Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1863: Team play begins

Looking at this veteran who was the same age as Ye Xiu, Tang Yin did not embarrass him. Continue to shake hands with the next player from Tyranny. And his next person would naturally be Tyranny's vice-captain Zhang Xinjie.

And I still have a very good impression of Zhang Xinjie and Tang Yin. Although it was said that when we met for the first time, I was disgusted by the other party in the team battle, but wasn't that a revenge for the other party to disturb their business? Now that the hatred is over, there is no way to lose the festival. Tang Yin still has a very good impression of this guy who has the same attitude of loving and killing the captains of both sides.

But after all, there is no communication between everyone, although Tang Yin has a good impression. But for the unfamiliar, let him talk less, that is, say hello to each other, and then he will be the next one.

The next person was Fang Rui. Fang Rui and Tang Yin's mood were more complicated. After all, he came to this place directly. The two biggest butterfly effects were that Fang Rui left Wind Howl a year earlier and joined Team Tyranny. The second is Tyranny, which was originally the second champion of Samsara in the ninth season.

As for the original Happy team member, who has now arrived at Tyranny, he still has some regrets, but he has already said about the invitation before, and now that the other party still thinks that he is provoking the other party. Tang Yin still regrets not being able to make up the original team. As for the rest of Tyranny, Tang Yin was not very familiar with him, so naturally he didn't say much.

But seeing how his own captain and Tyranny's captain were facing each other, Tang Yin could clearly feel the confrontation of "that era". Although it is said that "that era" could not have been created by only the two of them, but now only the two of them are still on this stage. But so what? Who knows that somewhere in the world, the players of "that era" are also watching the game, watching the two guys who bear this era fighting.

After the handshake was completed, the players from both sides walked to their respective seats, accompanied by the referee's greeting, and the characters of both sides began to complete the loading one after another and entered the map.

Soon, such familiar characters appeared in the history of the big screen, including old characters who have been active since the first season, and rookie characters who only debuted this season.

Looking at these characters, even the audience felt at this moment that perhaps these loaded characters could carry more glorious history than the players.

After all, one day Ye Xiu, Han Wenqing, Zhang Jiale, and Lin Jingyan will come. Even Tang Yin and the others will leave this arena one after another, but these characters they have used will continue to fight on this arena for them, and will always leave them on this arena. traces left.

In the second round of the playoffs, Happy will face Tyranny at home. The team match is about to begin!

The map that Happy chose for the team battle this time was Mochizuki Forest.

As soon as the map information came out, Pan Lin and Li Yibo in the commentary room had already started to introduce the map.

Mochizuki Forest, although he has the name of the deep forest, but in fact the forest mentioned here is only the boundary of this map, and the real battle place in this map is a small village in this map. Although it is a small village, the content inside is very rich. Although it is relatively simple in terms of layout, it does not want to be interspersed with various streets and alleys like a town map. There are four places in the whole village house scene.

There is a blacksmith shop in the southwest corner, a grocery store in the northeast corner, and a lookout tower in the southeast warehouse. The northwest is a residential area, but the architectural style of the houses here is very special. on the tree. It is precisely because of this that several suspension bridges will be found from time to time directly connected to the trees.

In addition to the house scene, there is a pond in the south direction, but the area of ​​this pond is not too large. And in the north of this map is the altar of the village, which is also the most spacious place on this map. In addition to these accidents, there are large trees in the rest of the bullet head. Although a little loose, it is not enough to be called a forest, but it can also be a good cover and obstacle.

To put it simply, this is a map that is not very suitable for Shuangfei to conduct large-scale battles. And in the playoffs, where every game is so important, few teams will choose some maps that are simple to play and eliminate violence. After all, here, all teams hope that Nen actually can give them an advantage. And it is possible to take advantage of these advantages. All the players on each map are the team racking their brains to choose the best map for their team to play.

Pan Sen and Li Yibo had already introduced the map at the scene, and of course, the next step was to analyze which home field advantage Happy had on this map, and they might have used it in tactics. And this question is much more difficult than introducing a map. UU reading www.uukanshu.com uses Pan Sen at this time as a questioner, directly handing over the right to speak to his partner Li Yibo.

But it's a pity that in Happy's competition, Li Yibo is a little bit from Tyranny, but now that his partner has already asked, he can only bite the bullet and analyze a step, and finally use a few "Ha, ha," to hide his insecurities.

And the game really started with the commentary of the two commentators.

Everyone in Xingxin refreshed in the southwest corner of the map, surrounded by trees on three sides, only there was a road in the northeast, and at the end of their field of vision, they could vaguely see a blacksmith shop. As for Team Tyranny, the refresh point was naturally at Happy's diagonal position, that is, in the northeast direction of the map. The refresh point was exactly the same as Happy's side, they were surrounded on three sides. There is only one exit facing southwest, and you can also see the grocery store on the opposite side.

Both teams were triggered at the same time from their respective displacements, and soon a lake and pond with rippling blue waves appeared on the east side of Team Happy, and on the west side of Tyranny, there was also an altar with the widest space on the map.

As Xingxin's home ground here, they naturally have their own plans for their next actions. The moment the lake pond appeared, they started to move directly to the northwest, and the direction they were heading was in the direction of the residential area.

Compared with Xingxin's decisive actions, after Tyranny's side had the direction to move in, the overall speed of action slowed down significantly.

After all, they are the away team in this game, and naturally they are not as familiar with the map as the home team, so it is very common to slow down the pace of the game. It's just that as a Tyranny team that has always been strong, it's rare for them to slow down the pace of the game and show such caution.

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