Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1831: Tang Yin floated away?

You know what he's doing right now is the one thing he's best at, but now? Even though he had used the terrain as much as possible, he still couldn't escape from Fang Rui's hands.


All kinds of skills with great attack atmosphere are talking about behind him, and every explosion bursts with dazzling light, and the air waves swept through it as if it would destroy the mistakes around him.


In the face of such an attack from the opponent, it was impossible for Mo Fan to stop his character's footsteps, and even the opportunity to look back was very limited, and even this was an extravagant hope in many cases.


In the professional circle, even the most crowded team battles are only five-on-five team battles. The level of such battles is naturally far less powerful and less chaotic than the big guilds in online games vying for wild map bosses.


But also, before meeting Tang Yin and the others, Mo Fan had never encountered such a sticky and powerful chase in an online game.


Now Mo Fan really doesn't even have time to take a step. As long as he is a little slower here, he will be overwhelmed by the opponent's attack the next moment. Although it was said that Mo Fan had successfully escaped from Fang Rui's attack last time, it did not mean that he could escape this time. Is it really that Fang Rui's new style of play is so easy to deal with?


You must know that Fang Rui is not an NPC in the game, and he is constantly improving in the battle. It will only be more difficult to escape now than before.


Get out, you need to get out...


At this moment, Mo Fan repeatedly brought him back to the old days, the scene where he carried a bunch of good things he picked up and was chased by countless people. But even though he said that, Mo Fan can say very responsibly that even if he is pursued by the legions of several big guilds, he is not under as much pressure now.


In the scene of winning, he and Mo Fan can still rely on the operation to escape successfully again and again.


But now, facing the pursuit of the opponent alone, his character was knocked down like this...


"Escape is never the purpose of the game, defeating the opponent is..." Seeing that Mo Fan finally fell on the way to escape, Tang Yin shook his head regretfully and said.


Supporting Fang Rui to complete the 1v2 in the playoffs also summed up the title of Mo Fan, the "great killer" that has not yet emerged, and the advantage established by Ye Xiu in the previous game was also directly wiped by Fang Rui in these two games. flat. And now Fang Rui on the arena still has 25% of his life. This also means that the current Tyranny has a 25% life advantage.


Seeing such a result, the fans of Happy, who were home fans, became very quiet for a while. They never expected such a result. After all, Mo Fan's escape was very beautiful. This is still their home ground, so suddenly they are behind?


At this time, in Happy's contestant table, the third contestant in the contest is already fighting.


"Looks like it's time for me to turn against the wind again." Tang Yin twisted his neck and said.


After saying hello to everyone, I looked forward to going on stage.


Compared to Tang Yin, who is in a more relaxed mood now, Mo Fan was a little dazed.


To be fair, this is the first time he has lost a game, but this time, he felt a very obvious sense of ignorance.




2 minutes and 34 seconds.


This is the time when he was chased to death by the opponent who escaped all the way and was chased to death by the opponent. During this time, even if he tried his best, he still failed to escape the opponent's attack.


Mo Fan just left the competition seat in a daze, and he looked listless when walking. It wasn't until he was passing by Tang Yin that Tang Yin tapped his shoulder before realizing that there was a person passing by.

Tang Yin didn't say much, just gave himself a thumbs up, as if to say, "Don't panic, young man, the deputy team will help you find a place."


Without waiting for Mo Fan to recover, Tang Yin put down the hand that patted him on the shoulder. Turning around and wanting to go to the competition bench, he also raised his hand and waved.


It wasn't until then that Mo Fan realized that Tang Yin didn't seem to have said anything.


"Consciousness is still monotonous." This is what Tang Yin said when he patted him on the shoulder.


And because Tang Yin's words directly made Mo Fan think all the way to the player's seat. Ye Xiu also smiled when he saw Mo Fan like this. He knew that Tang must have already told Mo Fan his question just now, that's why Mo Fan had such an expression.


Sometimes Ye Xiu also feels that with Xiaoyin by his side, he is really relieved. If he keeps his state like this, he will not be able to play for a season. However, the captain must first find a way to hand it over. After all, even if he plays, the next season will really be his last season. Of course, the position of captain has to be pushed out, and the deputy team is not bad.


Mo Fan responded to his teammates who came up to comfort him, and then continued to think about what Tang Yin had just said to him. After all, some people have monotonous play styles, and some people have relatively monotonous skills, but the evaluation given to them by their deputy team is indeed monotonous.


When Mo Fan was trying to figure out what Tang Yin said, Tang Yin had already entered the competition seat, and since Tang Yin came on the court, the fans of Happy had never stopped calling. No one would describe Tang Yin as a great killer, because he is a great **** himself, and he is also a top **** who stood at the top of the league as soon as he debuted.


Even the current Xingxin fans gave the impression that it was not them who were at a disadvantage, but the opposite Tyranny.


In this regard, Tang Yin also waved to the audience when he completely entered the competition room, expressing his support for them.


With Tang Yin's appearance, the atmosphere among Happy fans, who had been in a low mood because of the losing streak, became a lot more relaxed in an instant. In such an atmosphere, the game officially started.


Accompanied by Tang Ye's appearance, the public channel, which has always been deserted, is finally no longer deserted. And Tang Yin's first sentence made Tyranny fans angry.


"Amazing, brother. Are you interested in coming to our Happy? I like you very much." Tang Yin said on the public channel. After all, he is also very fond of Rui Ke. After all, this is also the protagonist of the original book. First, when he came back from the All-Star team for the first time, Chen Guo said that since the formation of Team Happy, he had been looking forward to Fang Rui's arrival.


In the end, he didn't expect that the butterfly effect, which had been quiet for a while, moved, and directly brought the Xingxin deputy team after Ye Xiu retired to Tyranny, which made Tang Yin already think of a lot of qigong masters. All cooperative play is in vain.


In the regular season before, the two of them had never met in a single game. When I met Tang Yin this time, I mentioned it.


It can be said that it has always been a very deserted public channel. Because of Fang Rui's appearance, it finally became less deserted.


However, although Tang Yin felt that he was serious, in the eyes of Tyranny fans, this tm was a blatant provocation, poaching their main players in front of them? Is Tang Yin floating? Or do you think they Tyranny can't hold a knife?


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