Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1855: Ghostly haunted!

As expected, Han Wenqing quickly caught up.

The moment he came out of the broken window and found that there was no one around, Han Wenqing naturally didn't hesitate too much, just picked a direction and started chasing in a direction.

The Tyranny fans who saw this scene were worried at first that their captain would not notice Wei Chen who was climbing above, but it turned out that these were obviously too much like them. Han Wenqing is a professional **** and a ten-year veteran. It is naturally impossible to be so sloppy in the game. The first time he turned to the side of the castle, he swept it from bottom to top.

Naturally, Han Wenqing also saw it above, and the operation seemed to have some flustered windward formations, but if the current windward formations still looked back, he naturally saw his figure.

With the appearance of Han Wenqing, Windward Formation's movement speed was obviously a little faster, but it looked even more flustered.

Han Wenqing watched his opponent appear in front of him like this. But as far as the distance between the two sides is now, he can't attack directly. After all, in terms of attack distance alone, his boxer is one of the shortest in the entire profession. Even the melee professions such as the Swordsman Crazy Sword still have skills that can increase the length of the sword, or wield the sword energy, and medium-distance skills, but his boxing is really impossible. The attack distance is 0 for both arms and legs, plus The special effects of some skills have slightly extended the attack distance. The previous tiger-shaped skills were also the skills that boxers could attack the farthest.


Since there is no way to stop the opponent directly with an attack, Han Wenqing will not hesitate. His eyes swept across the side of the castle, and after finding several climbing points one after another, he directly manipulated the character to rush up to step on it, jump, leverage, rise and fall...

A series of movements are flowing smoothly. Of course, this is not because of the climbing terrain that Han Wenqing has deliberately practiced, but his glorious foundation in the past ten years. After so many years as a captain, Han Wenqing's ability to adapt is so common sense that he can believe it.

Seeing that Han Wenqing was walking in clouds and flowing water, chasing towards the wind formation at an extremely fast speed, Wei Chen's movement speed seemed to be a little faster.

"Hehe." But just when everyone thought that Wei Chen must be very nervous now, Wei Chen immediately stopped and continued to jump up. The hand of death is waving in his hand, and since he directly begins to chanting skills.

Although Han Wenqing's actions were fast, the distance between the two sides was so close, it was obviously impossible to kill Wei Chen's side and interrupt his skill chant.

But how could Han Wenqing let him finish singing like this? Seeing that Han Wenqing made a leap in the operation of Desert Guyan, with the help of the moment of jumping, he waved his hand to form a formation against the wind.

Air Bomb!

This qigong master's low-level skills were just pushed out by Han Wenqing.

The boxer does not have any long-range attack methods, which is indeed a major weakness of the boxer's profession. It is precisely because of this that they will all learn the mid-range skill of a Qigong master called Qibo Blast. Although it is a low-level skill, its attack power is very limited, but it can also interrupt some singing skills. And this effect is enough.

Just like now, Han Wenqing directly swung a blast of air towards the windward formation. Whether the opponent was hit or avoided, his chant couldn't go on.

But in the face of the head-on attack, the formation in the wind did not mean to move at all.

"Hehe." Wei Chen even had time to type a word on the public channel to respond.


Thought qi exploded in front of him, but a magic spell appeared on the hand of death in his hand.

Nian Qi exploded in front of him, but the magic spell condensed by the hand of death was also released at the same time.

Are these two skills really the same?

This is of course impossible.

After all, since he can complete the chant of the skill, it means that Han Wenqing's qigong bomb is still a bit slower after all. Such details are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, but the system determines them very accurately.

The chant is done!

Even though the skill chant was finished, Wei Chen didn't have time to do any dodging operations, so he could only let this air wave hit him. However, it was only a low-level skill after all, and the effect was still used to interrupt the skill chant. Naturally it is impossible to assign how many skill points to upgrade. There were quite a few loose people like Ye Xiu. The attack power of low-level skills is the same, even if it hits the windward formation, it doesn't even shake.

The question is, what kind of skill is Wei Chen singing?

Rain of Chaos!

Wei Chen started with the most disgusting skill in this situation, Rain of Chaos! Desert Guyan, who was still jumping and climbing, now has no space to dodge.

Fortunately, although it can't escape the range of this skill, it can be said to hide.

Seeing that Han Wenqing's operating character was still flashing, he rushed directly to a sheltered position, and temporarily stopped chasing the windward formation.

Although the rain of chaos had already fallen, it did not attack Han Wenqing, who had been hiding. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Beautiful work!" Wei Chen praised his opponent on the public channel, but his character no longer slumps up, but instead jumps down.

This jump can directly see most of the body of the hiding Han Wenqing.

The energies of surgery again converge upon death.

Ghostly haunted!

Facing Han Wenqing's surplus in a small piece of the opponent, Wei Chen unleashed a very disgusting skill.

And now Han Wenqing has nowhere to hide. If he leaves here now, he will be in chaos. If he enters a state of chaos, the situation will only get worse.

At this moment, Tyranny's Meng Hu... Since he was really trapped by Wei Chen, he was still trapped in the middle of the sky and the ground. The spell is flying, hit directly!

The next moment, there were countless purple-black evil spirits floating around him.

Haunted by ghosts, it will continue to cause damage to the target for a certain period of time, and increase the attack damage of the caster to the target, and after the skill ends, 33% of the ghost damage will be converted into the life of the caster.

It can be seen that Ghost Haunting is an all-round skill that integrates damage, enhancement, and recovery. When the effect of this skill was released, it was regarded by players as a god-defying skill similar to Stiff Shot. But when it was actually used in practice, everyone realized that although this skill is really good, it is not to the extent that it is necessary to modify the skill data officially. Because the three effects are relatively moderate.

But even so, this is a skill that all warlock players and players will not be willing to give up. And Adhering directly chose this skill when he knew that the next hit would be a sure hit. Then he continued his skill chant.

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