Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1600: 15 Because their captain is Yu Wenzhou

Chapter 1648 One thousand six hundred chapters 15 Because their captain is called Yu Wenzhou (please subscribe, please recommend)

Huang Shaotian was stunned when he heard his captain's words. Thinking about it again, it seems like this. You must know that Ye Xiu's scatter shot, the crowding frequency itself is too fast, coupled with Ye Xiu's extremely high operating accuracy. It is indeed difficult for Lu Hanwen, a great swordsman, to be slow and fast.

You must know that this time his opponent is Ye Xiu, the difficulty will only be very fast, and the difficulty will be even greater.

"Come on Hanwen, keep looking for opportunities! Don't let that guy be so arrogant!" Huang Shaotian said with some gritted teeth.

Oh, what a pity!

Lu Hanwen thought to himself, after all, he just hit the sixth stage attack. Before the damage was dealt much, the opponent pulled the situation back again. Lu Hanwen's personality is indeed more positive and optimistic. But that doesn't mean he's the kind of person who forgets about his scars in a blink of an eye.

After all, as a professional player, scars will not be easily forgotten on anyone. After all, every scar is an important experience, an important existence that can help them grow directly, and Lu Hanwen's optimism does not make him forget these scars, but makes him face all this more positively. For all his pain, never escape.

Wouldn't the final result be better if I had been like that...

Lu Hanwen is like this. He is not afraid of injury. Instead, he will learn from his injuries and grow through mistakes and failures. But this kind of growth is not something that can be achieved overnight, nor is it that the mistakes you just made this time can be avoided immediately next time. After all, humans are not machines.

After all, even if Lu Hanwen made a mistake at his current level, it was not such an obvious mistake. Most of them made mistakes in some inadvertent places in the details of the battle. And this subconscious operation error is also the most correctable. Sometimes it even takes a long time to be effective.

In the past two years, Lu Hanwen has also grown significantly. He is directly and very clear that he has made a lot of progress compared to his past self, but those improvements are in front of the hand in front of him...

Lu Hanwen took a deep breath.

When he first entered the league, the great **** in front of him had already retired. Lu Hanwen, who he thought he would never meet, met in a later online game. That summer, he went to the guild under the name of Blue Rain to practice, and that summer he guarded the poorest failures.

In order to give them more experience in dealing with Zhou Zekai, the first-hand captain invited the assistant coach. That was the first time he knew that there were such great gods in online games. You must know that during that time, their strongest main force, Huang Shaotian, was directly struggling to cook okra for several days. That was Huang Shaotian with the name of the Sword Saint, but the winning rate under that person was very pitiful.

It was precisely because of this that he was a little curious about the realm of the gods and automatically participated in the guild's experience. It was also where he met another senior who was as difficult as senior Tang Yin.

At that time, the feeling of fighting against Ye Xiu was actually not very obvious. After all, it was only in an online game. There were not many opportunities for him to directly fight with Captain Ye Xiu like training, so at first he just heard from Blue River and the others. Talk about the deeds of the great **** Ye Xiu, how he and Tang Yin stirred up the situation in the realm of gods and became the biggest beneficiary from it.

At that time, when he heard the cooperation between the two seniors, there was only one thought in his mind: it was amazing!

But after meeting, he felt too powerful to describe the two at all. Technically, he can improve through hard work, so that he has the possibility to catch up with the opponent, but in terms of tactical layout, he really can only look up. It was hard for him to imagine that there could be two people in a team with the same tactical commander as their captain Yu Wenzhou.

Since Lu Hanwen joined Blue Rain, he has always regarded Huang Shaotian as a target, and even regarded him as a target to surpass. But let's forget someone like the captain... Lu Hanwen is very clear about the direct situation, and he admits that he doesn't talk about such a tactical person.

As far as the contact in the online game is concerned, the tactics and command of the two seniors amazed him. Taking their squads to grab the wild bosses in the guilds of the major teams is like searching for something. After that, the two seniors entered the league, and Ye Xiu once again returned to the top. His 38-round winning streak in the individual competition was unparalleled. Senior Tang Yin made his debut as a rookie, but pressed all the teams against the rookie wall. From the start of the season to the end of the season. No team has ever scored a point against him.

How can these two be defeated?

In the end to use the mind, or rely on technology. But neither of them can compare to the other.

For this time with Ye Xiu's captain, even Lu Hanwen himself can only draw this conclusion with great regret. He is indeed very brave and fearless in the battle. The odd number does not mean that he cannot distinguish the strengths of the two sides.

But so what? Even if he realized the gap between him and Ye Xiu, Lu Hanwen would still fight bravely.

He knew very well that there was a gap between the two sides.

He had already realized this when the two sides played against each other for the first time~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but he didn't think much about whether these differences could be erased. After all, this is a professional league, and the outcome of the game can be decided by the difference alone.

This is not only the most formal thought in Lu Hanwen's heart, but also the common thought in the hearts of everyone from Blue Rain: "The gap is not terrible, and the gap does not necessarily determine everything!"

This sentence is deeply ingrained in the hearts of their Blue Rain players, because their captain is Yu Wenzhou, and their captain has one of the most fatal weaknesses and flaws of most professional players. Do you know why it is said that the minimum hand speed for professional players is 200? Because their captain's hand speed is two hundred.

But how? He is the four major tacticians of Glory, and he is also the first warlock of Glory! The current peak player still has his place.

Yu Wenzhou faced his flaws head-on, and even used his flaws to tell all the Blue Rain training camp students who aspired to become professional players: The gap is not terrible, the terrible thing is to give up because of the gap.

"Even I didn't give up like this, what reason do you have?"

It was this simple sentence that Lu Hanwen remembered from the training camp until now. Even though he was very young at the time, he still clearly understood the very simple truth in this sentence. As for Yu Wenzhou, who also came out of the Blue Rain training camp, his deeds are undoubtedly the greatest encouragement to the younger generation.

So in Blue Rain's training camp, they won't give up their ideals, and they won't give up victory on the field!

Everyone can see the gap, but they Blue Rain will never be afraid of the gap.

Keep going like this!

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(End of this chapter)


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