Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1574: Last game of regular season

Some players with experience in the game, their team in the most critical playoff format is the finals, know what kind of mentality and attitude to deal with the most appropriate. They have experienced them, so they can regulate direct emotions and psychology more stably. Be cautious when you need to be cautious, and you will be decisive when you take a shot.

In the league's ten-year history of the league, there are also many players who were not very conspicuous in the original regular season. But as soon as the playoffs arrived, they showed their unique brilliance for the first time. This is the so-called big-hearted player. These types of players have particularly strong psychological qualities, and they are often able to take on important responsibilities at the most critical moment, and even stand up to turn the tide and help the building fall.

And now in the professional league, the most typical choice is the qigong master Song Xiao of the Blue Rain team. He is a famous big heart player. If you care about his regular-season results or system data, you may think that this is mediocre, not at the level of a **** at all. It's a different mood when you look at his playoff record.

Because after entering the playoffs, his combat power began to soar. If we say that he is the normal Wukong in the regular season, then in the playoffs, he will directly open the Super League.

That's why he just made his debut in the fifth season. After his rookie season, he became the main force of Blue Rain, and he did not disappoint Blue Rain. In the sixth season, he successfully won the championship for Blue Rain. . At that time, he had the reputation of "Mr. Key".

The main lineup of Blue Rain's team competition has also undergone a lot of changes over the years, but Song Xiao has always held a firm position. During the regular season, he may still participate in some rotations, but once the playoffs arrive , his playing time will be greatly increased. This shows that Blue Rain attaches great importance to him. and a clear perception of his value.

Song Xiao's talent in this area can be said to be innate. Compared with his situation, most professional players are Xiaoyin who have accumulated a little bit of playoff experience. But their experience is rich enough, and they are successful if they have a calm mentality like a veteran.

This is the case with some players, who played just fine in the regular season, but always brought unexpected progress in the playoffs. And that's called the value of playoff experience.

Of course, the newcomers in Team Happy are inexperienced in this regard, although from Ye Xiu's observation, whether it's Tang Rou, Baozi, or Mo Fan, etc., all of Happy's newcomers are different. normal mental quality.

But even Tang Yin and Ye Xiu couldn't be sure whether he could continue to be so strong in the playoffs. So this game is a good opportunity, a chance for everyone to experience the rhythm of the playoffs a little bit.

Because the drive of 301 is definitely comparable to the playoffs. So Ye Xiu didn't want everyone in Happy to relax too much, but took a corresponding attitude to experience the atmosphere and scope of this match.

Although it is said that the competition with the previous teams has been fierce to a very high level, it has not yet reached the situation where the outcome of the playoffs is determined by the outcome. The intensity of that game will never be comparable to the playoffs.

"Understood!" Everyone in Happy responded, and as they spoke, the process of the final team competition began. First, they covered each other's hands on the stage, and then the two pairs separated and walked to their respective seats. Then both sides are ready, swipe the card to enter the map. Maps and characters have been refreshed successively. At this point, the game between the two sides begins!

The map chosen by Happy this time was a place called Tongmu Lou.

This set of maps has a commanding height. After all, considering the characteristics of 301's style of play, having a commanding height will be much more convenient. The most suitable player to play is Mucheng, but still, Zhang Jiale hasn't played for too long, Ye Xiu will be worried that he will not fit in, let alone Zhang Jiale. So he was pulled up, but Zhang Jiale, who was trained by Tang Yin's grenade, was also at his fingertips with the remote support.

Even in some places with cover, his grenades were more convenient than Mucheng's total firepower.

It is precisely because of this that the first step to start the game is very clear, that is to grab the commanding heights.

As a professional team, 301, of course, can't be completely ignorant of this map. They also have the characteristics of this map, and they didn't have any tactical positions in the first moment of the game.

As one of the most important strategic locations on this map, the location of the Tongmu Building is fair in terms of distance, that is, the straight-line distance between the birth points of the two players and the Tongmu Building is exactly the same. It can be said that whoever grabs the commanding heights first depends on the speed of both sides.

3011 started out as a group, but soon their characters did not maintain any tactical formation, but widened the distance between each other, and the first rush is naturally the scenery kill!

Yang Cong, the captain of 301, took advantage of the assassin's movement speed from the very beginning and rushed to the front. He had no intention of cooperating with the team's speed at all, and his purpose was to rely on his excellent speed to take the lead in rushing to the Tongmu Building. .

However, the characters on Happy's side were all covered by silver weapons, so even after thirty-eight rounds of competition, they still didn't know exactly how fast Happy was moving. However, although no specific numbers have been studied, some approximate numerical ranges are still available. And Yang Cong was confident that his speed was higher than that of anyone in the opposing team.

It's a pity that there is one member of Team Happy who doesn't take the usual path. That was Ye Xiu's Lord Grim.

As a loose person, he can change his preparations at will according to his needs, so as to achieve different effects. And now the silver outfit on Ye Xiu's body is estimated to be faster than Yang Cong's scenery kill.

However, Yang Cong certainly thought about this, but according to Team Happy's lineup, it was either Zhang Jialeka or Tang Yin who occupied the commanding heights. After all, Ye Xiu made a new appearance, so he was undoubtedly the core of Happy, so he only needed to be happier than Tang Yin and Zhang Jiale. UU reading www.uukanshu.com This pressure is much less.

After all, according to their analysis, whether it's Zhang Jiale's Huazhu Liushui or Tang Yin's Xiaoyaoyou, in terms of movement speed alone, they are all under his scenery. This point can be guaranteed after the analysis of thirty-eight games. So he guessed that Happy's plan for the battle might be that Ye Xiu would go down to the tower to delay the time and give Tang Yin or Zhang Jiale a chance to climb the tower. After all, this tactic is the safest.

Yang Cong expressed his confidence in his clear thinking!

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