Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1598: Happy's pre-match adjustment

"Boss? Boss?" Wu Chen and the others' voices pulled back from Chen Guo's thoughts.


"Ah? What's wrong?" Chen Guo, who came out of her thoughts, obviously didn't notice what Wu Chen and the others said.


"Sister Chen, do you want to watch the game with us?" Tang Yin's eldest apprentice asked again.


"Me? Of course it depends!" Chen Guo nodded and said, after all, she was still very curious about who would win in the end between Tyranny and Baihua. She was very curious who would be Happy's opponent in the future. In terms of the difficulty of winning the championship, it would be great if Tyranny and Samsara could be eliminated first.


After all, the curtains and the like in the conference room had already been set up, so the five of them simply went there to look. But when they started watching, the players on both sides had already started to play, and the pre-match small climax was over, and after that, Pan Lin and Li Yibo ended chattering about various topics. And these topics are obviously not enough to set off any climax again. Until the game officially begins.




At this time, Chen Guo heard a few footsteps behind her, and when she looked back, she saw that Tao Xuan and Guan Rongfei had entered together. After saying hello to Chen Guo, he was next to Chen Guo.


"Hey, you bastard, this is our conference room after all, do you want to be so casual..." Tao Xuan and Chen Guo, who looked like she was entering her own house, was helpless, but Tao Xuan was very measured. , he will leave when it is time to leave...


And now, it's a little difficult for Chen Guo to say what she rejects...


"Hey, what's the matter, didn't I sign all the nondisclosure agreements?" Tao Xuan laughed, still in a suit. It's like the outfit Chen Guo had when she saw him for the first time...


There was nothing he could do about Tao Xuan and Chen Guo, but he looked at the others around him. None of them are professional players, and it's been a long time since I watched a game with such a group of people.


The match finally started. Chen Guo, Tao Xuan, Wu Chen, Tang Yin's three apprentices, Guan Rongfei, a group of people who simply liked glory watched the match silently.


"Who's winning?"


Everyone in Happy's work and rest time is quite healthy right now, and now it's the playoffs, so it's natural to pay more attention to this aspect. Let alone training and grabbing the rest time. So at exactly ten o'clock, everyone from Happy came out of the training room and happened to meet Chen Guo and his group who got off the elevator. So Tang Yin asked along the way.


"Tyranny..." Chen Guo said a little dejectedly, after all, for the sake of his own team's future, he expected Baihua to win. And she would have such expectations mainly because he was worried all the way through this game, not without hope. In the end, both Thunder and Team Hundred Flowers lost.


"What's their score?" Ye Xiu also asked curiously.


"11 to 8." Chen Guo said.


After all, the current playoff system is based on points per head. Tyranny won both the team competition and the ring competition. Naturally, it was a perfect score of 11. On the other hand, Hundred Blossoms killed four opponents in the Thunder competition, and also killed four opponents in the team competition, so they scored eight points in the end.


"Yeah." Ye Xiu nodded, indicating that he understood.


There was a three-point difference between the two sides, but in terms of the current format of the Glory playoffs, Tyranny was not an overwhelming victory, and in terms of the results of the ring match, the two sides were evenly matched. It's normal to lose a few heads in a team match. After all, the team match itself is easy to be snowballed, and Baihua can still score four points, which is already very impressive.

"Then let's analyze some of this game tomorrow morning." Ye Xiu said.


On the home court of Baihua.


By now, the audience has all gone, and even the post-match press conference is over. There are only some cleaning venue staff in the current venue.


And at this moment, Yu Feng returned to this venue again, to this stage.


What about losing...


Even if you try your best, you still lose...


Team Tyranny, which was so low-key in the regular season, was completely different in the playoffs. The current Tyranny is not strong, and it gives people a very stable feeling, so stable that even with Han Wenqing again, he is not too aggressive.


Ten years. How far has this team been tempered? Obviously they are playing away from home, and in the crucial game of the playoffs, they still play very smoothly, even calmly.


You must know that this round of Hundred Blossoms' tactics is a strong attack, in order to fully utilize the home field advantage. Want to play the momentum of the home court. However, their offensive was like a rock sinking into the sea in front of Tyranny. All the offensives were silently resolved under the command of the opponent Zhang Xinjie.




But he didn't feel any regrets, not even indignation, when he lost this game, just like it was a matter of course for them to lose this pizza.


And this kind of mood made Yu Feng feel very scared.


He was worried that his fighting spirit had been silently wiped out by the opponent in this match... Even in his subconscious, he felt that Hundred Blossoms couldn't win this match. UU reading www.uukanshu.com


Yu Feng was very contemptuous for having such an idea. At this time, he must not be shaken in any way.


The first game of the playoffs here has just ended, and what follows is a compliment to Team Tyranny. As for the Hundred Blossoms at home, although there were no loopholes in the game, they still failed to change the outcome, but it is precisely because of this that it shows After a season of Tyranny's forbearance, the power after the explosion.


The first game on the second day has not been completely exhausted. The second game of the playoffs is coming. This game is the Samsara team that 301 played at home against them, and this team performed very well in the regular season. Everyone is very curious about what kind of explosive power a strong team will show in the playoffs, which also makes this game more and more concerned.


But Happy's attention to the game is not like that of the outside world. It's just a simple curiosity. After all, as long as they continue to win, they are very likely to be in the last reincarnation. , they must start paying attention and collect information as soon as possible.


But even so, everyone from Team Happy still didn't organize to watch the match that night. I didn't even want to review the video file the next day. The reason is very simple, because the next day is Happy's game, and from today onwards, the training for the whole day will be adjusted. After dinner, there will be free interaction time, so that everyone can relieve the pressure before the battle of life and death.


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