Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1926: Sunset Dunes!

At the end of the game, in the final head-to-head fight, Tang Yin won the game with 40% of his health.

Tang Yin was very satisfied with the result, and returned to his own team with a relaxed expression. This is not Tang Yin's suit, he and Ye Xiu don't need it, but the two games have no effect on him at all. Consuming physical strength is not a problem at all in front of a young man like him.

"Why is there such a big gap~" Tang Rou said with some annoyance.

After all, the current Tang Rou is no longer a freshman who could be abused by Ye Xiu. Now she is no longer blindly confident in Glory. With such a rhythmic battle, she can play with ease and so on. Information about her strength Tang Rou are very clear. It was because of this that he could clearly realize the gap between her and Tang Yin.

"Xiao Tang is wrong, Tang Yin has such strength. But you have been practicing for four or five years. If you want to catch up with Xiao Yin as soon as you debut, don't you take Xiao Yin's efforts too seriously? Don't forget, when you were making progress, Tang Yin didn't stand still." Ye Xiu said.

"Of course I didn't think so." Tang Rou certainly couldn't think so, she just felt a little depressed when she saw the gap with Tang Yin. After all, although Tang Rou is usually very gentle, she has a strong competitive spirit. Even if he couldn't defeat Tang Yin, at least he could stand by his lover's side like Mucheng.

But what are the facts now, when it comes to Tang Yin, the first thing that all fans think of is not her girlfriend, but Ye Xiu. To make her feel bad?

"Pay attention to the choice of timing, you still have a long time, and there will always be opportunities." Ye Xiu seemed to sense Tang Rou's resentful eyes, and Ye Xiu, who felt that he might end up saying anything more, said immediately.

"Oh..." Tang Rou nodded, holding the water and towel prepared for her sight, and greeted Tang Yin who was coming back.

Seeing her coming, Tang Yin looked overjoyed. Tang Rou was also relieved. Yes, they are the people who will be the closest to each other in the future, and there will always be opportunities.

"Good job, we successfully won the ring competition, and then we will win the next team competition in one go!" Ye Xiu said to the team when Tang Yin returned.

Although one point in the ring is small, it is indeed a good boost for morale. Especially considering the away game like this, this is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for everyone at Happy.

On the other hand, on Tyranny's side, the atmosphere on their side was somewhat affected by their defeat in the ring match. Although there is no feeling of depression, but in terms of momentum, it is not as active as Happy.

Soon, the team battlers of the two teams had gathered together to do the final summary of the team battle. As Tyranny was the home team, they naturally had a more targeted arrangement.

The intermission time passed quickly. While the referee greeted the two sides to play, the electronic screen above has also arranged the playlists of the two sides in this arena match.

At this time, everyone's attention was also concentrated. After all, Happy had a non-main force choice, which attracted a lot of attention during this time, and even became a hot search. And this person is Luo Ji. This was the culprit who buried all of Tyranny alive in the last round. The absolute hero who won that game. This person who claims to have great talent in demolition, will he continue to play in this game?

Under the gaze of the audience, a row of names appeared on the big screen.

Happy, Ye Xiu; Tyranny, Han Wenqing.

Xingxin, Su Mucheng; Tyranny, Fang Rui.

Happy, Tang Yin; Tyranny, Bai Yanfei.

Xingxin, Tang Rou; Tyranny, Qin Muyun.

Happy, An Wenyi; Tyranny, Zhang Xinjie.

Happy, Bao Rongxing; Tyranny, Lin Jingyan.

No Luo Ji!

Seeing this kind of dismissal directly caused a burst of exclamations from the audience. Seeing that Luo Ji was really gone, many people began to discuss. When Happy said that Luo Ji has the ability to destroy maps, he was just bragging. The current lineup shows that Happy didn't dare to let Luo Ji play in the away game!

In the commentary room, the two commentators, Pan Lin and Li Yibo, were still analyzing the situation at the scene and the lineup of the two sides. Of course, the topic of their discussion also started from the point that Luo Ji did not play, and then came the players from both sides and the ratio between the professions. Yes and the lineup.

Happy's side, Ye Xiu, Tang Yin and An Wenyi, were relatively stable. Su Mucheng and Zhang Jiale would exchange with each other according to their opponents and the needs of the game. The biggest difference was that this time, Tang Rou appeared in the starting position, and Baozi, who was in the starting position before, became the sixth man.

In fact, this is where everyone has a headache for Happy, the team lineup of normal teams is fixed after all, but Happy is constantly changing. Although Happy still didn't have any core style of play, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was completely different from Wind Howl.

Xingxin relied on Ye Xiu's plan, and Tang Yin's thoughts were generally the same. Instead, it formed a special style of play. A style of play that deliberately targets changes in opponents and changes the core of tactics at any time.

Looking at Tyranny again, Tyranny only had to carry out some positional challenges. Bai Yanfei, the so-called "turret" elemental mage player, started the battle today, and Lin Jingyan was placed in the sixth position by them. However, the overall selection of players in the team competition has not changed.

"Both sides have challenged their own lineups to a certain extent, but as Tyranny's side is playing at home, the tactics are definitely much clearer than the other side. Since Tyranny will put Bai Yanfei among the five players in the starting lineup today. , which must be their special arrangement for this game. What do you think of Gui Gui?" Pan Lin said.

"Bai Yanfei, together with Fang Rui and Qin Muyun, there are already three long-range occupations here, and Bai Yanfei's elemental mage is nicknamed 'turret'. It can be said that he has rich experience in ranged attacks. Tyranny should want to let He cooperated with Fang Rui's map cannon to cover the widest range of attacks on the opponent's prize. So I think that the map for this match. Tyranny should choose a map that looks more spacious." Li Yibo said.

"As soon as Director Li said this, we are looking forward to it. Oh, now both players have entered the battle seats. The game will start soon. Let's wait and see." Pan Sen said.

Soon the first ten people have completed the login, and the character map begins to load.

And when the map is loaded, this most curious question finally has an answer.

Sunset Dunes!

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