Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1627: Ninja Form: Moonlight

At this moment, even if the audience at the scene had a good personal relationship with Team Tang Yin and Shaotian, such a situation must have been encountered before, but he still couldn't help but observe three seconds of silence for him. After all, which professional rookie is facing such an overwhelming situation Under the bombardment of trash talk, can you still have the mood to compete? This mentality does not explode, it is already a very good psychological quality.

Pan Sen, who was in the original commentary, wanted to recite some of the more interesting things in Huang Shaotian's overwhelming trash talk. But in the end, he gave up, because Huang Shaotian made his trash talk more valuable than he was able to fully reflect it. After he glanced at Huang Shaotian's trash talk, he found that none of it was meaningful.

And the director may also realize the complicated mood of explaining the present, and directly increase their opposite window to let everyone feel it for themselves.

The players on both sides were still approaching. When the trash talk on the broadcast screen kept passing, Tang Yin suddenly took the lead, and a small electronic eye was released by him. Taking the trees as cover, he took the lead and flew to the middle.

Tang Yin's move immediately attracted everyone's attention. After all, Tang Yin had already released the electronic eye, so he might be about to launch an offensive.

At this time, everyone finally understood why Tang Yin still chose to follow Ye Xiu's old path, even though he knew that the ambush was likely to become very passive. Because from the beginning, Ya didn't plan to ambush himself, but used the mechanical cigarette to observe Huang Shaotian's position.

And the electronic eyes with flying ability can completely remove trees and use them as cover. Huang Shaotian took the normal cover with attention and Tang Yin had no intention of avoiding it at all.

"It's not bad that he is the best rookie this season, his thinking is really clear. It's because the inertia of the game has brought us into a misunderstanding of thinking." Li Yibo said.

Because of Ye Xiu's performance in the previous three games. As a result, when Tang Yin took the route that Ye Xiu took at the beginning, everyone subconsciously thought that Tang Yin would use the same tactics as Ye Xiu. This is the inertia of their thinking. And looking at what Huang Shaotian mainly observes from his perspective, it seems that this inertia of thinking is also useful to him.

The director gave Huang Shaotian's perspective once again, and Huang Shaotian's operation once again surprised everyone. Originally, they thought that such high-frequency texting would always have some impact on Huang Shaotian, but the truth was, in Huang Shaotian's perspective, his attention was not distracted by typing at all, and every detail around him was not missed.

If only this would not surprise them, what made them even more concerned was that Huang Shaotian still had some perspectives to pay attention to the tree tops. Although he was just paying attention, it also overturned their previous conjecture. Huang Shaotian didn't fall into the same mental habit as they did. Instead, he was also wary of Tang Yin's electronic eyes.

"It's good that it's the swordsman Huang Shaotian. They both know each other too well. Tang Yin still has no sign of being affected by Huang Shaotian's trash talk, and Huang Shaotian also clearly knows Tang Yin's methods." Li Yibo sighed, so familiar with each other. The captains among the people tend to be more intense and exciting.

"Xiao Yin, you don't want to test my patience, right? I tell you, if that's what you're thinking, just play!" Huang Shaotian said.

"As a newbie, you may not know it yet, but I'm a patient expert who can't hold back even if I watch my teammates get killed one by one!" Huang Shaotian said. This Mengxin is even more direct ridicule, the fact that Tang Yin is now his junior.

But Tang didn't respond to the group's trash talk about Tang Yin, and the audience at the scene exploded first.

"You're so embarrassed, but that's an example? Is this something you know you're proud of? Have you misunderstood something like this?" lead to teamfight failure. Even though Huang Shaotian had just made his debut at that time, how could you have the courage to say such a thing so proudly!

"So let me tell you to die quickly. The longer I endure, the more terrifying it will explode in the end. I can do anything by then." Still said.

But this time Tang Yin replied, "How much is π?"

Huang Shaotian: "…"

There was a moment of silence in the audience, followed by a burst of laughter. After all, Huang Shaotian himself just said he could do everything. As a result, such an unanswerable question was asked. They could all imagine the psychological shadow area of ​​Huang Shaotian now.

"Come here, I'll give you a head start," Tang Yin added. Just typed out what most people knew.

The next moment was another burst of laughter from the audience. The audience finally realized this time that Tang Yin was called the reason for being inappropriate by the professional circle. Is this a question that people can ask? So brutal.

"So don't do unnecessary resistance. If you seem to have the slightest chance of winning, come out quickly and let's fight." After a short silence, Huang Shaotian immediately opened his swing. Ignoring Tang Yin's question, he continued to say his own.

Seeing this scene, the audience was filled with joy again, and even everyone in the Blue Rain player's seat couldn't help it. As Huang Shaotian's captain, now Yu Wenzhou was covering his face with one hand, his expression a little helpless. He felt that his family's Huang Shaotian seemed to be led around by Tang Yin...

"You're running out of time now, I'll give you another 12 seconds in the end." Huang Shaotian, who was completely rotten, continued his rhythm.

"Why 12 seconds? Of course this is the limit of my ability now! Isn't it very accurate?"

"The countdown is about to start, you can count it directly."

A lot of self-questioning and self-answering trash talk was sent out, instantly refreshing Tang Yin's words just now to a place that no one could see.

They didn't know if Tang Yin had counted the twelve seconds Huang Shaotian said, but they saw that Tang Yin had made other movements.

Seeing the phantom **** in Tang Yin's hand flicked, the sharp blade on the barrel flew out with an iron chain. Then Tang Yin emptied his ninja knife. Swing directly from the ground to a great technique.

This scene directly shocked the audience, and none of them reacted from the changes in the phantom weapon just now. Everyone was curious about the phantom gun barrel in Tang Yin's hand just now. Since the thing that looked like a blade was not a decoration, it could be thrown out. What the **** is that?

The director also picked out the information about Tang Yin's current equipment at the first time, and on Tang Yin's current weapon column, the original name has changed.

Phantom God Dual Spears (Ninja Sword Form): Moonlight

Level: 80


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