Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1701: Saint Seiya will not fall twice in the same place

Chapter 1737 Saint Seiya will not fall in the same place twice (please subscribe, please recommend)

"In the end, this game is Blue Rain's home game after all. Even if Tang Yin did some research on this place, it would be a little reluctant to beat Yu Wenzhou in terms of his familiarity and understanding of the map." Li Yibo said.

After all, Yu Wenzhou didn't worry at all about the sudden encounter between the two sides, but instead dealt with it very calmly. Just turn around and hide behind the tree, and then use this line of sight to start moving around. Although the audience watching every time he moved was apprehensive, Tang Yin didn't notice it at all.

This wave of Yu Wenzhou's moves is difficult to understand just from the perspective of God, and the director quickly used the system to sort out a simple explanatory image, and according to the image calculated by the system, Yu Wenzhou's every move is based on The movement and perspective of Tang Yin's Escape are changed.

During this period, I even made some bunkers or hid behind a certain bunker, and according to this analysis chart, this time I can see Yu Wenzhou's set of positioning skills. Since they were all hiding precisely in Tang Yin's line of sight, it could be seen that Yu Wenzhou's familiarity with the map was indeed far better than that of Tang Yin, a crammer.

After all, Tang Yin is human after all, no matter how good his eyes are, he can arrange tactics and even use some things in a very short time. But in the end, he couldn't think of Yu Wenzhou's ease. If he wanted to deal with it without hesitation, it was impossible for Tang Yin to talk about the map.

"It's a wonderful move, no wonder Yu Wenzhou dared to make his debut in the ring competition." Li Yibo couldn't help but sigh.

"But at least avoid it, how will he defeat Tang Yin?" Pan Sen asked curiously.

What Pan Sen said also made sense. Although Yu Wenzhou retreated very calmly, doesn't his retreat mean that he did not dare to have a head-on conflict with Tang Yin? From this point of view, it cannot be said that he has much upper hand.

After all, dodging is nothing compared to defeating an opponent. To gain an advantage, it is necessary to organize an effective attack.

"Then let's see how Yu Wenzhou will deal with Tang Yinshou." Li Yibo said.

After successive attacks, he even climbed directly to the top of the tree with a ninja knife. Tang Yin still didn't find Yu Wenzhou's figure, so Tang Yin was quite helpless.

"Captain Yu, is it a bit too much for you to keep hiding like this? You still fight like this!" Tang Yin cabled on the public channel number.

However, the Blue Rain fans at the scene immediately began to deceive Tang Yin, because Tang Yin's actions now are that he can't find anyone, and then imply that the referee punishes Yu Wenzhou and wants to force Yu Wenzhou to come out.

"It's called tactics!" Yu Wenzhou responded, as if explaining to the referee.

"You guys who play tactics are so heartless!" Tang Yin started shooting everywhere again.

"I'm here now, come here!" Tang Yin continued.

"Don't worry!" While Yu Wenzhou responded to Tang Yin, his operations did not stop. From the perspective of God, it can be seen that he is really not in a hurry. After operating the character to ask Tang Yin to attack, he began to find the position of the sneak attack, and the operation was smooth and smooth.

So the light rain fell over Tang Yin again.

"I want to be passive..." Tang Yin expressed his dissatisfaction. After all, this is too boring. He wants to shoot randomly with luck. Anyone who has luck can throw a grenade. Even if you can't hit it, you can force it out.

No wonder Tang Yin was depressed, now Yu Wenzhou has another chaotic rain. There is nothing new. Tang Yin directly flashed the attack range of Chaos Rain with a clone technique, and this time there was no six-star light prison by his side.

And these skills like Rain of Chaos can't tell Yu Wenzhou's position at all, so Tang Yin has no intention of looking for it. After that there is no after.

At this moment, even though this was Blue Rain's home court, there was a burst of boos. The captain, who had been hit by everyone up and down in Blue Rain, still didn't know how many years it took to get on the stage of the singles competition again. The result is this situation.

No wonder the audience couldn't help it. After all, they were all so nervous that Yu Wenzhou showed them this?

It's a pity that these voices of them couldn't reach Yu Wenzhou and Tang Yin's ears, but even if they heard it, it wouldn't change. After all, this was their game. It's not to please anyone, and they always have only one goal! That is victory!

As the chaos ended, the woods were as quiet as ever.

But it was Tang Yin who suddenly started to move. He threw the ninja knives one after another and started to move, but the direction he moved...

The audience with God's perspective is very clear that Tang Yin's direction is not right at all, but Tang Yin has no intention of stopping, and after swinging to a position, he changes direction and continues to swing, no matter this time, it is a little closer in distance. , but still not enough.

Because of the previous encounter between Tang Yin and Yu Wenzhou, although the audience's eyes were not as sharp as Tang Yin and the others, they knew that it was probably the limit of the map's visibility. Many viewers have memorized this distance, but now that Tang Yin is moving in a direction, although there is generally no impostor, he still can't pull Yu Wenzhou into his line of sight...

Here, Tang Yin continued to swing between the treetops. Many people began to expect Tang Yin to rush directly. After all, they had waited too long for this match.

Wrong again!

Seeing that Tang Yin used the bow and crossbow to fly in the wrong direction, many people patted their thighs with regret.

But at this time, Li Yibo, who was explaining it, finally discovered the reason why Tang Yin did this.

"Yes!" Li Yibo said as if he had found something.

"Huh?" Pan Sen on the other side obviously didn't see it.

Just when Pan Sen shouted that ah, she saw Tang Yin, who originally used the fantasy of a bow and crossbow to shoot a gun, Tang Rou threw out a ninja knife, bundled and pulled, and a limit nine came in the air. The ten-degree turn, although the turn was not in the direction of Yu Wenzhou, UU read www.uukanshu.com but just avoided Yu Wenzhou's turning field of vision, which means that Tang Yin had already discovered Yu Wenzhou's body shape and position at this time. !

"Tang Yin increased his field of vision and radius by moving at high speed in the sky." Li Yibo explained the meaning of Tang Yin's actions to everyone.

"So now Tang Yin has discovered Yu Wenzhou?" Pan Sen asked.

And Tang Yin's reaction is the best answer, seeing Tang Yin use a shadow clone directly in mid-air, the next moment his real body has appeared behind Yu Wenzhou, and the howitzer starts directly!

boom boom boom…

The line of the howitzer was pulled to the maximum by Tang Yin. He didn't want to hurt the enemy, but he must see Yu Wenzhou's figure clearly. A course of action has been taken.

But Yu Wenzhou slipped behind the tree to hide, and was ready to repeat the same trick.

"Team Yu, don't you know that Saint Seiya won't fall in the same place twice?"

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(End of this chapter)

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