team, could not be beaten to death by his own deputy team. As for Wei Chen and Zhang Jiale, who have rich experience as captains, if Tang Yin says I'm the deputy team, they don't know what to say. What's more, there is really nothing to say about Tang Yin's behavior.

After all, you said that he did not prepare well for the competition, he was more diligent in training than anyone else, and he was quite active in analyzing the battle plan. These things about pre-war preparations, this guy has no intention of being lazy at all, and sometimes they even need them to force him to rest. These two bizarre extremes made them very helpless.

In the end, I can only feel that Tang Yin's brain circuits are really not understandable to normal people like them.


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