Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1850: Han Wenqing who punched a hole

Li Yibo, who was also originally a member of the Tyranny team, heard his partner Pan Sen's very affectionate commentary, and his blood was surging. There is a feeling in my heart that I want to rush to the arena, pick up the mouse and keyboard again, and have a fun and dripping battle.


I have to say that Pan Sen's explanation skills are really powerful. In just a few words, he has already aroused the emotions of everyone, including his partner.


"Now the match between the two sides has already started. This is Tyranny's ten-year battle against Han Wenqing, and against Happy's newcomer Qiao Yifan." Pan Sen said as the two sides started to load up.


Although it is said that Qiao Yifan had already registered as a professional player in the eighth season, he did not play in the whole process of that season. On the contrary, this arena is the first time that he has appeared in an official game, so although it cannot be called a rookie, there is no problem with calling it a rookie.


The openings of both sides have not changed much from most of the previous openings. They directly operated the characters and ran to the castle in the middle of the map.


Han Wenqing's style of play has always been brave and decisive. This can be seen from the way he moves. Desert Guyan is always like this, rushing straight to the middle of the map, rushing towards his own. Target.


The forward rhythm of the characters on both sides is exactly the same.


Qiao Yifan, like the previous one, directly controlled Yi Inch Ash to enter from the main entrance. Soon he was back at the place where the previous battle had taken place.


"Does Qiao Yifan still plan to use this place as the main battlefield for this match?" Pan Sen asked curiously. After all, after watching the last game, everyone has fully understood that a place suitable for ghosts to play, what a powerful improvement in the performance of fighting ghosts, it is simply a son with Wanye and no Wanye. The difference between Ye's sons (la la la, Er Ha drew Wan Ye!)


tomato novel


In this map, the size of each room, as well as the room types of the surrounding rooms, were all used by Qiao Yifan in the previous game. And it's not fully utilized at all.


What is home field advantage? This is called home field advantage.


The terrain of various rooms has been used by him to an incomparable level.


As for Qiao Yifan's series of operations, everyone at Tyranny in the contestants' seats naturally saw it. Han Wenqing is no exception. But now Qiao Yifan knows that his tactics have been exposed, so he still intends to continue to use it and treat this place as a battlefield once again. Is this too much wishful thinking?


And already knowing his efficient use of the map, will Han Wenqing continue to think that he would like to have a showdown with him in his home court?




Han Wenqing?


However, when such doubts came into contact with the name Han Wenqing, there was a clear lag,


After all, this kind of reliance is a very irrational and unreliable decision. It seems that it is not surprising that Han Wenqing has to make it.


After all, Han Wenqing himself is such a professional style. Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he prefers to travel in the mountains. This sentence is indeed a very unwise choice to describe to others, but it has a completely different meaning to Han Wenqing, because he is Han Wenqing, he has the ability to open up the situation in one go.


Qiao Yifan came to this area again to start the layout. Maybe he has already factored these into it. He knows that if it was replaced by other professional players, he might not choose to come over, but Han Wenqing would definitely choose the most direct way and forcefully enter.

In their opinion, this so-called Qiao Yifan's wishful thinking may also be a close calculation from the other party.


Thinking of this, all the audience's perspectives turned to Han Wenqing once again, and his Desert Lonely Smoke immediately launched a search after entering from the back door of the castle. this area. This time, Qiao Yifan no longer had to attack the door to attract Han Wenqing. There will be no sound from everyone to remind Han Wenqing.


And Qiao Yifan directly started the ambush in this room, and at the same time, he prepared the equipment for battle.


Because now there is a wall that was broken through in the last game. Makes the whole look more spacious. At the same time, there were also more doors, which made it unclear to Qiao Yifan where the other party would come in. So Qiao Yifan could only choose a corner where he could hide in ambush, ready to attack at any time.


Han Wenqing did not make Qiao Yifan wait long. Qiao Yifan who was in the corner soon heard footsteps approaching. And these movements are sounds, Han Wenqing didn't hide it at all, which also allowed Qiao Yifan to hear the sound getting closer and closer.




Suddenly a voice replaced the previous footsteps. When Qiao Yifan heard this voice, he was shocked.


Because he was already very familiar with this voice. After all, Song Qiying in the last round manipulated the character and made almost one hundred and seventy such voices in succession.


Han Wenqing wants to beat the wall just like the last one?


Such a thought had just appeared in Qiao Yifan's heart, and the sound of the second punch had already appeared.


Qiao Yifan looked in the direction from which the sound came, and when he looked, he just heard the third sound, and after this sound, Qiao Yifan, who had just turned his angle, saw a hole in the wall.


Three punches are just one hole?


Of course, this is absolutely impossible because his Moguyan's attack power is so much stronger than Changhe Sunset. The main reason is that he has been urged to hit the wall before, and now it is fragile. .


After all, so many arena matches were played in this castle, and most of the battles in the castle were on the first floor, under the bombardment of various occupations. Everything in this room has been devastated.


And this wall was the one with the most serious damage, so it was knocked down by Han Wenqing's third row.


Speaking of which...is Han Wenqing's punch a vent?


Some people did think so during the first punch. But it was soon discovered that Han Wenqing's Desert Smoke and Qiao Yifan's One Inch Ash were facing each other through a hole.


And Han Wenqing, who saw Qiao Yifan's position, naturally knew the other party's thoughts at the first time. The question is, will Han Wenqing Dai Di go up directly, and fight Qiao Yifan directly in this position where Qiao Yifan is good at?


Seeing that the snow pattern in Qiao Yifan's hand had begun to radiate the power of ghosts and gods, the violent power of ghosts and gods illuminated his character's face, and one inch of gray stared at Han Wenqing at the other end of the hole.


But Han Wenqing didn't say anything about Qiao Yifan's actions and walked away. In another place there is a loss, another hole is made, then a switch, and another play...


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