Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1580: 301 Knights

Of course, it wasn't that simple for him to maintain such an almost perverted effect. After all, there was a character on Happy's side who could touch this medium state. There is also a possibility that such a state can also be removed.


But it wasn't that easy to maintain this perverted effect on the field at this time, because there were two characters in Happy's formation that could remove this state.


One is Pastor Happy's skill and concentration, and the other is Ye Xiu. After all, he is a loose person. God knows if he has skills like Qigong Master's calmness and leisure, and pastor's concentration on his weapon.


And these skills can remove the ridicule on Qiao Yifan now, and there may be two such characters on that side.


And the situation has developed to such a point that if the players of 301 still don't understand what Bai Shu means and give corresponding cooperation, even if they can wash and sleep, they will announce their retirement together.


Three cuts!


The swordsman Gao Jie of 301 understood the meaning of Bai Shu's attention in the first moment after Bai Shu used the sacrificial roar. Flashed in his path. Kill directly at Ye Xiu, regardless of whether he has any skills on the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella or not, kill him first.


On the other hand, Bai Shu himself still had the effect of ending the chivalry spirit. He directly attacked An Wenyi. Without hesitation, Bai Shu made a heroic charge.


As for Team 301's Li Yihui's professional judo ID, he was divided between Ye Xiu and An Wenyi. He hesitated for a while and placed the attack target on Ye Xiu together.


After all, although under normal circumstances, loose people don't have the ability to use the taunting state, but Happy's Ye Xiu has the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, a weapon that gives them a headache.


After a season of competition, although they didn't know what skills Ye Xiu had in each of his Myriad Manifestations Umbrellas, they also knew that each form of Myriad Manifestations Umbrella could have a skill. And this situation cannot be ignored.


As expected, Ye Xiu saw the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella in Ye Xiu's hands constantly deforming, and after Kaka sounded like a Transformer, his Myriad Manifestations Umbrella turned into a war sickle. This is a priesthood weapon!


And seeing the change in Ye Xiu's hand without the weapon, Li Yihui's face turned bad.


After all, there are not too many skills in the priesthood that can touch the taunting effect. The simplest ones are the concentration of the priest, the motion of the knight, the meditation of the exorcist, and the purification of the guardian. These four occupations have their own characteristics. Corresponding skills, and these skills are not unique, except that the knight's skills can only relieve the state of themselves, and the skills of other occupations can help other people to remove the skills of Xiaogao.


And they didn't know what skills Ye Xiu played on the Thousand Manifestations Umbrella, and they didn't even give up. After all, Ye Xiu showed his seventy-fifth-level rank among the All-Stars. Thousands of Umbrellas. Guess the Clear Sky Hammer.


And 301 Middle School is not only Li Yihui's face now is not good-looking. Bai Shu and Gao Jie, who was the first to attack Ye Xiu, also had gloomy expressions on their faces.


And what they are more worried about is that the opponent will not play this skill, but will play all the similar skills of the priesthood, which will restrict their play style too much. After all, as the tactical core of the current 301, he is also the one who brought the current play system. Anyone of him knows the weaknesses and limitations of this style of play, the way it works, and the techniques in it.

And the reason why he said that in that case, it would be very restrictive to their style of play, because the Cavaliers played a crucial role in this style of play. After all, if you want to maximize the assassin's life-saving hit rate, you need his taunting skills such as provocation and roar.


This is also the most important part of his knight's tactic, and when performing other tactics, although there will be some other important values, but the position in this set of tactics is relatively weak. few.


Sure enough!


Ye Xiu directly affected the nerves of 301 from the hole, especially the two who attacked Ye Xiu increased their movement speed, trying to interrupt Ye Xiu's skill release.


Don't think about it!


Gao Jie and Li Yihui were really in a hurry this time, and the sword light in Gao Jie's hand was waving faster. Although Li Yihui's role is the meat of the means, but as an all-star judo player, how could he simply give up?


Rotate your feet!


Seeing that Li Yihui manipulated the character to move the mountain to the ground, it was a blow to collapse the mountain, and the strong force of the collision directly sent him flying. Although the speed was very fast, the distance was limited, and it was impossible to catch up with Ye Xiu. , but that in itself is not much of his purpose. His purpose was to go to Qiao Yifan, who was closer to him, and use his own body to block the opponent's skills to support Yifan.


Seeing such a situation, everyone in 301 finally breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that their tacit understanding was really excellent. The three of them divided their responsibilities, one blocked Ye Xiu, the other blocked the priest, and the other blocked Yifan who needed support. The three directly cut off the possibility of Happy's support.


Boom boom boom, UU reading www.uukanshu.com boom boom boom!


Three shots were fired, followed by three explosions. Like three ice flowers blooming on the battlefield. The 301 people who were relieved one second ago became ice sculptures the next moment. It directly interrupted the offensive and plans in their hearts, and could only watch Ye Xiu's purification fall on Qiao Yifan.


"This is ignoring me." Tang Yin sent a message on the public channel. He was really curious, how dare these guys on the other side turn their backs on him together, does he look weak? You two have not figured out why Ye Xiu dared to purify in front of you in such an open and upright manner, so he dared to be so brave.


Tang Yin faced the 301 people who were all paying attention to Ye Xiu and Yifan. With one blow, they all aimed at their juniors. How could Tang Yin be polite? The ice bullet directly hit them three times. The three shots are not normal attacks, but a headshot, a fatal blow, and a blow back. All three hits, while leaving three ice sculptures on the field. After that, the freezing grenade reinforces the freezing effect. Directly defeated the original 301 tactical plan in an instant.


This guy, isn't this strong being a bit too much!


At this moment, Bai Shu was amazed. Although they said they were facing Tang Yin with their backs, the three of them moved in different directions. But this person can accurately predict the position of the three of them. Then he hit a headshot very quickly, a fatal blow, and a blow back. Moreover, this quasi-head is too exaggerated.


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