Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1809: only gain not lose

The question is, why are there so many glorious fans gathered at the scene?

You know, the playoffs of the Glory E-sports League can be said to be the wild wind of domestic e-sports, and it is the most watched game. The intensity of its reporting is also quite strong. Naturally, there was a special report on this different prosperity, and after a large circle of random interviews with reporters, they almost figured out the reason.

Having gathered so many people at one time, it really had nothing to do with Happy's love, but towards Tyranny, they had inherited their hatred from the past.

And that's why they gathered here, they never came to cheer on Happy, they just wanted Tyranny to be unlucky. Although there is no name of Excellent Era in the current professional league, these Excellent Era fans have well inherited Excellent Era's festivals with Tyranny.

This scene, even the senior Glory reporters have some emotions when they see it. Although Excellent Era had disappeared from the league for two seasons, Excellent Era's presence never disappeared. Although this former giant team, now the main players have been scattered, the main battle roles have changed, and even the venues have been replaced. But the memories they left in people's hearts will never change.

For them, the current Excellent Era was just this thought, a thought that made them so brilliant that they could never forget it. And this resentment towards Tyranny in their hearts was also part of their thoughts towards Excellent Era.

So there was another topic on the scene.

One had to know that Happy was also the one who had a great relationship with Excellent Era, so the situation of the Excellent Era fans who had inherited Excellent Era's thoughts was somewhat tangled.

Of course, not all of them were confused. There were also quite a few optimistic Excellent Era fans who said that they came here today simply to watch the fun. Anyway, whether it was Happy and Tyranny's victory, they all felt a sense of anger. a feeling of. That is to say, reporters are all carrying cameras now, otherwise the dog bites a dog and the like will probably become the main theme of the interview before the game.

And these various topics have directly pushed the attention of this game to the peak, even higher than the attention of last year's championship finals. There are even many viewers who believe in the news, saying that there are still watching at the scene. As for the figures of Huang Shaotian and Yu Wenzhou, other than that, there are Yu Wenzhou, Yang Cong, Tang Hao, and other professional players from other teams...

In short, as long as it is a professional player who is not playing, it seems that he has appeared in this game. But everyone just saw it, and then disappeared. There were no reporters in the shadows to interview them.

In the end, who will win and who will lose?

This is the topic that everyone is most concerned about, although many people also think that the major professional players are also here for this.

At 8 o'clock this evening, Xiaoshan Stadium perfectly explained what it means to have no empty seats. There were even a large number of Glory fans gathered outside the stadium. Even if they didn't buy tickets, they didn't want to leave, as if they didn't care about the final outcome. How is it? I just want to know the result as soon as possible. This alone is worth their wait here.

Inside the arena, in the preparation room, the players on both sides were also ready to enter the arena.

"Uh... Will the battle for today's match be a little bit off?" Tang Yin on Happy's side said with some surprise, they set off after seven o'clock in the evening, and the time was the same as usual. They all came out from the back door of the Internet cafe and crossed the road to the Xiaoshan Stadium. As a result, the road had not yet crossed, and they were frightened by the battle outside the stadium. You must know that they are all famous professional players now, it would be strange if they can enter through the normal channel smoothly.

In the end, it was our boss Chen Da who was not afraid in the face of danger. He contacted the staff at the venue immediately to get things done. He also instructed Tyranny in the future. After all, they will be hindered more than them...

After all, the staff at Xiaoshan Stadium had also hosted Glory Games for so many years. The battle between Excellent Era and Tyranny had also been experienced for several years. Although they were a little surprised by such a scene, they were still very skilled. After receiving a call from Chen Guo They had already set up a special passage and sent a special person to guide everyone in Happy to enter the venue.

Even if they have entered the venue now, everyone still has a profound impact on the situation just now.

Among them, Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng were slightly better. After all, they were from Excellent Era, and although they had never experienced the situation of so many people, there were still some smaller ones, so prepare yourself mentally. But apart from them, even Zhang Jiale, who also has the title of All-Star, did not have such a formation, let alone Tang Yin, who only debuted this season. It is no wonder that Tang Yin expressed such emotion.

"Why are these people still not dispersing? The competition is about to start." Chen Guo asked in a puzzled way. Up to now, she was naive enough to think that the Glory fans who haven't dispersed up to now are all seeking a match. What about the ticket. And now the time for ticket sales has passed, even if there is one, it won't be sold? Why don't you go away?

How could she know that the enthusiasm of these Glory fans can no longer be resisted without ticket sales. For them, even if they are just outside the venue, everyone is lively waiting for the result, and cheering until the end is already a kind of happiness. Well, anyway, neither of the two teams in the team has a good opinion. They are happy when they lose~www.wuxiaspot.com~ er...I think, because they didn't come to buy tickets, maybe they didn't even come to support us. So you don't have to be burdened. "Tang Yin said to everyone.

Hearing Tang Yin's words, Chen Guo was obviously stunned.

This sounds fine, but why is Luo Ji so strange?

"Could it be that Tyranny's fans scold him?" Tang Rou asked this question for her best friend. After all, what she knew now was that the opponent in this match was Tyranny.

"No, there is a high probability that they are expecting Tyranny to be unlucky." Ye Xiu also received it at this time.

"But isn't that the same as wishing us to win?" Tang Rou was even more puzzled when she heard Ye Xiu's words.

"No, because they are happy when we lose." Tang Yin answered again.

This time, Tang Rou's clever little brain finally understood, and co-authoring today's game was completely "only winning, not losing!" to these guys outside.

"That's why I said don't bother, just pretend they don't exist." Tang Yin said.

Tang Yin was still talking to everyone here, and there was a knock on the door of their separate room. It is the working day of the venue to greet the two players to play...

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