Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1539: childish?

The latest website: During the conversation between the commentators, Happy and Wind Howl's vanguard had already met. When Wind Howl discovered Happy's lineup, they made another adjustment. Although it was still a three-way attack, the lead team in the middle had changed. It became a trio of Tang Hao, Lin Feng, and Zhao Yuzhe. And it was all the members of Happy who had faced them.

At this time, Happy's speed had slowed down under Tang Yin's command. But Wind Howl still had no intention of stopping, and continued to charge towards the other side.

Right at this moment, Team Happy made a sound of puff, puff. Then a burst of smoke and purple smoke began to quickly become confused. In the blink of an eye, two bursts of thick smoke will directly envelope everyone in Happy.

"This is the misty rain of Happy Mofan's ninja and the smoke bomb of Tang Yin's Xiaoyaoyou!" Pan Sen said with a sudden realization when he saw such a scene.

"This should be the reason why Happy arranges the formation so precisely. They want to use their smoke bombs and smoke jade to influence each other's thoughts, so that they can't judge the current position of everyone in Happy," Pan Sen said.

Here Pan Sen said excitedly, as if he had discovered a new continent, but Li Yibo raised his brows. He still wasn't in a hurry to express his opinion, after all, just relying on the two skills of smoke bomb and smoke jade to disrupt Wind Howl's man-to-man play method was somewhat underestimating Wind Howl.


This is the real thought of Wind Howl captain Tang Hao right now on the arena. Seeing Happy's actions and such a command, Tang Hao, who was about to be tortured by Tang Yin, couldn't help but feel contempt again in his heart. After all, he is just a rookie, since his ideas and command are so naive!

Just as Li Yibo thought, they are so cool that they have honed the man-to-man game to an extreme level. Victory in so many games is a testament to their strength. If you think that such a simple plan It is really naive to be able to disrupt their style of play.

Smoke jade and smoke bombs do have a very good ability to block sight. But that's only in the case of individual matches. Although the two of them use it at the same time, it is a team competition now, and the whole character is in it.

It would be fine if all five were still moving, but if all five were moving, relying on the glory of the real physics engine, the entire smoky area would be turned upside down. At that time, even if you are outside, you can see some things in the smoke.

Besides, they could just wait outside. After all, the smoke couldn't move with the opponent's character. Either everyone in Happy would hide in the smoke, or they would kill them. And the smoke will dissipate eventually, isn't it the same to fight in the end?

In short, if you think about it, there are too many ways for the other party to smoke bombs. After all, the smoke bombs themselves are not a brilliant breakthrough. And Tang Yin, who commanded this method, was even more naive.

"It's impossible for the smoke bombs and smoke jade to protect the Xingxin people and defeat them directly!" Tang Hao directly issued an order that best suited their whistling style of play. More importantly, his order was not down the team channel. Instead, it was directly issued in the public channel. It could be said that he completely ignored Happy's response.

In the end, Happy's response was really not enough in their opinion. That's why Tang Hao directly sent the order to the public channel, letting the other party know that it was powerful, and at the same time shaking the other party's military heart and suppressing the other party's morale. It's simply doing more than one thing.

Although Tang Hao played very enthusiastic games, this was not a passionate anime after all. As the leader of a team, Tang Hao would not be stingy if he needed to spend his time.

When all Wu Howl members heard their captain's order, they attacked with all their might. Liu Hao and Guo Yang, who were in charge of the two flank attacks, also used their characters, the magic swordsman An Wutianli and the qigong master Qi Chong Yunshui to return to the Wu Xiao formation. In the middle, they met with Tang Hao in the middle. The cooperation between them was very tacit, and there was no deviation. After all, they were already very familiar with this style of play.

"I use my skills to blow away the other party's smoke bombs and misty rain!" Liu Hao said on the channel. He was still very careful with Tang Yin. After all, he and Tang Yin also knew each other on the first day, from the first time they met. Since then, he has been abused by the other party in various ways, and now he still remembers the scene when Tang Yin brought a group of gunmen in the profession and pressed him to the ground with a series of stepping shots.

From then on, he knew that Tang Yin's play was not necessarily very clever, but he must be very impersonal. Therefore, he is not very relieved without seeing the other party with his own eyes.

"Let's be together!" said Guo Yang on the other side. After all, the two sides have been teammates for so many years, so there is no need to say much about their cooperation. As soon as the two came up, they shot together. In addition, both sides are mid-range occupations, and both have a wide range of attack skills, and it is of course very comfortable to flank them now.

Both of them began to sing their skills. The continuous wave of energy gathered on Liu Hao's dagger, and the golden thoughts also condensed in Guo Yang's palm. As a result, before they finished singing, there was a cannon and a gunshot in the smoke. Su Mucheng's anti-tank gun directly attacked Liu Hao, while Guo Yang on the other side was shot in the head first. In terms of the amount of blood loss, this shot was not an ordinary sniper rifle, but It's a Barrett sniper rifle!

You must know that qigong masters are cloth armor professionals, and they are famous for their crispy skin. This is a direct headshot by Barrett, which directly doubles the damage. While interrupting him, it also takes away a lot of his blood, and blood is definitely the most scarce resource in the current lineup without a priest. . Not to mention the vertigo afterward.

And Tang Hao's side was directly blown away by Mucheng's anti-tank gun, which means that he is proficient in plate armor, has high defense power, and has a high weight. So it didn't fly too far.

Here, Tang Yin and Mu Cheng successfully interrupted their offensive on the left and right flanks, but Tang Hao controlled Tang San to take the lead in front of the smoke, ready to cut straight ahead.

Lin Feng's fascination even started sneaking directly, and UU reading www.uukanshu.com also began to smoosh after all. The elemental master Zhao Yuzhe saw that the attacks on the left and right flanks were interrupted, so he directly settled their wages. Start chanting large magic. I saw his hand pointing in one direction. At one location of the smoke, a flame pillar several meters high exploded. But it didn't hit anyone.

At this time, Tang Hao's Tang San also successfully entered the smoke, bringing the opponent into his optimal attack distance, and Lin Feng's fascination followed closely behind. Their entry caused a tumble of smoke...


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(End of this chapter)

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