Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1600: 08 Flaws, Frozen Chicken Wings

These three words, foul, are exactly what Pan Sen shouted in his heart at this moment. No way, this kind of play that can produce unexpected effects is simply too buggy. Even though I have watched a regular season, I still feel a foul.


In the end, their thinking was somewhat restricted by their occupations, and they couldn't imagine Ye Xiu's ability to thoroughly integrate the characteristics of all-round occupations. What else can they do in the face of the unrefined profession, these will take time and time to sort out and fully understand them, but it is precisely because of this that when they watch Ye Xiu's games, they will often ask "How am I going to do it?" I didn't expect" such a thought.


And this time, it's the director's turn to be in a bit of a hurry. After all, both sides have performed very well now. No matter whoever uses the main perspective of the two parties, they may miss some classic moments, especially now, the director is even more unclear about which perspective to use. Only in this way can the current situation be more tense.


Is it to express Ye Xiu's sharpness from the current Ye Xiu's swooping perspective like a falcon, or to use Song Xiao's dazed and ignorant main perspective to express the helplessness of the players?


But now it's a game, and the battle situation will change dramatically in an instant, so the director almost subconsciously switches the screen. And this time, it was Song Xiao's perspective.


Song Xiao's Taoluosha Ming child smashed and moved, but the next moment a grenade fell from the sky and fell directly to his body.




The director praised himself, because in Song Xiao's perspective, he just gave a close-up of this grenade, and he could clearly see him from top to bottom, and there was only Taoluo Shaming moving, but there was no sound around. , At this time, when the grenade falls, it is necessary to think statically.


If you can slow down the camera at this time, then this scene will be too classic. The director was already a little crazy.




The next moment the grenade exploded in front of Song Xiao's Taoluo Shaming. And Ye Xiu's figure also fell directly from the sky.


Roll, roll, roll.


Song Xiao knew that Ye Xiu couldn't get close to him, it was just a continuous roll. After all, although he was a fighting type, he lacked a qigong master. Close combat was not his profession's strength. The air wave bomb blasted out at Ye Xiu!


Such a sudden attack, even the audience with the perspective of God would be shocked when they saw it, but Song Xiao, who was directly attacked, did not look flustered at all. response.


The three consecutive tumblings successfully pulled Taoluo Shaming away from Ye Xiu to the greatest extent possible. And he also used this neutral position to directly blast out a qigong bomb. After a series of operations, it was smooth and smooth, and it was not affected by Ye Xiu's sudden attack at all.


"This blow is beautiful!" Panson said excitedly.


Ye Xiu's sneak attack this time was very good, and Song Xiao's response this time was also very good. In this regard, Pan Sen can only sigh that it is indeed the playoffs, and it is a game that shows the highest level of the league. Even if it is just a simple fight, Pan Sen feels that it is worth the price. If there is any regret, it is because the rhythm of the two sides is too fast, and he has no time to praise the wonderfulness of this wave of operations, and the game between the two sides has already continued.


The air wave blasted out.


But Ye Xiu had no intention of dodging at all, and took the blow directly. There is no other reason, the air wave bomb has almost no rigid judgment, and it will not affect his offensive at all.

"Even in a ring match, sometimes you have to show a tough attitude." Li Yibo said in amazement when he saw this scene.


It was this tough attitude that allowed Ye Xiu to maintain his powerful offensive, but in the face of such a dangerous situation, Song Xiao remained very calm. The battle between the two sides turned directly into a head-to-head battle.


"Sneak attack like this is really too limited for the key gentleman Song Xiao." Pan Sen said with some emotion.


"But with these two sneak attacks, Ye Xiu has at least controlled the first mover." Li Yibo said.


And no one expressed any objection to Li Yibo's point of view. After all, judging from the situation of so many games in the regular season, it was terrifying that the winning rate against Ye Xiu was absolutely high.


"But now Song Xiao's situation can't be said to be disadvantaged." Pan Sen said.


After all, Song Xiao's style of play is very stable now, with seven points on defense and three offenses. Although he was a little passive in terms of form, it wasn't a disadvantage. After all, his rhythm was not disturbed at all by Ye Xiu's attack.


"Song Xiao's style of play is really stable, defensive and counterattacking. It's really a typical Blue Rain style of play." Li Yibo laughed.


After all, in a team, the occupation of his healer character can reflect the team's main style of play. In the team that entered the playoffs this time, the five teams of Samsara, Tyranny, Happy, Thunder, and Hundred Flowers The healers are priests, which also shows that their style of play is more offensive.


The other three teams, Tiny Herb's situation is the most special, they are dual healers. Therefore, there is no fixed attack or defense in play. This can be considered an outlier~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the other two teams, Blue Rain and 301, are the guardians of the two teams. Therefore, the style of play of the two teams is naturally conservative.


Among them, Blue Rain's style of play is a typical defensive and counter-attack team, which is also their famous style of play.


Look for the opponent's flaws in the steady defense, and then seize the opportunity to attack. Use opportunism to the extreme!


And this is Blue Rain's team style, and the team style is also the style that most affects the team members. After all, if you want to stand firm in the Blue Rain team, if you don't have a good defensive and counterattack skills, although you can't say that you want to leave Blue Rain completely, it will be difficult to continue to stay. Of course, if you are extremely strong, it is another matter. After all, Yu Feng is a good example.


Defensive play will usually be suppressed by the opponent on the field. These are normal situations. After all, the reason for this situation is that they took the initiative to give space to each other, so although Song Xiao is a little passive now, his rhythm is not chaotic at all, which is why Pan Lin and Li Yibo do not think that Song Xiao is now Akatsuki's situation is dangerous, it's just his style.


The most exciting thing about the defensive style is the defensive counterattack. It can be said that the climax of this style of play is at the moment of the counterattack. And the flaw, the frozen chicken wings (fleeting), is precisely because of this, so the defensive counterattack must be steady and slow when defending; the moment of counterattack must be fierce, ruthless, and fast.


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