Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1946: Round 3

Now the situation between Tiny Herb and Samsara was very clear.


"Well, what do you think of the current reincarnation, feel free to say what you want, you won't be able to use it in the future anyway." Ye Xiu said with such a limitless tone.


How could Zhang Xinjie not be able to hear the meaning of Ye Xiu's words? He just smiled casually, ignoring Ye Xiu's trash talk. Instead, Tyranny's Fang Rui put his head together and said to Ye Xiu. : "Would you like to talk about your views on reincarnation?"


"Very powerful." Ye Xiu's answer was simple and clear.


"You're not talking nonsense." Zhang Jiale said speechlessly.


"In other words, the current reincarnation is stronger than last year, and there are many." Tang Yin added.


To Tang Yin's words, it immediately silenced everyone at the scene, especially the people at Tyranny.


After all, they killed them and played Samsara in the finals last year. You must know that in that match, they went all out and used all their means before they narrowly won with only one person's blood. what about now? Although many of Tyranny's veterans didn't want to admit it, their condition was indeed worse than last year. After all, they had been "worn" on them by time for another year. But compared to their declining state, Samsara is still getting stronger.


Tyranny and Samsara are like the old and new eras in the professional league, and now they are finally going to alternate.


Even if the two teams succeeded in sniping Samsara again this year, whether it was the veterans of Tyranny or Ye Xiu, it would be very difficult for them to continue to be opponents for Samsara to continue going down.


After all, even if they fail this year, Samsara and the others can make a comeback next year. They have enough time, but what about Ye Xiu and the veterans like Tyranny? Their time will eventually pass.


"Even if it's just a stepping stone, we'll let them fall into another big trouble!" Han Wenqing's tone was as firm as ever.


But everyone understood that there was another meaning in Han Wenqing's words. After all, no matter how powerful the stumbling block is, it can only temporarily hinder the other party's footsteps. But after all, it can't be stuck with you forever. They can only become a stumbling block when their careers reach their twilight years. To this fact, even if it is very cruel. But Han Wenqing still accepted it very calmly.


"Then we will trample them to death, tsk tsk, it's cruel to think about it." At this time, a voice said after Han Wenqing.


When Ye Xiu and Tyranny returned, they saw Tang Rou, Baozi, Qiao Yifan, Mo Fan, An Wenyi, Luo Ji...


That's right, Tang Yin and the others are not from the same era as these old guys. They can be called stumbling blocks, but not for Tang Yin and the others. After all, the so-called end to Ye Xiu and the others is just Tang Yin and the others. just the starting point.




"Little Yin, she's huge and beautiful." Ye Xiu said with a smile. "Then we old guys will shine a little more and pave the way for you."


"Destroy Samsara fiercely!" Fang Rui said, after all, it wasn't just Happy, all this was just the beginning for their team's Song Qiying.


"What are you making a fool of, your mission is to obediently be beaten down by me." Ye Xiuyong glanced at Fang Rui with disdain.


"I TM!" Fang Rui was so angry. He just got into the drama a little too much, completely forgetting that the group of guys in front of them are not their teammates at all, but the enemy of life and death they will take over!


"Let's leave first, you guys can pack up, so that you can be ready to die the day after tomorrow." Ye Xiu laughed, standing up as he spoke.

Although the game between Tiny Herb and Samsara is not completely over yet, even Zhang Xinjie directly used such decisive words to evaluate the result of this game. It can be said that there is no suspense in this game. Therefore, this game has already ended. , and there was no need to continue watching, Ye Xiu simply took Happy and everyone to withdraw first. After all, it was too early to study reincarnation. Now he still has to focus on Tyranny.


Don't take Ye Xiu's mouth to say that he is very hi, but in practice, he attaches great importance to it.


"How can this guy run away triumphantly like this? Why don't we do anything?" Fang Rui said angrily, obviously he was very unhappy since only one of the people in Tyranny took Ye Xiu's **** back.


"If trash talk is useful, what is there to do in professional competitions?" Han Wenqing said lightly.


"Um... Team Han... Actually, it's impossible to say it, and it's a big deal to fight..." Lin Jingyan said very sincerely.


After all, because of the personality of the people in the Tyranny team, they are not good at trash talk, and if you go offline with the opponent, the coin tossing wall on the opposite side will definitely make them die in a very rhythmic way...


There was a strange silence in the room for a while...


"Damn." Facing the duo of Tang Yin and Ye Xiu, even Han Wenqing couldn't help but scolded helplessly.


"Huh!" Just when Han Wenqing was depressed, Song Qiying from their team suddenly let out an exclamation, and his eyes were now on the unfinished game.


Song Qiying's voice also attracted the attention of the rest of Tyranny, and all of Tyranny's eyes once again focused on the competition.


Originally defined by Zhang Xinjie as a game with no suspense, it has made waves again. Although it has not been able to change the final outcome after all, but...


"My dismissal this time was a little too early." Zhang Xinjie said with a sigh, UU reading www. uukanshu.com And this meant that Wei Chen's turbulence in the second half of the team match was not small. And this wave was not caused by Tiny Herb's core Wang Jiexi, but by their new generation, Liu Xiaobie and Gao Yingjie. Although it was said that the result of the reversal of the result was not achieved, it also created the hope of victory.


In the end, Samsara won, and they were one step closer to their championship. Tiny Herb still lost in the end, but everyone unexpectedly discovered that their previous ideas were all wrong, and Tiny Herb also had a difficult tomorrow. Tiny Herb probably didn't think that many of them were worried about Wang Jiexi's complete withdrawal and degenerate.


After all, every day, they also have it.


And Happy's tomorrow is the last day off before the final battle with Tyranny.


"There are some things that need to be said here." Tang Yin said when everyone in Happy gathered again.


"Every time, after all, let's not talk about you guys in the third round, it's even my first time playing." Ye Xiu also said.


"That's right. Even the old man has never played." Wei Chen added, looking very serious.


"You haven't stayed in the professional league as long as I have." Zhang Jiale said with great contempt.


"Shut up!" Chen Guo was angry.


Chen Guo exited, and the audience was silent.


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