Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1775: Time difference

After all, in the last team match between Happy and Blue Rain, it was Wei Chen who was Blue Rain's former captain, directly holding down the two Blue Rain cores, Yu Wenzhou and Lu Hanwen. But now it was Huang Shaotian who was 1v2 against Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng.

And last time Wei Chen sacrificed himself in order to hold back Yu Wenzhou and Lu Hanwen, so what would happen to Huang Shaotian now?

Facts have proved that the current Huang Shaotian is indeed different from Wei Chen. After all, he and Wei Chen have different goals to achieve. Back then, Wei Chen had to pull the other two to death, but Huang Shaotian only had to stare at Ye Xiu. As for Su Mucheng, who had been attacking him, he directly resisted the damage, completely ignoring him.

All attention was purely focused on Ye Xiu.

Not to mention Mucheng, even if Tang Yin came back now, he wouldn't care.

Yu Wenzhou was very satisfied with Huang Shaotian's performance. After all, this box1 tactic, in his vision, Huang Shaotian can't actually last that long. After all, everyone on their side is sieging and suppressing the bun invasion, and other Happy players have too much free time. In this case, Huang Shaotian Box 1 against Ye Xiu was easily broken.

And the fact was that Xingxin Su Mucheng directly attacked Huang Shaotian, trying to crack their box 1 first.

But what he didn't expect was that Huang Shaotian had really persevered.

They couldn't pass up the opportunity Huang Shaotian created so hard.

After all, Happy has one more person, and he should come back after all the time. If he doesn't come, he may go around behind them, but it will only take longer, so they can't miss the output during this time. time.

Everyone in Blue Rain was aware of this, and their offensive against Steamed Bun became more and more intense.

On the other hand, Steamed Bun is more tragic. Now he has no time to complain at all. He flips the lid and dodges everywhere, which is very embarrassing.

However, although it looks a little embarrassed, the life value is not bad.

It's so difficult!

This is the only thought of everyone in Blue Rain right now, and the reason for this thought is not because of how strong Steamed Bun is in dodging, but because of another player from Happy.

Happy treats An Wenyi and his character Little Cold Hands.

This is Happy's biggest flaw in everyone's opinion, but now, when other people can't support the report, it is only one person's power to milk the steamed bun's health.

And because he was out of Yu Wenzhou's attack range, Lu Hanwen's opponent melee buns, Huang Shaotian restrained Ye Xiu, and didn't bother him at all, and now he has only one target to heal. In such a different environment, it is almost impossible to say that all of An Wenyi's talents can be brought into full play.

A series of divine-level healing operations, paired with the most violent healing suit, Cold Hands, forced Baozi to maintain his own blood during the three-person siege. Let it face exceptionally hard.

In the face of such dismissal, Blue Rain had to make adjustments once again. Yu Wenzhou could only make Zheng Xuan look at ease now. After all, he is a sharpshooter, and both his range and attack speed are above his warlock. the most suitable among them.

But the problem that Zheng Xuan still encountered when he attacked An Wenyi was that the distance between them was too far. Now Baozi is on guard against Yu Wenzhou's limit attack range, and Baozi is also above An Wenyi's limit treatment range, which shows the distance gap between the two sides.

Even if Zheng Xuan's attack is accelerated by this gust of wind, he still has enough time to dodge at such a long distance.

But what can they do about it? Zheng Xuan could only try his best to move forward. After all, if he didn't contain An Wenyi, it would have a great impact on their attack efficiency. The pressure on Huang Shaotian would be too great, and it might explode at any time. So they have to seize the opportunity when possible.

As a result, Zheng Xuan got close, and An Wenyi started to move.

Obviously, An Wenyi has also noticed the other party's movements, so it is possible to keep the distance between the two sides.

Seeing the situation at the scene, Yu Wenzhou checked the time, Tang Yin should have returned by now. But they didn't appear, which means that Tang Yin had detoured them and wanted to sneak attack them from behind. Yu Wenzhou breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of this. After all, it would take time to detour, and they still had a chance...


But just when this idea appeared in Yu Wenzhou's mind, Tang Yin, who had already completed the detour, had already entered the wind zone, ready to move, and began to lift Tang Yin from behind Yu Wenzhou and the others who had appeared behind him, and launched an attack on them.

Under the blessing of the strong wind, several howitzers did not have the slow flight speed of heavy firearms at all. On the contrary, the speed has now surpassed that of anti-tank guns. And it can still fire two, seven or eight grenades. Before Yu Wenzhou and Zheng Xuan could not react, they were already hit by the explosion of the howitzer. The fried Yu Wenzhou was covered in a circle?

How did this guy get around? This time is not right!

"Where did you separate from Tang Yin, Shaotian?" Yu Wenzhou asked immediately. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"There are still about one of the three shots to see the location of the eye of the wind." Huang Shaotian said, after all, if the distance was so close, where would Tang Yin stop by?

But seeing Huang Shaotian's information, Yu Wenzhou felt even more wrong, because the time was completely wrong, Tang Yin's speed was at least thirty seconds faster, maybe even a minute. How did Tang Yin have the rest of this minute?

But Yu Wenzhou thought about all these things too late now. Both he and Zheng Xuan had been blown away by Tang Yin.

Before, he had been calculating that Tang Yin's movement was time, flying artillery, and Ninja Knife's empty skills. Yu Wenzhou had already calculated them. Originally, his calculation was just right, and now he began to adjust his position. Pretending to ignore Tang Yin who might be circling them, when he appeared, he was completely and silently resolved. In this way, Tang Yin's position during this period was in vain, and it also created output opportunities for them.

But Tang Yin's sudden appearance was very annoying. Tang Yin, who was directly watching them, attacked like a tiger, breaking the balance of the game in an instant. That is, the guardian messenger was always by their side, raising his shield in time to resist Tang Yin's pursuit, otherwise Tang Yin's pursuit would be enough for Wenzhou and Zheng Xuan to eat a pot.

As soon as everything changed, it was at this time difference that Tang Yin hit!

Without God's perspective, even Yu Wenzhou didn't expect Tang Yin to be so fast.

Yu Wenzhou, who was bombed by Tang Yin, was still in the wind zone because he was pulled by the guardian messenger, but Zheng Xuan was directly bombed out of the wind zone.

You must know that Yu Wenzhou has been cooperating with Lu Hanwen to suppress the steamed buns before. Although Zheng Xuan was called to restrain An Wenyi, he would also come over to make up a few shots. But now the two of them were blown away by Tang Yin at the same time, which made Blue Rain's attack on Steamed Bun clear.

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