Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1882: An unusual but harmonious partner.


This has always been the most precious wealth for the veterans. This wealth is extremely dazzling in the Tyranny team. After all, they have the two most experienced veterans besides Ye Xiu. In this aspect, only Happy can match, just like Tyranny has Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan, and Happy also has two veterans, Ye Xiu and Zhang Jiale.

But there is still a difference between Happy and Tyranny, that is, although both teams have experienced veterans, the Tyranny team as a whole, even the latest Qin Muyun, is above Happy's rookie in terms of experience. On top of that, Happy became more polarized.

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This is the only thing An Wenyi can do now. There is still nothing in Happy's team channel that might interfere with An Wenyi's emotions. Now he only needs to operate his character and run forward desperately like , this is the choice he made, so now An Wenyi must stick to it.

But what An Wenyi's actions are now, is also what Tyranny and the others want to see the most. Because the faster he ran and the farther he ran, the more calm they would deal with Tyranny.

Finally, in the midst of Tyranny's constant harassment of the three of Xingxin, Little Cold Hand finally ran out of Ye Xiu and Tang Yin's field of vision. There was no way, after all, it wasn't in the online game. With Lin Jingyan and Fang Rui beside them, they were harassing and besieging them. Now their treatment is still running.

While looking at Tyranny who was blocking them and blocking them, their family's treatment has been assisting them. Faced with such a situation, even Tang Yin and Ye Xiu would not dare to rush.

Not to mention that everything in the current Tyranny is under Zhang Xinjie's control, and the Tyranny team did not experience any imbalance in the formation because they wanted to pursue An Wenyi, and everything was still just right.

And as An Wenyi became more afraid and farther away, the Tyranny people paid less and less attention there. In the end, the cold hands disappeared from their field of vision, and they did not pursue An Wenyi as a group. Kill, but only discharge Han Wenqing to continue chasing An Wenyi.

Han Wenqing, the master of the first boxing of glory, the novice healer of a generation of King of Fighters dueling Happy...

Everyone imagined this scene to be too cruel, but on Happy's side, An Wenyi himself had not fully recovered Tang Yin and Su Mucheng's state before. After this wave of consumption, they now have to face a meeting The four Tyranny who attacked them, and one of the four was the first priest of Glory.


Seeing this, Li Yibo really wanted to say this directly. If it were changed to the regular season, he would definitely come to a conclusion, but now it is the playoffs full of uncertainty, and he really doesn't care here. Dare to jump to conclusions.

Is there any change in this?

Li Yibo kept thinking about it in his mind, and with this thought, he thought of Luo Ji, who Xingxin still hadn't shot.

Now that Happy's situation is at a disadvantage, why is Happy's Luo Ji still not planning to show up? It's impossible for Happy to let him come up to watch the game up close to gain experience, right?

and many more!

Just as the thought arrived here, an idea suddenly appeared in Li Yibo's mind.

Now only Han Wenqing is chasing and killing Little Hand Cold, although he is actively chasing and killing, isn't this a kind of order? And if Xingxin Miguang appeared to support his own treatment now, a summoned beast who had been prepared for a long time, with the help of a priest, seemed to be able to bully the boxer with the shortest attack distance. This seems to be a cheap way too.

Uh... so, it should be possible, right?

Although this thought appeared in his mind, there was still a question mark in Li Yibo's heart. In general, such a situation could indeed take advantage, but this time their opponent was not an ordinary boxer. Glory's first punch, Han Wenqing, with Han Wenqing's rich fighting experience, can the two of them really resist Han Wenqing who is like a tiger?

An Wenyi? Luo Ji? The situation of the two of them has long been revealed. Both of them are still students in college, and they are half-way monks in the professional league. Can they really eat Han Wenqing as a tiger?

Besides... Li Yibo turned his attention on the arena.

Looking at the situation on both sides, as far as the current situation is concerned, even An Wenyi? Luo Ji? In the end, he did win Han Wenqing, but it also took a lot of effort. But should they really have so much time for Happy? You must know that Tang Yin and Ye Xiu are still staring at each other. If Tyranny and the three of them are attacking with treatment, if they really exchange it in the end, it will still be their Happy who will suffer in the end.

Sure enough, there are no flaws~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It is really Zhang Xinjie.

When Li Yibo played in Tyranny's last season, it was the first time Zhang Xinjie had entered the league. That is, in that season, Tyranny defeated Excellent Era, who was the most popular at the time, and won the championship that season. This talent professional alliance has not been completely monopolized.

Although Zhang Xinjie made his debut that season, he still left a deep impact on Li Yibo. It's a bit ashamed to say that, at that time, the impression of this newcomer was that most of the seniors in their team noticed his living habits in the late stage of obsessive-compulsive disorder. And because of Zhang Xinjie's obsessive-compulsive disorder, they didn't pay much attention to his talent as a professional player.

It wasn't until after the rookie's impeccable medical support that helped them win that season's championship, they really realized that this rookie, who seemed to them very strange, was such a good rookie.

It has been many years since then, although Li Yibo can almost be said to have watched Zhang Xinjie grow up, but looking at it now, his technology is more mature, and his experience is more and more blocked. But his style has never changed in the slightest.

Shrinking Han Wenqing's persistence in the past ten years is remarkable, but to be honest, the person who has never changed his style in Tyranny is Zhang Xinjie. After all, it would be harder to make him change his habit than to kill him...

But it was this guy who had completely different styles and refused to change, but finally bumped into each other and became partners. Obviously each other's styles are completely opposite, but they still persist so stubbornly for so many years...

These two are such an unusual, yet harmonious partner.

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