Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1876: Murder and kill Tang Xiaoyin

With Tang Yin's peculiarities as a sharpshooter, it would take about three seconds to bring Su Mucheng into the range with the strongest direct firepower for support, but if these three seconds meant that his character couldn't use skills like the sliding shovel If you do, it is very easy to be affected. After all, this kind of pursuit flying artillery is not suitable. The only effective one is Nindao Kongwang. After playing for so long this season, Nindao empty search is not a new skill. In such a situation, the skills are blocked, and it is indeed a bit harsh to complete the support.

In order to see Zhang Xinjie's actions, the fans of Happy on the scene also broke into a cold sweat for Tang Yinnie. After all, Zhang Xinjie's skills are very fast in chanting old enemies, and his attack benchmark is very high. Tang Yin had already been concentrated by him once before. You must know that Sacred Fire is not a high-level skill. Even without the attribute blessing of the weapon's singing speed, its singing speed is very fast.

And this is indeed the case. When I saw the immobile Yinwu floating in front of him, a white light shone out, and the next moment disappeared into the void, and then at the other end of the woods, in front of Xiao Yaoyou On the only way, a fire ring suddenly appeared, this is the sacred fire used by Zhang Xinjie after very accurate prediction.

But when this sacred fire ignited, it just danced quietly with the wind in mid-air.


Since Xiaoyaoyou was about to encounter this sacred fire, he suddenly stopped moving, and the sacred fire released by Shi Buzhuan circled around him like this, and Tang Yin also turned slightly. The point of view of Getaway, and the position you are looking at is exactly where Shi Buzhuan hides.

Has it been discovered?

Zhang Xinjie was somewhat regretful about this attack, but he was not annoyed. After all, apart from Fang Rui, there was no one in their team who was good at sneak attack, and he was naturally the same. Needless to say, he is still attacking Tang Yin now. You must know that Tang Yin's reaction is even a pervert that can completely keep up with his hand speed.

But in the same way, Zhang Xinjie's style will not put all hopes on one skill, is there any sacred fire? So what, even if he didn't concentrate on the getaway, it also affected his support rhythm.

And Fang Rui, the master of the vulgar flow, also seized this opportunity and launched an attack in an instant. His thoughts were turbulent, and a skill like a ground cannon was thrown into the blast, and the target was Tang Yin. As his partner for many years, Lin Jingyan also stepped forward, cooperating with Fang Rui's attack, and directly sent the preparations to and Tang Yin's round Su Mucheng intercepted it. It's really unlikely that the Gunners would want to break through the blockade of a well-known criminal group alone.

The next moment, the continuous map artillery attack, and the continuous explosion of light and shadow will drown Tang Yin's free travel. The huge skill effects of the map cannon also had an impact on Tang Yin's vision, making the sound of the gunshots that had just attacked Lin Jingyan less and less. But without Tang Yin's intensive attacks, the entire forest was much quieter.

But Zhang Xinjie still felt that something was missing. and many more!

After a long time, Zhang Xinjie found out what was missing. What was missing was the sound of minus nine degrees of gunfire. Although Qin Muyun's hand speed was indeed not as good as Tang Yin's, he had always kept Tang Yin in check. But now Fang Rui's map cannon has drowned Tang Yin's figure, and even Tang Yin's shooting accuracy has been greatly affected, not to mention Qin Muyun, now he can't even lock Tang Yin's figure. .

not good!

The sudden stop of the firepower attack made Zhang Xinjie realize that the situation was not good. Since Tang Yin's charge this time, it forcibly interrupted the rhythm of their Tyranny's attack. Even now, Tang Yin's free and easy travel will be covered by Fang Rui's special effects, which is his intention.


Since this guy directly used his opponent's offensive to cover himself, it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was playing Fang Rui in a naked match.

Zhang Xinjie found out about this anomaly, and Fang Rui naturally found it too. After all, if you want to hit a map gun, the forward swing of skills is almost unavoidable. Although Tang Yin is only a rookie who debuted this season, there are really not many people in the league who dare to fight him. Long-range firepower, especially with front swing or chant skills. His accurate head and hand speed can directly make you unable to even let out your skills. But now he can suppress Tang Yin in a long-range counterattack, even if such a thing is as trivial as Fang Rui, he will not believe it.

As for his own attack, Fang Rui naturally knew very well that his attack was never a net, but a wall. Although there is no control effect to restrict the opponent's movement, if the opponent rushes hard, it will also suffer great damage. Then Lin Jingyan turned his fire, and together with Qin Muyun who had been chasing Tang Ye, the three and Li might be able to take him directly.

Of course, this is only the best result of the ideal, but they are very clear that although Tang Yin has just entered the professional circle, he is definitely not so stupid. But just like that, Tang Yin broke into his attack range. Even in the long-range counterattack, he was at a disadvantage. To be honest, Fang Rui was really excited for a moment, but he soon discovered that although Tang Yin broke in, it was very shallow. When the skill explodes, the place where the special effects can barely cover it doesn't move, and sometimes if the damage of the skill he plays is relatively high, he will flash for a while.

To put it simply, Xiaoyaoyou was indeed within the range of Tang Yin's skills, but he did not continue to pretend that the wall he built with his attacks.

He is using my attack as a cover!

Fang Rui immediately manipulated his character to stop his attack on Xiaoyaoyou as soon as he reacted.

not good! very bad!

But although Fang Rui did realize the existence of the problem, his consciousness was still shallow after all. The moment he retracted the attack, Zhang Xinjie had already discovered the deeper reason.

With the help of Fang Rui's skill, light and shadow came to cover and interrupted Qin Muyun's offensive. This was Tang Yin's first major interruption to their Tyranny's rhythm. And Fang Rui, after discovering the problem, immediately guarded the attack, wouldn't this interrupt the second game of their Tyranny's rhythm?

The feeling that the rhythm was interrupted one after another made Zhang Xinjie's obsessive-compulsive disorder very uncomfortable in the past. After all, his rhythm was very smooth before this, but it ended up being interrupted twice in a row.

I felt like I was watching a super spectacular domino, which originally went very smoothly, but the collapsed domino was very smooth in Zhang Xinjie's eyes. But just when Zhang Xinjie was comfortable, it suddenly stopped. Did not continue to fall. But when you go past and keep pushing the next one, it gets stuck again without a few. In such a situation, normal people feel very uncomfortable, not to mention Zhang Xinjie's past obsessive-compulsive disorder.

At this moment, Zhang Xinjie's face turned black. Originally looking at this map, Zhang Xinjie was not able to see what happened last time. As a result, Tang Yin is now playing a higher-end game, directly playing stream of consciousness. It's okay if you didn't realize it, but it's really uncomfortable. It's just murderous!

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