Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1829: The new generation of God.

Although he said that his style of play was somewhat similar to Zhang Jiale's Hundred Fancy style of play, he didn't need a profession after all. The Ammunition Specialist grenade can defy the explosion, and can deliver a dense attack. But now Fang Rui's style of play was different. He couldn't use a hundred-fancy style like Zhang Jiale's, but Fang Rui relied on the wide-ranging skills of qigong masters. Hit a large range of skill light and shadow at one time to cover up your body shape.

Add another skill before the light and shadow disappears, so as to cover up your own position. However, his style of play is only suitable for use in small spaces. After all, he can observe the opponent, but because of his skill light and shadow effects, the opponent cannot see him.

Hiding his body shape is simply what he is best at as a master of wretchedness. And now he will use the large-scale skills to directly kill Mo Fan here.

With each time Fang blasted a large-scale energy attack, he could always kill several clones in an instant. The large-scale skills didn't look ordinary, it looked like Fang Rui was randomly bombarding the large-scale skills.

However, some large-scale skills of qigong masters have high damage and big moves, and forward swinging and charging are unavoidable, which means that he cannot cover all four corners of the entire room after all. The disappearing time of the light and shadow of the skill is either virtual, real, or attacking, or attacking fraudulently. All of these require Fang Rui and his meticulous arrangements.

In the face of Fang Rui's large-scale skill bombing, can Mo Fan escape from Fang Rui's attack?

At this moment, even Happy fans couldn't believe it. They could only beat Mo Fan's avatar and disappeared under Fang Rui's skill bombardment. Putting themselves in their shoes, they felt that even Mo Fan couldn't do anything right now.

But the truth is horribly wrong.

After all, these fans are just ordinary players, and now Mo Fan is already different from them. Mo Fan's thinking is very clear now. And it is Mo Fan's opponent Fang Rui who firmly believes in this.

From the moment Mo Fan used the Shadow Dance skill, he could clearly feel that Mo Fan had begun to actively mobilize each clone.

In the face of his large-scale attack skills, several of Mo Fan dissipated under his attack. At that time, the audience couldn't see how many clones had disappeared because of Fang Rui's skills. However, Fang Rui could see clearly.

It's four!

After all, it's his own skills. Wouldn't it be really stupid if he would be affected by his own style of play?

After these four, Mo Fan lost another four to him.

And these are the ways that Mo Fan tried to disperse his attacks, which also made him sure that Mo Fan was not affected by his skills, and even had an insight into the reality and attack rhythm between his attacks at the first time.

In the eyes of ordinary viewers, Fang Rui's style of playing in a small space, similar to the Hundred Flowers style, was a bit dazzling.

But these are not messy enough for Mo Fan!

After all, the scene he faced was much more chaotic than the current one, and there was even less room for activities. After all, in scavenging, it was never one person attacking, but a group of people attacking. And he is used to walking through the cracks of various skills.

He used to find it in the siege of the guild legion. It was not an attack composed of one or two occupations, but a legion, or even a variety of attacks by several legions.

Under the bombardment of such a density of skills, is there little room for activities? That situation is garbled?

But pressure is the most common situation he faces,

Fang Rui's attack made him less room to move, so he created a more chaotic scene.

There is enough space now. After all, this style of play is just like Hundred Flowers style, but their team has a genuine Hundred Flowers style founder.

Such a scene with a very small range of activities has long been experienced in the team's civil war.

And now he has understood Fang Rui's attack rhythm.

"Good guy!" Fang Rui couldn't help but sigh when he saw the moving clone that was precisely stuck in the gap of his offensive rhythm.

He originally wanted to hit the opponent by surprise, but since he appeared on the field for the first time, it was broken.

When he was fighting against Ye Xiu before, when he was shot into the sky, he used a similar style of play, relying on the qigong master's wide-area attack to influence Ye Xiu. But Ye Xiu was not affected by him in the end. But to be honest, it wasn't surprising that Ye Xiu broke his style of play, but now that the rookie in front of him broke it, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"This guy Mo Fan has unique talents in some special places." Zhang Jiale sighed while looking at his teammates on the court. After all, there are not many people in the team who can insist on his Hundred Flowers style of play, not counting Ye Xiuhe. Tang Yin, these two perverts, can only hold on to Mo Fan.

Although it was said that Zhang Jiale had never lost a lot, but the kind of accidental loss that happened once or twice after a few fights, neither Tang Rou nor Mo Fan would care. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com As for Baozi and Luo Ji, there is no record of defeating Zhang Jiale so far.

Tang Rou relied on his indomitable attack, forcing a close-up fight. And Mo Fan gave Zhang Jiale the same feeling that he was naturally used to assisting, chaotic, and surviving in a small space.


Thinking of Mo Fan's birth before joining Happy, Zhang Jiale naturally understood the reason. Professional players who grew up in such an environment are no longer the players who are trained in the current system, and they have never appeared before.

The fact that such a dismissal can occur is entirely the result of bothering him and exercising the talents he has in the most suitable environment for him. Even when entering the professional circle, it still gives people a high-end but without losing personality. Such players cannot be shaped by the training camps of major clubs who have won the general rules and lessons of the assembly line.

As far as this field he was good at, he said that the skills he mastered were absolutely god-level, and Zhang Jiale, who had been with Happy for so long, knew this most clearly. Even Tang Yin and Ye Xiu recognized this in private. But at that time, Mo Fan was still a guy who couldn't even find the team rhythm!

Of course, the current Mo Fan is not comparable to him in the past. After a season of experience, the current Mo Fan has expanded his areas of expertise. He is not just thinking that it is time to use what he was scavenging, but he can already be flexible. Used in professional battles.

And when he was able to fully integrate this time, to the level of freedom of movement, the two voices were still somewhat angular as they are now. At that time, Mo Fan, like Tang Rou, would become the new generation of God of the Professional League.

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