Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1688: First battle won!

You said that since Blue Rain's attacks have some flaws, there shouldn't be any use of their position angle and attack timing. That is to say, this attack that was unavoidable under normal circumstances, but Tang Yin avoided it with a subtle operation that was beyond the understanding of everyone. It flashed out in the middle, how could such a dismissal not shock everyone.

And when Yu Wenzhou and Zheng Xuan set fire to attack Tang Yin, Ye Xiu and Yifan were not idle.

Yu Wenzhou and Zheng Xuan wanted to pull apart, but with Lord Grim around, they couldn't pull them apart at all. He also came directly to Zheng Xuan's side to throw a judo throw, and used his ninja knife to Yu Wenzhou's side, and this ghost formation just fell.

This wave of Blue Rain people's focus on Tang Yin not only failed, but instead gave everyone in Happy a chance, and Ren Yifan had the time to sing the ghost array.

And that's the value of a top professional player who can create space and opportunities for the team, which is not something anyone can do.

flame array

I saw the ghost fire burning in the ghost array that Yifan put down. Directly wrapping Soxar and the rain of guns and bullets in it, as if to completely incinerate them, Tang Yinbiao also came after the siege of Blue Rain. Just after the indiscriminate shooting was over, he turned to face Yu Wenzhou and they started a violent storm.

This time, it was Song Xiao's turn to have a headache. He originally joined the battlefield as a living force and could open up a situation for his own team, but now nothing has changed. And just when he was about to end the indiscriminate shooting and attack Tang Yin with his back aimed at him again, Lord Grim had already appeared in front of him.

Don't laugh! It's Lord Grim again!

This guy, who was obviously only 6% or so, directly broke Blue Rain's position, showing that he threw Zheng Xuan to Yu Wenzhou's position, and then used his displacement skills to block directly in front of him, making him unable to go to support.

In fact, with Ye Xiu's 6% of his health, if he hits a high-injury skill such as Flash Hundred Cracks or Qigong Explosion Tired, it's enough to take him away. But is Ye Xiu able to be attacked so easily? While Ye Xiu possessed numerous displacement skills to entangle Song Xiao, he turned back to attack the two remote ones from Blue Rain every few seconds.

Flash cracks!

Facing Ye Xiu who was flickering beside him, Song Xiao couldn't control that much anymore. Even if this skill couldn't kill Ye Xiu, as long as he could knock him back, let him support the captain and the others.

In order to be able to support his own captain, Song Xiao even chased Ye Xiu into the flame formation of Yifan, resisting the damage of the flame formation and attacking Ye Xiu.

Yu Wenzhou and Zheng Xuan also found Ye Xiu who had also entered the formation, and they resisted Tang Yin and Yifan's attack. But at this moment, Ye Xiu waved his hand, and directly waved a pitch-black magic curtain.

It's the Cloak of Night!

When the two were tied together directly, they broke the attack of the two.

Qigong explosion!

But Taoluo Shaming seized the opportunity of Ye Xiu's attack and attacked Lord Grim with a big attack.

This move directly took Lord Grim away, but it also brought the three of Blue Rain together. Tang Yin didn't hesitate, the sharpshooter woke up and slaughtered wildly!

A bullet rain followed by a scarlet ballistic like an academy, and the third Blue Rain covered the dense bullet rain. Before that, Tang Yin's bullet would be directly filled with an explosive bullet, which ended with a stiff bullet again. , the last ice bomb. A series of special ammunition that limited the displacement energy was Tang Yin's intensive attacks. The three of Blue Rain seemed to be punished to stand, unable to move in conjunction with each other. At this time, Yifan also took this opportunity and once again waved two ghost formations. Then, directly after Tang Yin's attack ended, there was a feast of ghosts and gods!

Is it over?

In the explosion of the feast of ghosts and gods, everyone knew that the game was won and lost!

After the feast of ghosts and gods, Yu Wenzhou was directly bombed off the assembly line. In the end, Tang Yin Yifan even killed Zheng Xuan, who had blood residue.

"The outcome is already divided. Happy's first round of the playoffs made a good start." Although the game wasn't over yet, silver was not important.

Because Happy had already scored five points in the ring competition, this time the team competition had scored five points again. A total of ten.

On the other hand, Blue Rain only scored three points in the previous ring match, so even if they won this team match, they had already lost five players once again. Under the new competition system, where a total of one point is counted, even if Song Xiao beat Tang Yin and the others a few times, they would have scored six more points, for a total of nine points. There is absolutely no chance of a reversal of the victory.

"Director Li, what do you think of this game? Tell us about it." Pan Sen said.

"How do you say this game..." Li Yibo thought for a while, and organized the language in his heart. "In this game, Happy made better use of Blue Rain's tactical characteristics, limiting Blue Rain's performance to the greatest extent. In this game, we can clearly see that Blue Rain has two excellent opportunities to change the situation. But in fact, these opportunities are specially arranged by Happy for them. But you can't say that they are traps because of these arrangements, because they are really very good opportunities. It's just that Blue Rain encountered all kinds of unusual disturbances during its execution."

"It's like the previous one-vs-two against Wei Chen, but Wei Chen actually delayed the time, right?" Pan Sen said.

"That's right, in this match, Happy's tactical arrangement can be said to be quite bold, and a little carelessness may completely pull himself into a corner. After all, Yu Wenzhou and Lu Hanwen are both All-Star players, but But they entrusted such a tactical task to a veteran who has been out of the professional circle for seven years. We can imagine that if Wei Chen failed to delay them, but was killed by them first, or only delayed one, the match would be lost. What will the situation look like?" Li Yibo said.

"If such a situation really occurs, I don't know if Happy has a corresponding remedy?" Pan Sen asked.

"I don't know about that, but since Happy dares to use how dangerous the tactics are, it should leave some backhands for himself." Li Yibo said.

"That's right, the game on the arena is now completely over. Unsurprisingly, although Song Xiao relied on his relatively healthy state to kill Tang Yin and Yifan with one enemy and two strong, this wave of his After all, the outbreak did not have any impact on the final result." Pan Lin said.

At this point, Happy's first game of the playoffs ended, and Happy beat Blue Rain 10-9!

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