Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1571: Is this newcomer too strong?

But even so, at the end of the season. They are still mired in the quagmire of the competition for the final spot. This is still far from Bai Shu's goal of sweeping the entire domestic league at the beginning. However, Bai Shu was not discouraged by this. After all, he transferred to the team in the second half of the season. He feels that his running-in with the team has not yet reached the most perfect state, and that's it, in the past half-season, they have successfully turned over.

To be able to achieve this level in the first step, Bai Shu is already very satisfied. After all, he also lost twice in the second half of the season. One was Whistling, who suddenly used man-to-man play. They were unprepared for this play and were caught off guard, so they lost. If they had been prepared, Bai Shu believed they could win.

The other was lost to Samsara, the most powerful team in the current league. Bai Shu fully recognized the strength of this team. It is indeed difficult for the current 301 to defeat the opponent.

But aside from the accident of the Samsara team, other powerful teams like Tyranny, Blue Rain, Tiny Herb, who were famous in the league, didn't they all lose to their 301? So in Bai Shu's view, this is the team's strength is in the same level, and there is no one who is stronger than the other.

The team battle is like this, even in the individual match, Bai Shu didn't find anything that made him feel particularly scary as a task. Even the so-called first knight of glory, Xu Bin, lost to him in the heads-up match, didn't he? I heard that this guy was born in 301, but that's all.

It can only be said that because of these victories and his initial views, Bai Shu was a little off. He didn't think that everyone was just unfamiliar with this style of play, and he never thought that Xu Bin would lose to him. It was just because of Xu Bin's style of play, and His relationship is not as big as he thought.

But now Bai Shu didn't dare to think so, because they met Happy in the last round.

This rookie team that has only debuted this season has players who have completed 38 consecutive victories. Even if the player is a little older.

You must know that the reason why Bai Shu didn't fight for the captain's position was because he recognized Yang Cong's strength. He is qualified to lead himself. But it is such a player, in front of this player who is already in the twilight of his career, there is no room to fight back. And this is a play that he has never seen before.

Complete a 38-round winning streak in a heads-up... Is this the current top level in China?

This was the question in his mind when he saw that their captain was defeated by the other side.

But he found that he had thought about it too early, and disdained other players in the country. Now he was used by the opponent in melee combat in front of a sharpshooter, and he couldn't even find a flaw in the counterattack in front of a sharpshooter. Some came, or more accurately, it was too late. The flaws disappeared too quickly, even if it was a prediction, it couldn't match the opponent's attack rhythm.

Is there no limit to this guy's hand speed?

This is the only thought in Bai Shu's mind right now. And if his thoughts were heard by the audience outside, they would tell each other, and there are still some, because now it stopped at six hundred and eighty and did not continue to improve, but it also did not decline!

Then Tang Yin used the four-gun flow limit to explode again, because now in the pit, Tang Yin's bullet rain was even more dense. The two kept bouncing and spinning in this small space because of their skill obliteration. Tang Yin himself was violently raining, shooting indiscriminately in the air, quantum bombs, **** flames, all kinds of grenades, and landmines. As well as air combat machinery and interceptor engineering from the very beginning.

Tang Yin's attack drowned the pothole like a tide, and Bai Shu felt that the famous silver of life in his hand was like a decoration in front of the other party. Not even a chance to fight back.

What makes him even more broken is that this guy is still a rookie who just debuted this season. You told me that a guy with such strength is just a rookie. Are domestic rookies already so strong now?

At first, he didn't believe Tang Yin and the guy who had won 38 consecutive heads-up matches. He didn't believe it, but now he couldn't help it. Originally, I wanted to use Tang Yin to see the gap between myself and the top players in China, but now...

Looking at the declining blood bar, he didn't know what to say.

Originally, if it was a normal occupation, there would be no skills with frequent attacks. But the other party is not affected by this aspect. He also knows the reason, because the opponent has many skills.

Why are there so many strange ways of playing in the country? !

This was his last thought after Bai Shu's character fell. Even if he used Awakening to fight back against the damage, he finally suppressed the opponent's HP to fifty-seven percent.

You don't even need 50% of your health to beat yourself... Isn't this rookie too strong?

At the same time, the fans at the scene also cheered, cheering for their vice team. After their own captain won 38 consecutive victories, their vice team also patted all the teams on the rookie wall. From the beginning of the season to the end of the season. There was literally no team that got points from their vice-team.

However, the opponent's tactics are arranged like this. From one-on-one to one-on-three, no one has defeated him. No matter you are the team captain, just the gun king, the swordsman and the great gods are all rubbed by their deputy team on the rookie wall, and even still One-on-two friction!

This is their invincible deputy team, only the captain is the deputy team that competes with each other!

At this point, Happy's ring match was over, but it didn't mean that all the ring matches were over.

The Hundred Blossoms and Samsara arena competition is still going on. But now it was Yu Feng fighting Zhou Zekai, who still had fifty-nine percent of his health remaining.

That's right, Zhou Zekai only has 59% left. He was forced to consume 41% of his HP by Zou Yuan, and Zou Yuan's remaining HP at that time was 41%!

It can be said that in this game, Zou Yuan really did his best and even performed exceptionally. It can be said that this match against Samsara is the best and best match he has played this season.

We must not fail Zou Yuan's efforts! This is Yu Feng's mood when he competes for the seat. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

It was a pity that Zou Yuan exhausted everything to fall, and entrusted the future and core of Hundred Blossoms to his people. He must bear the expectations and responsibilities of the other party! How can you be worse than that guy on the field? If this is the case, what qualification does he have to take over the responsibilities that the other party entrusts to him.

Isn't it fifty-nine percent of the life value? If I can't even cut this off, I have no face to stand in front of the brothers of Baihua again! I am the captain of Hundred Blossoms!

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