Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1577: The heart of playing tactics is really hard!

The latest website: That's right, it's just a plan, this is the textbook of honor, and it is one of the four major tacticians in the professional league. This is his best tactical style. At the same time, this is also the most annoying. After all, it is similar to the kind of thing that I predicted that you will predict my prediction. It takes a dirty heart to think clearly and complete the plan.

When you were fighting against Ye Xiu, you couldn't even guess the move he predicted, or where the point he was going to plan would be. Not to mention defense. And such a situation, Yang Cong has already understood it since his debut in the third season.

But it turns out that people who are not dirty enough can't catch up with Ye Xiu's plan. No matter how careful he was, he was still hard to guard against.

It was as if from the moment Ye Xiu entered the alliance, he possessed a higher level of technology than all of them, more comprehensive knowledge and a more terrifying tactical theory.

Sometimes he even gives others the feeling that he is a traveler who has passed through from the future, and everything he has walked in front of everyone. Since the beginning of the Glory Professional League, he has created countless play styles, designed countless mid-range tactics, and even had countless theories about advantages.

And in this regard, who could be more authoritative than this glorious forerunner?

Ye Xiu's calculations seemed to control everyone's conscious play, the direction of the battlefield, and so on. Then he just needs to go forward, take one more step, and then he says that everything calculated will be one step faster than you. When you realize that you have been tricked, you will suddenly realize. When you reverse Ye Xiu's tactics, you will feel that all this is really easy to understand, but you just can't find out before you hit it.

No matter how hard you try, you just don't think farther than the other party, you just can't think of what the other party is beyond what you think.

301 is going to hit an effective life-saving cover for him.

Far-reaching Happy's plan is to break their style of play.

In order to achieve this goal, Happy needs a commanding height.

Therefore, Sablin has to prevent the opponent from grabbing the only commanding heights in the map in order to preserve his tactics.

So 301 sent Yang Cong, the fastest-moving captain of all of them, to intercept them here. Then wait until they arrive to attack.

And he did intercept Zhang Jiale, who was on the commanding heights on the other side, but his team did not come to fight him. And without Yang Cong's 301 tactic, what is the one-shot method of giving up his life?

Then the question arises, which is more important if it is impossible to seize the commanding heights of Happy and Happy?

Obviously, after this wave of back-and-forth pairs, in the end, Yang Cong came back in a big circle and found that it was them 301 who suffered in the end.

After all, Yang Cong's life-threatening strike is the core of their current style of play, and it is precisely because of the existence of life-saving strike and Yang Cong that their play style can make so many tactics suffer.

And Happy's way of deciphering their style of play is also very simple.

As long as the core who used the life-threatening blow is not there, naturally they don't have to worry about the opponent thinking about threatening their own life-saving blow. It is such a truth that even a child of a few years old can understand. But they 301 were simply fooled by it. Yang Cong rushed to the plan.

Thinking of this, Yang Cong immediately planned to turn around and leave, but this time it was Zhang Jiale's turn not to let him go.

As we all know, it is quite painful for melee professions to hunt down distant professions. Otherwise, how did kite-flying come about?

On the other hand, it would be even more painful if the melee combat wanted to escape from the remote now. The reason is very simple, because in this case, the melee combat can only keep running, running desperately, and throwing the opponent's attack range quickly. Because at this time than can't counterattack at all, after all counterattack must be close. And getting close and walking are two extremes.

From his debut to the first half of this season, Yang Cong's image has always been that of a fighter who rushes on the battlefield. After 301 concentrated, his position and position changed. In order to achieve tactical goals, he can now become a dead man. But no matter in the past or now, Yang Cong is playing directly with the opponent's kong.

It can be seen that this kind of escape is not something Yang Cong is particularly good at. After all, his assassin style adheres to the style of a certain Assassin's Creed. **** style. Any lewd assassin would not appear on him at all.

Grenades of various attributes and bullets of various attributes continued to attack Yang Cong behind him. Under the coverage of such a nearly saturated attack, it was difficult for Yang Cong to escape.

It can be said that now he has completely given up the hope of getting rid of Zhang Jiale. Now he can only run desperately, and it is possible to fight with the team before the blood is exhausted. After the people heal him and give him a sip of milk, they will be established. tactical system.

Zhang Jiale's various attacks made even Yang Cong, whose movement speed was unexpected, dragged extremely slowly. Although it was said that his ice bombs could not produce the freezing effect, the deceleration was still able to be played, and the assistance of the stiff bombs was added. Not to mention the limitations of various grenades.

But Yang Cong is also a great player after all. Even under the attack of Zhang Jiale, he still rushed over with difficulty, and the position of the team battle between the two sides had already appeared in his field of vision.

Coming soon!

At this moment, Yang Cong's heart was full of consolation, but the next moment he couldn't smile, a huge shadow that could only appear from his perspective.

Yang Cong raised his direct perspective and looked in the direction of the shadow.

He was very clear about the shadow. It was the shadow of Tongmu Lou under the illumination of Yangguan, and this shadow was just lying between him and his team, dividing the tactics into two halves. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

If he manipulates the character to go to his own team's turn now, then what's the point of him chasing Zhang Jiale on the road just now? And after that? He didn't believe that Zhang Jiale, who had chased him all the way, would pass up this opportunity. At that time, he really wouldn't have to go through his pursuit, but that was because Zhang Jiale would go directly to the top of the Tongmu Building, and then all the tactics of their team would be used. Changes will appear in each other's eyes.

What's the point of resisting the other party's damage like this after you get the news? Running back hard to face it, but thinking about this almost embarrassing situation? At this moment, Yang Cong's whole person is not well. Because he remembered that when everyone in his team informed him, they had not yet reached the Tongmu Building, but now they have reached the bottom of the Tongmu Building. This shows that the other party intentionally guided, and his return is also within the other party's plan.

It turned out that from the very beginning when Zhang Jiale launched his attack, he had only one player, and that was to win Zhang Jiale!

The heart of playing tactics is really hard!

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