Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1904: Lin Jingyan

Tyranny's home map directly chose this simple terrain arena, and it would be no exaggeration to say that they completely gave up their home field advantage. What's more, the map that Tyranny chose was the type of map that Xingxin Ye Xiu liked to use. You must know that in the previous regular season, Ye Xiu's maps were always like this, and now Tyranny has also used this map directly. Isn't this giving the opponent a head-to-head score? Could it be that what happened to their Tyranny team?

"Director Li, what do you think Tyranny's intention for choosing this map is?" Pan Sen in the commentary room asked Li Yibo, the instructor beside him.

"I think that Tyranny has such a choice, and it is definitely not because of some simple whim. You must know that the current Tyranny tactics are all guided by Zhang Xinjie, the four great tacticians. When choosing this map, Zhang Xinjie must have considered it. The choice was made based on many factors." Li Yibo said,

This time, Li Yibo didn't just explain some scenes, he really had some thoughts on Tyranny's choice of such a map.

As a result, this time Panson dragged back behind him and misunderstood his words. He thought that the current Li Yibo was playing Haha again with Excellent Era, so he used his best phrase "Okay, let's wait and see" to bring this topic to the fore, leaving Li Yibo, who had a lot to say, to the side.

Li Yibo: "..." I have a saying that MMP doesn't know whether to say it or not.

Here, Li Yibo is still depressed because he has nothing to say, and the game has already started here.

The map of the arena is a very simple map. Its characteristic is that it has no characteristics. The audience is the one after a platform, and there is nothing that can be used on this platform, and the platform as a whole is not large. Such maps are naturally fast to load, so Li Yibo was blocked by Pan Sen. After just a few seconds, even if he wanted to say it now, he couldn't say it anymore. The roles of Happy and Tyranny had just been refreshed, and both sides had already seen each other in their field of vision.

Lord Grim, cold and dark thunder.

"The picture you chose... was chosen for my convenience?" Ye Xiu asked on the public channel.

"That's right, it was specially chosen for you." Lin Jingyan answered directly on the public channel, then operated Leng An Lei and rushed forward!

"Lin Jingyan took the lead in launching an attack on Ye Xiu." Pan Sen shouted when he saw this scene, and there was obvious surprise in his tone, and he could clearly hear his surprise. After all, Ye Xiu's winning streak in the regular season had already proved one point, that is, this is a positive thing, and no one player can cause any obstacle to Ye Xiu's Lord Grim. What's more, it was even more surprising that Tyranny chose a direct map like the arena.

"Could it be that Tyranny has already researched a way to deal with the loose people?" Pan Sen asked curiously.

As a result, just after he finished speaking, Leng Anlei, who had rushed out aggressively, was hit back in the next moment.

"Ah this..." At this moment, Pan Sen was in a circle, just like Lin Jingyan was directly beaten back, but it didn't look like he found the other party's way at all.

And Lord Grim also pursued his victory. Ye Xiu immediately started to fight back after knocking Lin Jingyan into the air, and Pan Sen continued his passionate commentary in the commentary room. The one who stood in stark contrast with him was Li Yibo, who was on the side. He remained silent,

Li Yibo was observing the fight between Lin Jingyan and Ye Xiu very carefully. He also wondered if Zhang Xinjie had thought of Ye Xiu's method at the beginning. After all, they have the most experienced choices in their team, assisting Zhang Xinjie, the tactician master. In addition, the scatter style itself requires a lot of experience and support. If the current team can find the flaws of scatter players the fastest, Nahatu must be one of the most likely teams.

However, just now the two sides only fought three skills...

Just between these three short skills, Ye Xiu's Lord Grim smashed Lin Jingyan's cold and dark thunder into the air. And in the process of fighting these three moves, no matter how you look at it, you don't want to find any way to crack it.

The loose people said that Li Yibo did not see any solution to Lin Jingyan, but he could see that Lin Jingyan was already a little powerless in the face of the ever-changing loose people.


Just when Ye Xiu launched a counterattack against Lin Jingyan, Lin Jingyan immediately resisted, and his attitude was unusually tough.

Without dealing with it, without evading, and without using some obscene tactics like his partner, Lin Jingyan just confronted Ye Xiu directly, as if he wanted to defeat Ye Xiu directly from the front.

But what is the difference between such a choice and taking advantage of one's own weakness and attacking the enemy's strength? No matter how you look at this matter, I think the other party is playing with anger. But this is also the main source of doubts. To know who Lin Jingyan is, he is a very seasoned professional veteran. How could such a seasoned veteran make such a simple dislocation?

What are they trying to do? Li Yibo kept asking himself in his heart, and he was not the only one who had this idea, there were many people on the scene who were looking for the answer.

bang bang bang...

It was another series of intensive skill exchanges. After the exchange was completed, the roles of the two had bounced off again.

"It's so sharp." Ye Xiu laughed on the public channel, followed by a smiley emoji.

"Yeah!" Lin Jingyan simply responded with two sentences and rushed forward again!

However, Lin Jingyan, who rushed up again, did not have an advantage at all. After a series of attacks, his Leng Anlei had lost one-fifth of his health, but Ye Xiu's Lord Grim was less than one-tenth of his health. . But in the face of such a gap, Lin Jingyan had to adjust to the point that it didn't make any sense. He still maintained the rhythm of the battle at the beginning, and was still the same routine that he couldn't defeat Ye Xiu at first glance. Rush up again!

In the face of the opponent's attack, Ye Xiu on the dominant side actually dodged and retreated...


Ye Xiu's actions made everyone very puzzled.

Although Ye Xiu's handling is still without any problems, and it doesn't seem to have any flaws, but his attitude towards Lin Jingyan has changed. He is no longer directly attacking, but... evading!

But why? Why did Ye Xiu avoid Lin Jingyan's frontal attack? His frontal attack should be no threat.

Although for ordinary players, Lin Jingyan's offensive is indeed strong enough to blow any of them directly, but now it is a professional game, and Glory needs to be compared to the professional level. As for the attack launched by Lin Jingyan, what did it do to Ye Xiu? Trouble, it's not much, just from how they played against each other, it can be seen that Ye Xiu's side has the advantage.

"Fairy Wood"

Then the question arose, why did Ye Xiu do this?

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