Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1642: Happy's glorious tradition

In the end, Li Yuan collapsed when Tang Yin's blood line was reduced to 37%. Yifan's skills required reading a job, which consumed more than 40% of Tang Yin's blood. This result was already very good. Not bad.

Everyone looked at the 37% of Tang Yin's close-up on the big screen. Now Tang Yin's character has no expression on his face, and everyone can't observe the player's mood after the character according to the character.

They don't know what kind of mentality they think about the player behind this character, whether it is cheering, jumping, or a calm that has long been accustomed to. But no matter what Tang Yin's mood is now, Li Yuan must be in a bad mood now. After all, if he hadn't been burned by the fire, which directly burned more than 30% of his blood, most of his elves would be destroyed. burnt out. Otherwise, he is confident that this will push down Tang Yin's bloodline a little further.

Among the competition seats on Blue Rain's side, Li Yuan had already opened the door and walked out. Although I am very depressed about this result, the main reason is that the 30% loss from HP is too much.

But thinking about it, he doesn't seem to be able to blame himself. After all, since the professional league debuted, no one has ever set fire to a mountain.

Wait, it's true that there are no people who set fire to the mountain, but it seems that there are really some who set fire to the library. At this time, a thought appeared in Li Yuan's mind, because he remembered that in the first season, this is the map where Ye Xiu's Excellent Era team and the then-at-the-peak Royal Wind team had a final duel. It was mainly a wooden structure. 's library.

At that time, it seemed that for some reason, the library caught fire. I remember that Excellent Era's Elemental Mage used the magic shield to help the priest resist the damage in order to protect Ye Xiu's face for treatment. Finally, through the efforts of his teammates, he successfully sent the priest to Ye Xiu's side. He used the priest's strongest recovery technique to directly After returning all Ye Xiu's status to full, Excellent Era's first season championship was established. (Full-time master movie, Erha was shocked when he saw this scene.)

It was with the help of these teammates that Ye Xiu completed the sixth-order fighter's will.

If you think about it this way, setting fire to the venue is still their glorious tradition...

They can still not take the other party away, such a result is a big blow to their morale...

Li Yuan was also a little depressed for a while. Although he knew that there was a gap in strength between himself and Tang Yin, he didn't expect to be restrained so thoroughly.

Seeing Li Yuan returning to the player's seat, everyone in Blue Rain could only pat him on the shoulder. After all, Li Yuan's handling was fine, and his tactical thinking was also very emotional. It's a pity that this time they encountered a player who played a card that was not according to common sense. Improper guy.

"It's already very good." Yu Wenzhou said at this time, this is not a consolation, Li Yuan's performance in this game is indeed excellent. Having PKed with Tang Yin, he knows very well how much pressure Tang Yin's style of play puts on their professions that need to sing.

"Well." Li Yuan also knew his own strength, and the captain admitted that he had no problem with tactical judgment. It's just because Tang Yin's overwhelming strength suppressed some emotional impact.

"It's up to you in the end." Yu Wenzhou will look at the last member of Blue Rain's team. He was also the last defender of the Blue Rain arena, the ammunition expert player Zheng Xuan.

"The pressure is huge." Zheng Xuan helplessly wiped his forehead with a towel, as if there was sweat from the pressure.

In the initial pre-match predictions, most of them were more optimistic about Blue Rain. After all, the background of the giants is here. While Happy does have a lot of great gods, there are more rookies. Moreover, the Great God is not too young. In the regular season, Blue Rain won two consecutive victories directly in the hands of Happy. But the current dismissal is the exact opposite of what they expected.

Now that Happy had only played two players, they had already won four of Blue Rain's head points. The most important thing was that Tang Yin hadn't died yet. If you want to win, you can only hope that Zheng Xuan can complete a one-vs-three and thirty-seven percent. This is obviously not realistic.

The position of defending is actually the most difficult position to play in the personal game, because it is a heads-up for the opponent. After all, as long as the opponent is defeated, the opponent will not come up again. Therefore, when facing the opponent's defender, the other side can play as an individual match, and naturally they will be more free and unrestrained in their playing style.

But Shou Lei Fang was very uncomfortable at this time, because the other party was unrestrained but he couldn't, and there was nothing behind him to rely on. On the contrary, he had to save his life as much as possible to prepare for the next person on the other side. Not to mention the psychological pressure of the entire team pinning their hopes on you.

Of course Yu Wenzhou didn't impose such unrealistic expectations on his teammates. There was no benefit except to increase the pressure on the opponent's heart. Given the current situation, there should be no suspense to win Tang Yin. It's just a matter of how much life is spent. Whether Zheng Xuan can win one more person in one blow, after all, if he can enter the team competition with a disadvantage of only two heads, it will be unacceptable for many.

Two people and three people are a watershed. It is impossible for two people to win the competition in the ring, but it is difficult to win with three heads in the team competition. Of course, it would be best to lose a head in the ring match, but this premise is that Zheng Xuan has to raise his hand, and Yu Wenzhou will not think about the dismissal like UUkanshu.com.

"Then I'll pull it up!" Zheng Xuan said and started, put down the towel and tidied up his clothes.

"Come on!" Blue Rain said together.

"Don't worry, if I can't take down my head, I'll die here today!" Zheng Xuan said with a serious face.

When they heard Zheng Xuan's words, everyone in Blue Rain was stunned, and then they reacted immediately. Talking about a hammer, Xiaoyaoyou only needs 37% of his health, even if he is Tang Yin, he can't kill one person with this blood. The words of the five weaklings in the professional league are not nonsense, not to mention that Zheng Xuan is the absolute main force of their Blue Rain.

Therefore, regarding this guy's tricks, everyone in Blue Rain rolled their eyes in tacit understanding, and no one paid any attention to Zheng Xuan, who was making fun of him.

"What are you doing! What are you doing? This is the score that Huang Shaotian and Li Yuan tried their best and failed to get. I made such a big decision, since you are still ignoring me..." Zheng Xuan said with an expression of wrong payment after all. .

"Get out of here!" Huang Shaotian was huge and angry, just like Li Yuan beside him. After all, why didn't they score this point, one was smashed by a tree, and the other was set on fire... Isn't this guy who can't open a pot and lift it?

"Hey, leave it to me!" Seeing that the atmosphere of the team had been adjusted by himself, Zheng Xuan also walked towards the competition room confidently.

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