Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1900: The most searched Luo Ji

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At this moment, Chang Xian finally realized that direct Daoism was still too shallow, and he would continue to contact Happy in the future. He really had a long way to go!

"Uh...then I'll keep looking forward to it..." Looking at the two who wanted to reveal something sincerely, Chang Xian gave up completely, and after saying some nonsense, he said hello and left.

"Goodbye, come to play often!" Tang Yin said goodbye to the reporter's brother contentedly. It can be seen that Tang Yin was still very satisfied after successfully driving the other reporter away.

"Okay, don't play anymore, go back to training." Ye Xiu saw that Tang Yin's expression hadn't been amused enough, smiled helplessly, and greeted Tang Yin to go back. Tang Yin didn't stay below, after all, at this time, they were all short of time. As for Chang Xian, he was completely used by Tang Yin as a concoction in his busy training. When he came, he came out to tease him with all kinds of mixed news.

Facts have proved that the fastest way to build happiness is above the suffering of others.

When Ye Xiu and Tang Yin returned to the training room on the second floor, the rest of Happy were guarding in front of their computers, but the overall atmosphere was no longer as tense as it was at first, and now it was much more relaxed and casual.

The schedule of the playoffs is more compact than the regular season, and it takes time to rush back and forth between home and away games, so it is obvious that they want to continue their relatively stable training rhythm in the regular season in the playoffs. impossible. So right now, everyone in Happy is mainly focused on warm-up, warm-up, and training to maintain their own state. The training intensity is actually not that great. Instead, the focus will be placed on the adjustment of the state of mind.

And this is also the main reason why Tang Yin will tease him every time Chang Xian comes. Having said something innocuous so that they have something to write about, this keeps their team hot. This is all the more necessary after a victory, especially.

However, this kind of thing was done by Chen Guo, but Tang Yin took it over on the grounds of adjusting his mood. This time it was Ye Xiu who just came back from buying cigarettes, otherwise Tang Yin would have come to tease him.

But don't look at Happy's people looking very relaxed, they are doing this to maintain their explosiveness in the game. If the game in the regular season is for stability, then the focus of the playoffs is on this outbreak. This is a kind of full-power explosion at all costs, and training does not dare to consume too much energy, but instead recharges as much energy as possible. Maintain the state, and finally burst out in the game.

And the team that can persist in this state of the game to the end will be the final winner of this game. The slack, the ups and the downs could lead them to fall behind in the final charge of the playoffs.

Although Happy's three-game winning streak was indeed gratifying for a team that has always been a new team, but here at Happy, it was far from the time to celebrate. And all of Happy's people are very clear about this, and they are using their own methods to sort out their moods and organize the results of the competition all the time. Finally get ready for the next game.

"Xiao Chang is gone?" Chen Guo asked when she saw Tang Yin and Ye Xiu coming back, and she didn't deliberately lower the volume. After all, the atmosphere in the room is very normal. Everyone should talk and talk, and they don't need to be normal. So focused on doing mechanical training.

"Well, I've already left." Ye Xiu, who came in first, said.

"What did you two say?" Chen Guo asked curiously.

"Why don't you ask? Luo Ji, as our secret weapon, how could they really be interviewed!" Tang Yin did not bully others at all, but instead came to Luo Ji's side with a proud face and patted him on the shoulder. said.

Seeing her man's triumphant appearance, Tang Rou decisively punched and directly suppressed Tang Yin, who was still very arrogant.

"Who did you learn from? After all, they are helping us publicize, and you have been bullying others." Tang Rou said.

"That's right, didn't they help build a fan club for Xiao Tang? You still remember what happened in the first half of the season." Chen Guo also teased.

"Humph! Who told them to covet my daughter-in-law? It's because they are our fans that they didn't toss the coin, right? They can call my wife too?" Tang Yin said proudly, although he knew that all those It was the fans who said it was fun in the group, but it didn't affect our Tang Yin being jealous.

"What you said, what do you think about your female fans? How old are you? I said that Xiao Tang is too used to you." Looking at Tang Yin's small expression of grievance, Tang Rou also Couldn't bear to continue talking. So this is what Chen Guo complained about Tang Yin.

"Uh... that... deputy, secret weapons or something... not good?" Tang Yin, who was relatively stingy and vengeful, now Luo Ji's body softened when he heard Tang Yin say that he was a secret weapon. He really felt that he couldn't bear the name UU Reading www.uukanshu.com.

"It's alright Luo Ji, don't worry about these, just relax, in fact, it doesn't have anything to do with you." Ye Xiu sat down beside Mucheng and said.

Luo Ji wanted to cry even more when he heard his own captain say this. You all used my name to say this, why don't you care about me? Now of course there is glory, and there are people talking about him. So much so that now he doesn't even dare to study. Now Luo Ji truly understands what it means to become famous in battle.

And the four beasts he fought are no longer called the four beasts, but are called "demolition and relocation" by netizens, and some people even put him and their Pang Da together to form a demolition group. But when Luo Ji saw this hot search from Tang Yin, his whole body was gray.

That's right, Luo Ji is also on the hot search. This is the popularity of Luo Ji's wave of demolition!

Of course, Luo Ji knew very well why his two captains had the same caliber. But as a rookie who has just debuted, he is still not mentally prepared for this kind of psychological warfare that completely reverses black and white in the public eye. At this moment, Luo Ji, who had not yet emerged from the ivory tower, deeply felt the darkness of this world from his two captains.

"Don't worry, it really doesn't matter, this kind of thing happens every day in the professional circle. You can't ask Du Ming to be the main attacker in the next round of reincarnation? But what is the truth? Apart from the ring competition, Du Ming, I didn't even make it to the team competition. So you don't have to worry about it at all, just be normal, but Tyranny should be the one who needs to worry about it." Tang Yin also saw Luo Ji's worry and comforted him.

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