Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1677: This is Happy

Although Blue Rain had the advantage of one person, they couldn't rely on their attacks to limit Happy's offensive. After all, Happy's members were here.

Ye Xiu, a proficient in all professions, although Ye Xiu's style of play is known for being obscene, but this guy has no lower limit.

Tang Yin has the same strength as Ye Xiu. Although he is also known for being wretched, he is not a human being. And it's a long-range profession, how do you guys in melee combat affect me? As for that Yu Wenzhou, he has the ability to sing a big move, but if the progress bar can reach halfway, I will lose.

The only Zheng Xuan who might be able to limit Tang Yin was suppressed by Zhang Jiale because he wanted to protect and heal. The most important thing is that Zhang Jiale is also remote, and the location is favorable. It was even harder for the Blue Rain crowd to hit him.

With the current configuration of the three of them, Blue Rain wanted to restrict them, what was easier said than done?

Coupled with the unrestrained shopping like now, the treatment itself is a kind of pressure, and it takes a few days to assess the situation, a super-fast response, and the most important timing ability to deal with it.

Their Blue Rain's healing was already very stretched because of the mana, not to mention that they were still being chased by Zhang Jiale.

On Happy's side, An Wenyi is indeed very talented in some aspects, but also has very obvious loopholes in some aspects, and An Wenyi's silver weapon is to make up for these loopholes. , but if he really had to deal with the current situation like Blue Rain, it would still make people feel a little nervous.

But the problem is that An Wenyi is dealing with the situation on Happy's side, and what is Happy's situation now? Including him, there are four people, and one of them is Zhang Jiale, who is outside the team battle. He, who is not the center of the battlefield, doesn't suffer much damage at all.

In other words, An Wenyi now only needs to look after Huang Shaotian, Lu Hanwen, Yu Wenzhou's Tang Yin and Ye Xiu. This is a mixed situation in the eyes of others, and in his view, it is enough to keep the two of them. This has greatly reduced the difficulty of An Wenyi's operation. An Wenyi's actions would indeed make people nervous if he were to take care of four people at a time, but only two people would be the other extreme.

And now, it's time for An Wenyi to fully show his talent.

"It's amazing, Happy's detailed battle is really amazing." Li Yibo, who thoroughly understood Happy's tactical arrangements and staffing, couldn't help but sigh.

Because the players in such a team are undoubtedly happy. Because even if you have various shortcomings, he can accommodate you in this team and create a stage for you that allows you to give full play to yourself.

"Speaking of which, this should be the characteristic of the Blue Rain team." The more Li Yibo thought about it, the more familiar this team became. Looking at it now, isn't that the current opponent of Happy's, Blue Rain?

You must know that Blue Rain is such an extremely inclusive team. This kind of inclusiveness also makes them extremely flexible. Most teams in the professional league, after the core player retires or transfers, hope to have a professional player with a similar style of play to take his place. , so that it is possible to avoid excessive influence on the team system. But Blue Rain has never been persistent in this regard.

After Yu Feng left, when everyone started thinking about which Berserker Blue Rain would recruit to fill his vacancy, Blue Rain directly pulled a new swordsman out of the training camp. After that, it was directly announced that Lu Hanwen was their most important transfer this season. The Blue Rain that followed was still that powerful Blue Rain. There was no shock at all because of the career change of one person in the team.

Many players can play very well in Blue Rain, but when they leave Blue Rain, they will appear a little mediocre. This season's transfer to Whistling Lin Feng is the best example

As a combat thief with a unique and weird style of play, Lin Feng has always been a very individual existence among the players of the professional league. There is also a certain fan base among Glory players. Even when he said about the profession of thieves, everyone thought of him after he said Rui.

And since Fang Rui went to Tyranny and completed the transformation. In this season, Lin Feng also went to Wind Howl and accepted the first thief of Glory to be suspicious. Just when everyone thought that Lin Feng would bring ghosts to a whole new level, the result was inevitably a little disappointing.

Because everyone thinks that Lin Feng, who has a mysterious and suspicious Lin Feng, will improve his status as a combat thief, but Lin Feng, who finally has this all-star level character, did not live well in the days of whistling, and even his performance have become rather mediocre.

Even if you don't talk about the intuitive performance of people, just the data during the game. Lin Feng, who has the role in front of him, has a very obvious decline in this season's statistics and last season's Blue Rain statistics.

This unique combat thief player that everyone paid great attention to in the past, after leaving Blue Rain to get a stronger role, did not take off as everyone imagined, but gradually fell into mediocrity.

And this is the difference between Blue Rain and other teams. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Here at Blue Rain, he can show every professional player his stage. And now it seems that Happy has done this too. Even a player like Xiang An Wenyi, whose strength is not up to the standard in everyone's opinion, can still become the backbone of Happy's treatment.

Maybe at the beginning, there was some helplessness in Happy's grassroots formation, but during the winter transfer period, Happy could definitely recruit better treatment, and Happy's combat power would certainly be able to do so. Once again, it can be even stronger than the average team, and this powerful team only has defects in treatment. How many small and medium teams are looking forward to the treatment. I hope Happy will send them an invitation to join Happy, the strongest dark horse this season.

But no, throughout the winter transfer period, Happy didn't make any moves, not even the slightest intention. The only thing that has changed is the full equipment update after the winter transfer period, which is heavy on healers and even weapons. In order to heal a rookie, Happy spent a lot of materials and created a new set of equipment. How much trust is this?

In the days that followed, this rookie, who was originally looked down upon by everyone, also responded to Happy's trust. His performance became more stable, his role in the team became more and more informative, and the outside world's doubts about him became less and less. .

This is Happy, a team that is not only willing to give you a stage, but also willing to grow with you!

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