Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1594: Reproduce the flower and blood scene?

For the pursuit of one's own dreams, these are nothing at all. He thought very thoroughly about the principle of equivalent exchange of giving and receiving, not only him, but also the former Baihua Zhang Jiale, right?


Of course, his status in Blue Rain was far less than Zhang Jiale's status in Baihua. And that's why he accepted Hundred Blossoms' invitation to come to their team. Yu Feng was even a little embarrassed to think, would Lan Yu's fans treat him like Baihua treated Zhang Jiale?


Although it was not a good encounter after all, after all, Zhang Jiale's pain and the other professional players saw it in their eyes. But Yu Feng is still envious, because he is exactly the attention that one of him has hoped to get.


He knew very well that there was Huang Shaotian first, and then Lu Hanwen. The captain's position is Yu Wenzhou. With their existence, he is only a main player after all, and it is absolutely impossible to get attention.


And Yu Feng himself is very clear that his current status in the hearts of Baihua fans is still not as good as when Zhang Jiale was in Baihua, and even the former Berserker Sun Zheping may not be as good. But even so, Yu Feng still has confidence that he has completely regarded himself as the captain of Baihua. He believes that it is only a matter of time before his efforts will be recognized by Baihua fans.


And what he has to do now is to lead Baihua to break through the hurdle in front of him - Tyranny!


This is the strongest team in the hearts of many people!


Before their match started, there was an online poll about their Baihua and Tyranny's winning percentage, and the results of this poll showed that 71% of the people were optimistic about Baihua, which was overwhelming in terms of numbers.


No way. After all, they were eliminated by Tyranny in the first game of the playoffs last season. This time, although Tyranny kept a low profile, it was all for the preparations for the playoffs. Everyone knew very well that all the energy they had accumulated before in the regular season was for a complete explosion in the playoffs.


And no matter how low-key Tyranny has been, they still occupy the second place in the standings. With this point, no one will continue to doubt their ability, after all, they were the champion team last season!


However, Yu Feng didn't care much about it. After all, professional players like them knew very well that there was no absolute thing about winning or losing. The strength is that it increases their odds of winning. But that chance can never be 100 percent. And as long as the final outcome is not 100%, then they will not give up! Even 1/10,000 is enough in their eyes!


Although in the eyes of the public, now they have only a 29% win rate or support rate.


But so what? Then we can achieve this 29%, shall we?


Thinking of this, Yu Feng took a deep breath on the stage and looked at the time a little. It was still early before the start of the game in the evening. He walked around the arena again before leaving here. But at this moment, he saw Zou Yuan. This Hundred Blossoms teammate who has been with Hundred Blossoms since his debut appeared in the arena and is walking up the stairs.


"You're here too?" Yu Feng greeted and asked, the two of them were obviously still a little far apart now, but after all, there was no one in the hall and it was very quiet. So Yu Feng only raised his voice a little, and his voice kept reverberating in the venue.


"Yeah. There is no scene, so my brain fills in the atmosphere. Just come and borrow the scene to experience it first." Zou Yuan said.

"Can you make up for this situation now?" Yu Feng looked around at the quiet surroundings. Now the venue was empty and very quiet. It's a bit difficult to figure it out.


"It's okay, I will try to make up for it to an exaggerated level, the kind with no upper limit, so when I really face the scene of the game, I will have a feeling of "Ha, it's just that", so There is no pressure anymore." Zou Yuan smiled, sharing his exclusive tips.


Yu Feng also smiled when he heard Zou Yuan's words. As a partner, he knew very well that he might be the one who knew this teammate best. At the beginning, because the team suddenly put the responsibility of the entire team on him, but when that many professional players, the coveted position fell to Zou Yuan, he didn't feel lucky, there was only endless pressure, that pressure almost pressed him. Crazy. And what Zou Yuan said just now may be his way of relieving the pressure of the game at that time...


Yu Feng just looked at Zou Yuan like this, he was standing on the edge of the stage, and there was no one in the audience. I saw Zou Yuan closed his eyes, stretched his arms, and looked very focused. Begins his stress-relieving brain-boosting ritual.


During this process, Yu Feng watched quietly, without making any sound, and even Shu Zhan stopped.


After a while, he saw the pedantic direction's arms, opened his eyes, looked back at him, and smiled.


"Is this all right?"


"Well, okay. It's interesting. Would you like to give it a try?" Zou Yuan asked.


"Me? Forget it! This method is not suitable for me. After all, if the atmosphere is not as strong as my brain, I guess I will make a mistake." Yu Feng laughed.


"Hahaha indeed, our situation is different." Zou Yuan said with some emotion.


Yes, the two of them are different. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is completely different.


At the beginning, Zou Yuan was almost crazy with the expectations and pressures given by the team and fans, but this pressure and expectation is what Yu Feng has been longing for.


Zou Yuan is afraid of pressure, but Yu Feng is the opposite. He enjoys the pressure.


This is why after Yu Feng came to the Hundred Blossoms team, Zou Yuan did not hesitate to hand over his captaincy, team core, etc. to Yu Feng who had just arrived.


And after handing over these, Zou Yuan really grew up at that moment, and it was only then that he learned to take responsibility and tried to seize the good luck that bet on him.


In subsequent games, he gradually did it. But even if he did, he didn't regret giving everything to Yu Feng before. Because he can't change his character from the root, captain, core, these four words have too many things to bear, Yu Feng is far more suitable than him. He also believes that if it is handed over to the other party, he will do better than him!


It's also interesting to say.


He Zou Yuan and Yu Feng are two completely opposite people. Even so, they still become each other's best teammates and each other's most reliable partners. Is it because the contrast between them is just complementary? You must know that in the selection of the best combination of the season this season, the ranking of the two of them is not low. Even above the Void Twin Ghosts.


Reproduce the scene of flowers and blood?


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