Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1890: Tang Rou rendezvous

Zhang Xinjie would order Su Mucheng to focus fire without hesitation, and he didn't mind whether the people of Happy who escaped would use this to make a plan. His purpose was to kill Su Mucheng as quickly as possible. The reason was actually very simple. It was for the simplest advantage in numbers. After all, this advantage was the most loyal and reliable advantage in the competition. If there is a chance to create this advantage, Zhang Xinjie will not let it go!

After all, the gunnery was only a long-range specialized profession. Under the melee suppression of Han Wenqing and Lin Jingyan, there was absolutely no chance of fighting back, not to mention the long-range support of Qin Muyun and Fang Rui, as well as the support of the pastor Zhang Xinjie. Even heavy armor proficiency didn't last long, and Su Mucheng's health was wiped out in an instant.

After killing Su Mucheng, the Tyranny and everyone here didn't hesitate, and immediately turned the fire and chased in the direction of the Xingxin people. Right now, the backs of the Xingxin people were still very clear. This shows how fast the kill was this time. And Panson's main doubts also come from this. Although Su Mucheng died very heroically, it didn't seem to buy much time for their team.

Li Yibo naturally saw this scene as well. As a professional player from Tyranny, of course he knew the aggressiveness of the Tyranny team, but he did not expect that Tyranny's aggression was so strong. It was even strong enough to take Su Mucheng away in an extreme amount of time. This was too exaggerated.

"Xingxin's situation is a little bad now." Li Yibo once again judged where he lived. To be honest, with the distance between the two sides, it is almost impossible for the entire team of Happy to evacuate. In the end, Happy will still have to Opponent confrontation. But the problem was that there was one person missing from Happy now.

"Then what will Happy do next? Will they evacuate in that direction?" Pan Sen asked curiously.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be the substitution area," Li Yibo said.

After all, from the time they abandoned Su Mucheng, Happy had already indicated their retreat direction, and that was their substitution area. And the reason for this is also very understandable. After all, their sixth man must have been loaded from this substitution area and finally entered the game. As far as Happy's situation is concerned, no matter what, it is necessary to join the sixth man if possible. If they want to win, they must at least maintain a five-man team before making plans.

But at this moment, everyone in Happy changed their direction of movement again.

"Changed direction!" Panson said.

"Hmm..." Li Yibo also discovered this, and Happy changed direction. It was only after Su Mucheng arrived at school. After they checked the distance between them and the Tyranny who were chasing after them, Happy began to change. direction of movement. And now the direction they moved was no longer in the substitution zone, and now Tang Rou had automatically entered the arena. The first time Tang Rou entered the arena, Tang Yin posted a coordinate on the team channel, as if to signal Tang Rou to join them at this place.

"Xingxin may be trying to stay away from the substitution area now," Li Yibo said when he saw this scene, because the next attack from both sides was almost inevitable. Anyway, now that their sixth man is out, it is natural that the farther away from the substitution area, the better it will be for them.

"It's true." Panson also agrees with this point of view, and he doesn't even need to explain the details of this. After all, with the advantage of the number of people, the opponent is most likely to use exchange tactics. Although this tactic can be said to be the most conventional and common tactic, it also proves its practicality.

Under such circumstances, if they fought in a place close to the exchange area, the opponent could quickly bring the number back to five people once again when one person was killed. The crowd is too unfriendly, so it makes sense for them to choose a place farther away from the exchange area.

In this way, if they can take the lead in killing one of the opponents, the situation will temporarily become five-on-four, and this may be Happy's final comeback. The time difference in the exchange of the sixth man is also a factor that is often cited by the major teams.

Although there are many veterans in the Tyranny team, but Happy also has Ye Xiu and Tang Yin in charge. Even if Tang Yin has just debuted, who in the entire Glory dares to regard him as a rookie? And Happy, who had their testimony, naturally wouldn't be bad. And their extremely fast challenge also shows that they have never given up.

Tyranny and everyone chased after him a few times, although everyone in Happy couldn't get rid of them at all. But it was finally their turn with their sixth man, Tang Rou. And the area where they chose the round is not simply far from the substitution area. com is the environment of this position, which is obviously more suitable for Happy's career. As for Tang Rou, who had just turned with everyone, she didn't immediately fit into the formation, but instead entered the decisive battle area and began to choose a position.


Is Tang Rou planning to ambush the other party at this time? With the close-up of the camera, everything on the scene was clearly seen by the audience from God's perspective. It was also because of seeing Tang Rou's actions that Li Yibo spoke even more: Happy might have to decide the outcome of this match here.

The live big screen and TV broadcast are very considerate to release all the data of the current team members of the two teams, so that everyone can compare, the most important of which are the health and mana of the two characters. Some characters whose mana is not exhausted want to deal with it. There was nothing wrong with such a situation, but in terms of HP, even if Tang Rou was in full state, Happy still had some advantages.

After all, they were being chased all the time, and An Wenyi didn't even have time to use instant healing, not to mention other little silver chanting skills that would affect the speed of action.

Does Happy really want to fight in such an environment? In this situation, in a head-to-head battle, does Happy really have a chance of winning?

Seriously, even Happy's fans don't think highly of their own team, even if there is Tang Rou, an ambush soldier. After all, due to Zhang Xinjie's cautious personality, he found that he never met Tang Rou along the way, and Tang Rou hadn't joined the team, so he might have already begun to be suspicious.

Besides, most of the Tyranny team are experienced veterans. Is Tang Rou's sneak attack really useful? What's more, it is not a player who is good at sneak attack. On the contrary, it may be better if he and Tyranny face each other...

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