Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1861: Happy's sixth person

But now this is Team Happy's home ground after all. Even if the Tyranny fans wanted to express their dissatisfaction, they were still pushed back by the fans of Happy, who had a big victory because of the team's victory. After all, they are the ones who win!

Seeing the cheers from Happy's fans, Tyranny's fans were so upset. Tyranny wasn't afraid of defeat, but being defeated by this disgusting guy in such a way would make them very disgusting, especially the one who lost the battle was their most respected captain, Han Wenqing.

Of course, no player would blame Han Wenqing for their loss in this match. After all, they still saw Tyranny's indomitable aura and courage from their captain. And if the failure of this game is really to blame, it is also because the opponent is too despicable, shameless, and has no lower limit...

But even they have to admit that, in a sense, this disgusting style of play is indeed the nemesis of the honest players like Han Wenqing.

The ring match is now completely over, and the last player on both sides has also walked out of their respective seats at the same time. And now Wei Chen is naturally filled with all kinds of spring breezes. While thinking about waving under the stage, he also walked around this place shamelessly.

Especially when passing through the auditorium of the away team, even in the face of the boos from the Tyranny fans who attacked the excellent Era fans, they still couldn't suppress the smile on his face. Even Wei Chen gave them a feeling that the louder they booed, the happier he began to laugh. Even the gesture of waving to the visiting audience was done more seriously.

In the face of such a scene, the pressure immediately came to the security guards at the scene. After all, Wei Chen's provocations were all Tyranny fans, and he used his skills to ridicule them. What was this not courting death? After all, they were quite experienced with Tyranny fans, and they all looked like they were facing a formidable enemy. Colleagues, just in case, were still calling for colleagues to come and support them. By the way, I sent someone to pull down Wei Chen, who was about to die.

And Wei Chen also listened to the persuasion very much. After going around here, he followed the staff who came to expand and returned to Happy's player seat. And everyone in Happy had already stood up to greet this great hero who won the final match.

"Hahaha, all sit down. It's such a big deal." Wei Chen said with a dignified look on his face, and at the same time he greeted everyone to sit down, as if it was a trivial matter. Completely forgot who the guy was just running around in circles.

Everyone in Happy laughed at the current Wei Chen, and no one would complain about him at this time, because as teammates, they knew better than anyone that the victory in this game was for Wei Chen. How important and how difficult it is.

"The next game is up to you!" Wei Chen returned to his seat, picked up the little mica who had just come with Tao Xuan, and said again and again. After all, he didn't have a roster in the teamfights that followed. There is a high probability that there will be no more games for him after that.

Tang Yin looked at the little mica who was a little uncomfortable with Wei Chen's beard, but this time he didn't rescue the little mica like before. After all, Wei Chen really needed to relax. He nodded and said, "Don't worry."

"Huh..." He took a hard breath of the little mica, and Wei Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Turn back and look at the big electronic screen.

He has done everything he can, and the victories he has won have been clearly recorded in that place. This may not be the most glorious victory he has ever had. But it was definitely his most satisfying victory. Even Wei Chen wished that time could just stop at this moment.

It's a pity that these are impossible after all, but he himself will remember everything in front of him, this game, he believes that he will not forget to death.

The support ring competition was over, and Team Happy entered the next team competition with a head-to-head advantage. Although there is only one point, this victory has obviously improved his momentum. But to do it really need to be calculated carefully, this point is really useless in team competition.

During the break between the arena match and the team match, neither team chose to return to the preparation room, but directly started the next tactical deployment for their team match from the player's seat.

The game has just begun!

During this time, the two people in the commentary room had exactly the same caliber of the current situation. For Happy, all they said was to remind Happy not to relax because of their victory in the ring competition. As for Tyranny, this was to motivate them not to be affected by their defeat in the ring match. The simple summary is: the head-to-head difference of only one point between the two sides is nothing at all.

And now the atmosphere between the two teams is very solemn, even Wei Chen, who was still bragging about him just now, is now very obediently shut up and licking his cat. Very serious with everyone to analyze the tactical countermeasures of the next team game.

Under such tense discussions, time flies by quickly. And the referee has rarely started to walk back and forth on the stage. From time to time, he looks at the watch in his hand and starts to remind the players of both sides to play.

The Tyranny player, who lost one point in the Bombing Arena, took the lead in rushing to the contestant's seat and stood up, and before the referee came to say hello, he was already thinking of going backstage to prepare to play.

In this team match, Tyranny's lineup was: Han Wenqing, Lin Jingyan, Fang Rui, Qin Muyun, Zhang Xinjie, UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com and the sixth player Bai Yanfei.

And that's exactly what their championship lineup was last season. It is also the strongest lineup of Tyranny in the minds of Tyranny fans. Although Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan entered the rotation this season, coupled with the rise of their rookie youngster Song Qiying, such a lineup appeared very rarely, not even in the first round of the playoffs.

But facing Team Happy, in this first-round away game, Tyranny was their first match for the championship.

And Tyranny fans who saw this lineup explained what it means to be completely crazy! The solidarity sounded like a tsunami of mountains and tsunamis, cheering for their team.

On Happy's side, Tang Yin and Ye Xiu didn't care at all about such a jubilant scene, and they continued to talk after taking a look.

It wasn't that Tyranny and the others were already on stage, and they finished their last words in a few words.

"let's go!"

Everyone in Happy greeted them in unison. Soon Happy's players also got up and triggered.

Ye Xiu, Su Mucheng, Tang Yin, Tang Rou, An Wenyi, everyone was not surprised by the appearance of these players, but when they saw the last player standing up, everyone was stunned.

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