Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1806: different mu orange

Now all the Tyranny players are in Tyranny's battle conference room, and above their projections is still Happy and Blue Rain's last team match. They don't know the route of this match. I have analyzed it many times, but each time the focus and characters are different. This also prevented Tyranny's players from showing any impatient expressions on their faces. On the contrary, he knew very well that their sub-team would not do anything useless. On the contrary, his analysis of all of Happy's players was very useful. It also makes their magic even more exclusive.

Right now, Zhang Xinjie was standing in front of the projection. He was the team's vice-captain, and he also served as a military advisor. He was also the planner of all of Tyranny's tactics. These materials were all prepared by him little by little, and while he was explaining, everyone in Tyranny watched the game screen without saying a word.

At this time, the game on the screen had just started, the two teams had just finished refreshing, and Yu Wenzhou and the others were mainly focused on Happy's side.

I talked about the research in the past few days, and now this route search will not talk about the source files downloaded from the official website before. No, now everyone in Happy is keeping moving forward. Among the five characters, Dancing Rain is here. In the picture, it was pointed out by the special change, it not only took a circle, but also flickered.

And the video didn't stop because of this change, because the heavyweights of Tyranny had already paid attention to it many times before. Not only Su Mucheng, but everyone else in Happy analyzed it, but the current version focuses on Su Mucheng.

And since eating that Su Mucheng and joining Happy, many players felt that Su Mucheng's performance was much worse than before, and felt that it was not as exciting as before. At first, everyone thought that she might have just entered a new team, a new team, a new environment, and it was normal for her to need some time to adapt. But after this entire season, no one has noticed that Su Mucheng has had any amazing performances this season, which is very strange.

But after this period of time, Zhang Xinjie, who was researching the dedicated line for everyone at Happy, put forward another completely opposite point of view.

It's not that Su Mucheng's performance wasn't amazing enough, she thought that Su Mucheng's performance was amazing, but her amazing performance was digested by Team Happy.

At the beginning of the game, the special mark that appeared on Su Mucheng's body was to emphasize her position selection and adjustment in Happy's current formation. And it's impossible to detect anything just by looking at one character, and it must be seen in combination with the entire team that is blocked.

Just when the red circle mark appeared on Su Mucheng's body, when Happy's entire body shifted, Baozi and Tang Yin had already shifted slightly.

And this deviation, of course, cannot be because the two of them did not keep up with the rhythm of their teammates in their positioning, but only because of the insurmountable obstacles they encountered in the process of walking. In order to maintain the integrity of the formation had to do a change of direction.

But even if Tang Yin and Baozi were a matter of course, no matter how ordinary and not enough changes were made, Su Mucheng adjusted their positions.

Su Mucheng, who had no obstacles on her own path, began to adjust her position after Tang Yin and Baozi finished walking around the tree, and the picture was frozen in this detail.

Xingxin's two characters circled around the tree, and Su Mucheng made a wave of position and movement adjustments for this.

"This section seems like an insignificant detail, but Su Mucheng's adjustment helped Tang Yin and the others complete the formation." Zhang Xinjie turned around and said to his teammates.

"And this kind of action has never stopped from the beginning of the game to the end. We will talk about this later. Now let's talk about this place first. The purpose is to let everyone realize that from this action, it can be seen that the current Even in such a battle, Su Mucheng has not yet started, and even in some irrelevant places, she will pay attention and take action." Zhang Xinjie said.

"If I want to end it, then it's more appropriate, I think Su Mucheng is not only Ye Xiu's best partner, but the best partner of Happy's entire team. Happy's absolute strongest support position. ." Zhang Xinjie said, and this is the first time Zhang Xinjie has given such a clear statement in the past few days.

"The current Su Mucheng is more comprehensive than before, and pays more attention to the team." Lin Jingyan said, as a veteran in the league, he is of course no stranger to Mucheng's situation. Here, Zhang Xinjie just made such a conclusion, and his mind was also comparing the Su Mucheng of the past with the Su Mucheng of the present. Soon, he also felt the difference.

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Although the previous Su Mucheng didn't have only Ye Xiu in her eyes, she was definitely not too balanced when it came to coping with her teammates, and even always favored Ye Xiu, UU read www. Results like uukanshu.com don't actually maximize her talents.

In the past, sometimes supporting Ye Xiu was not the best choice. At this time, supporting some other teammates might have opened up the situation, but Su Mucheng always chose to support Ye Xiu.

And such a situation never happened again after she arrived at Happy.

The screen continued, and soon the players from both sides had come into contact. Blue Rain relied on its own tailwind advantage to surprise Happy and break up Happy's formation. At this moment, Zhang Xinjie directly cut his perspective to Su. In Mucheng's main perspective.

From this first perspective, everyone in Tyranny felt like they were in the scene, as if they were also in the middle of this fierce competition.

And Su Mucheng's perspective never stopped moving, and even a lot of pictures would appear repeatedly, either far or near.

Soon the screen freezes again.

And the Blue Rain's two swordsmen in this song's picture have now successfully rushed into Happy's battle formation. With their delicate cooperation, even Ye Xiu couldn't stop them.

And when Ye Xiu was at a disadvantage, what was Su Mucheng doing?

All of this was seen by Su Mucheng, and she could fully support Ye Xiu, so she had a chance to stabilize the situation, but Mucheng didn't do that.

On the contrary, the center of her perspective has always been paying attention to Yu Wenzhou's Soxar action.

"Under such circumstances, what would she do if Su Mucheng was with her?" Zhang Xinjie asked his teammates.

At this moment, all the old players were silent.

That's right, if this were the case before, Su Mucheng would have supported Ye Xiu and cooperated with him to face the challenge of the two swordsmen!

But now Su Mucheng didn't choose to do this...

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