Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1741: Tang Rou's first show

Chen Guo rolled her eyes when she heard Zhang Jiale's words. Sure enough, Zhang Jiale was broken by Wei Chen. In order to justify her defeat, she directly praised the newcomer. Of course, Chen Guo also knew that it was a bit of an excuse. After all, Zhang Jiale's age and physical strength were right here. Even when he managed one person, he still took away 80% of the opponent's health in such a disadvantageous environment. has performed well.

This kind of self-joking is also to make everyone's atmosphere more active before the team battle. After all, their team has too many newcomers in the first battle.

"Hahaha!" Tang Yin and Ye Xiu were also laughing at this, but Ye Xiu said to Chen Guo very seriously after laughing, "But as the proprietress, Boss Chen Da should pay more attention to him, after all, if there is no accident, He will be Happy's rival for the next ten years."

"A ten-year rival? Just like you and Han Wenqing?" Speaking of a ten-year rival, Chen Guo's first thought was of course Han Wenqing, who had been in love with Ye Xiu for ten years, and his character, Desert Guyan.

"How can he be counted?" But Ye Xiu strongly disagreed with this point of view. "You must know that he was blown up by me a long time ago, obviously he can't get around me."

"Hehe, I don't know who was beaten by the opponent in Season 4." Tang Yin directly stabbed Ye Xiu in the sore spot. After all, Ye Xiu was replaced by Tyranny's assassin with a single blow.

"Cough, so what... I often walk by the river, how can I not get wet shoes?" Ye Xiu pretended to cough twice.

But to Ye Xiu's words, Chen Guo was still speechless as always, after all, Ye Xiu this...however he listened to and felt mad...

The fact that everyone in Happy was able to talk about Ye Xiu's dark history in such a leisurely manner in the contestants' seats was of course because the match had not yet started. Otherwise, Tang Yin would not care about Ye Xiu, the world is huge, and it is the biggest competition for his daughter-in-law. This is especially true for Chen Guo. Who is Ye Xiu, why is it important for him to watch my best friend's competition?

Although Tang Rou almost ran directly to the seat, there was a relatively short interval between each round. And this time is not so random, the players start directly when they are on the court. So even though Tang Rou went up quickly, she still had to wait.

Time passed like this for about a minute before Tang Rou's character started to log in and load. This also heralds the official start of the fourth-round matchup.

Tang Rou's fighting intent had accumulated for a long time, and she directly manipulated the full state of Cold Mist and rushed out. On Lu Hanwen's side, after all, his character Liu Yun has only 20% of his health, so he didn't go directly to the middle as he did last time, but also started tactically.

"Lu Hanwen has also started to take a tactical position this time!" said Pan Sen, the commentator who saw Lu Hanwen's actions. The audience he saw were a little surprised by Lu Hanwen's actions.

After all, whether it is Lu Hanwen's performance in the past two seasons, or his character and style of play, he does not want to be a player who is good at brainpower, not to mention that he has only been surprised by the game for two years, and he has not yet appeared in the range of rookies. Woolen cloth. This is the direct play strategy. This decision makes everyone worry about whether he can play well.

"This is also normal. After all, his opponent in this match is Tang Rou!" Li Yibo's words directly answered everyone's doubts.

Indeed, Lu Hanwen still has two years of professional experience here, and everyone is in the playoffs. Looking at Tang Rou, this season is his debut, and this is even her first game of the playoffs. No matter what, she was more experienced than Tang Rou.

And even though Lu Hanwen is definitely not a brain-powered professional player, is Tang Rou? Just kidding, this beauty is better than Lu Hanwen, right?

The two wrestling-type players met in this mortal encounter. Do you still want to count on these two almost single-minded guys to play the intriguing game of Tang Yin and Yu Wenzhou before? The idea itself is very unrealistic.

Although the current Lu Hanwen's style of play is not that subtle and profound, if he were to compare with Tang Rou, it would be said that they both raised Tang Rou up a bit. At least it was enough to deal with Tang Rou, and when everyone's level was about the same, naturally no one took anyone seriously.

"By the way, this match is still Tang Rou's first playoff show," Pan Sen said.

"Yeah, I've seen Happy's roster for the last match. She was the top defender in the ring match last round, but she didn't get to play." Li Yibo said.

"Looking at Tang Rou's expression now, it doesn't seem like she's nervous at all. On the contrary, she looks very urgent when she just came on the court." Pan Sen also laughed.

"Nervous? Will the word appear in Tang Rou's mind? After this season, I have never seen her nervous." Li Yibo said.

"Indeed, nervousness, which is a common problem for a new professional, seems to be non-existent with Tang Rou." Pan Sen also said. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"That's right, Tang Rou's biggest problem right now has nothing to do with the outside world. It's more about his control of his own game rhythm, his defensive ability, and so on. We have also discussed these in the regular season."

"Yeah, as long as there are Tang Rou's matches, these problems can't be avoided. But it is precisely because of watching her fight Guo Ali game by game that we can clearly see the progress of this beauty. " Pan Lin said.

"And the current playoffs are undoubtedly the best test of one's own progress." Li Yibo also said.

There was a sense of relief in the tone between the two of them, as if Tang Rou grew up under his guidance, Tang Yin was inexplicably tossing a coin.

Ye Xiu and Chen Guo felt helpless when they saw Tang Yin looking like he wanted to toss a coin. Tang Yin, has he reached the point where others will be jealous even if they take advantage of the language?

"We saw that Tang Rou directly chose the middle lane, while Lu Hanwen chose to detour from the right." Pan Sen felt a chill on his back, and wisely brought the topic back to the game.

Beidi Pavilion

In the game, Tang Rou's Cold Mist was running on the map, and in a short while, she reached the middle of the map. I looked around, but found no opponent.

"Not here yet? Are you detouring?" Tang Rou asked on the channel.

"Is it still a detour?" Tang Rou asked on the channel.

After all, she was a player from Happy. As Tang Rou, who stayed with Tang Yin every day, everyone would take it for granted that she would ask such a question. It was not at all because it was a crucial playoff match. what is the problem.

I never thought about it. There is absolutely no reason for the other party to give you an answer to such a question, right?

- Ask for a ticket, ask for a subscription. (To be continued)

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