Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1586: The best newcomer without a doubt

After the top four interviews, of course, the situation of the bottom four teams will be reported. Of course, Happy couldn't be interviewed during the closed training, so the Thunder team was the first to report.


The Thunder team captain Xiao Shiqin directly mentioned in the interview that Thunder had entered the playoffs several times before, but after all failed to break through the embarrassing results of the first round, and this time, he hopes to lead the Thunder this season. breakthrough in.


"Now that we have come this far again, we naturally have only one goal, and that is the championship!" Xiao Shiqin said these words very domineeringly, revealing the Thunder's ambitions this season.


Then came the Hundred Blossoms team that successfully entered the playoffs, and when they were interviewed, they directly talked about their good luck in a self-deprecating tone. But the tone after that was very firm: "The playoffs are a new beginning for us, and this time we will not waste this good luck again."


Speaking of the luck of the Hundred Blossoms team, this is always a topic of embarrassment. But now they can face up to their "good luck" and even take the initiative to talk about it. This shows how positive their attitude towards this playoff is. With such an attitude, even some neutral media could not help wishing them good luck.


In the end, Team 301, who made it to the top eight with two points, can achieve their current results because it can be said that Bai Shu who joined them in the second half of the season brought them. Although their points are not particularly high, their results in the second half of the season are definitely not bad. Although they said that their style of play was cracked by Happy, and they didn't even kill any of them in the team match, they were still full of confidence in the playoffs that followed.


"We are a brand new 301 team!" This is Yang Cong, the captain of 301, who told everyone during an interview.


All the teams that entered the top eight interviews ended up with similar concluding remarks. Then there are the glory professionals of the major media, analyzing and predicting everything related to each major team. So far, the analysis and prediction about the next game of each major team has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.


Although the most talked about team is still thinking of Happy, the most promising team is still Samsara. After all, the strong performance of Yiqi Juechen in the regular season is really amazing and domineering. Even the Tyranny team that completed the gathering of the Four Heavenly Kings last season and won the final championship is not as good as them. performance of tension. This performance can already be described as dominance.


During these eight days, various reports, comments, and disputes about the eight teams broke out everywhere.


Everyone's game here has not yet started, and the player circle has already become a mess. The fans of each major team have their own opinions in the game and have their own reasons. This made the guild department extremely busy.


Even Tang Yin, who is now making the final charge, can see the apprentices running around in a row when they are resting in the middle. As a result, Tang Yin, who had finally found time to find his own apprentices to play with, was directly rejected by his apprentices. The scene was so desolate that Tang Rou on the side laughed out loud.


During this period, the official websites of major e-sports have also opened various voting channels, allowing players to vote for the teams they support.


On June 8, when the most crucial playoffs are still six days away, everyone's attention has once again returned to the league. Because the league will announce the final selection results of the major awards in the regular season today.

The King of Duel, Happy Ye Xiu;


The star of the fight, the reincarnation of Tang Yin;


One leaf will kill, reincarnation Zhou Zekai.


These three items are based on the results of systematic technical statistics, without any subjective emotions mixed in. All the controversy about them isn't huge, but it's still there after all. And the dispute is whether the king of duels should be given to Ye Xiu or Tang Yin.


Of course, it will be argued that these are all fans of Happy. It is better to say that they are showing off than they are arguing. All this debate was simply ignored by everyone. After all, what else can you do if you don't ignore it, after all, one of them is not enough to lose in the individual competition, and the limit of thirty-eight winning streaks can crush the whole process.


The other one is that the great gods who faced each team one after another showed continuous blocking, Huang Shaotian, Han Wenqing, Wang Jiexi, Zhou Zekai. Several great gods fought one after another but failed to block them. They have completed one-on-two against these great gods many times. It is the first player to complete one-on-three this season. These two people are just the king who won the duel, and they are both completely authoritative. Even the guy who can be picky has nothing to say.


However, because these three items are all based on statistics, and there are not too many personal emotions, there are some comments on them after all, and the major awards after that are selected by the league staff. Here is because of the different views of many people, the final destination of these awards will cause a debate every year.


This is not for Happy fans arguing about who Tang Yin or Ye Xiu is best suited to show off like the King of Singles. UU reading www.uukanshu.com This time it is a genuine debate, and various rhythms are brought up on the Internet. But one of the most fiercely debated awards in his later years has not been debated by any fans of the team this year. And this award is exactly: Best Newcomer.


And the best newcomer this season is Tang Yin!


Everyone had expected this result from a very early time. As Yu Wenzhou said in the original challenge, the rookies who debuted with Tang Yin are doomed to tragedy, because under the aura of Tang Yin, no matter how good their performance is Excellent, will be completely covered by it. You must know that he is the only one with a 100% win rate in individual competitions, besides Ye Xiu, and he is also the third place in the ring competition where the core of each major team gathers.


That is to say, the winning percentage is not more than 100%. If there is, Tang Yin's consecutive one-on-two and one-on-three records this season are 100% winning percentage, which is somewhat unworthy of him. And not only in individual competitions, but also in team competitions, his performance is even better. Whether it is teamwork or tactical command, he is the absolute pinnacle. You must know that even Thunder, who was so strong in the team competition that he even defeated Samsara, was planted in his hands. Even in their opinion, the rookie is simply too perfect.


The league's comment on Tang Yin is: "A player who breaks the rookie wall with a strong attitude."


But this sentence seems to everyone to mean that the league saves face for the major teams. This is not to break the rookie wall, it is to rub the major teams against the rookie wall!


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