Full-time Occupation

Chapter 1948: Magma Arena

However, the proud cry of Happy fans didn't last long. It only lasted for a moment before being completely overwhelmed by the cheers of Tyranny fans. This time, Tyranny fans didn't shy away like they did in previous games. Moreover, he directly confronted Happy fans, and the reason was very simple. Because besides Ye Xiu, they also have one person left on the arena!


And the person who stayed on the battlefield was their ten-year captain, Han Wenqing! In two consecutive postseason arena matches, Han Wenqing avoided Ye Xiu's starting edge. But in this third game, they didn't choose tactical concessions like they did before, but just stood in front of Ye Xiu in the most direct way.


"Hey young, not bad." Ye Xiu smiled and said, "If I continue to step back this time, then I really have to get to know you again."


"Stop talking nonsense." Han Wenqing was as concise as ever.


The two did not communicate much. After looking at each other again, the two turned around together and ran away from each other. It seemed that the two were drifting further and further away, but in fact, they both went to the same battlefield. A battlefield where you die or I forget,


And after a period of time, the big screen also displayed the information of the first match of the ring: Happy, Ye Xiu, Lord Grim; Tyranny, Han Wenqing, Desert Guyan.


Regardless, I can't really blame the referee who controls the big screen, because even the referee is dumbfounded now.


The regulations for the third round are different from the previous pre-decision to hand in the roster. The players in this game all make decisions on the spot. After the decision is made, the referee will be notified directly, and the referee will operate again.


And look at the current posture of Ye Xiu and Han Wenqing. The starting lineup of these two teams must be that their two opponents are gone. But it was a waste of money that these two guys looked at each other and left directly. They entered the competition room and didn't come to him to report.


To be fair, if you strictly follow the rules of the charter, both Ye Xiu and Han Wenqing are now in violation of the rules, and he can completely judge that their duel is invalid.


But now the two of them are going to their respective captain seats like this, and they have no intention of looking back.


And now the emotions of the fans of both sides have been ignited by the captains of both sides.


Both of them are old opponents of time. At this critical moment that determines the life and death of their respective teams, they finally ushered in a complete and most direct confrontation. It would not be an exaggeration to say that their game is to end their ten years of grievances. There was even that moment, more suitable than now to witness their final strife.


With such a perfect time and place, even the referee couldn't bear to destroy the atmosphere of the scene because of a process of going through the process.


So be it…


In the end, the referee chose to compromise. Just when both parties have already reported, skip this process directly, and the large screen of the operator will upload the information of both parties.


Although they had already seen the two captains walking towards their battle seats, when their names appeared on the big screen together, all the audience who saw this scene couldn't help but feel excited. Interesting is the old players and fans who have some thoughts of chasing glory. Because the confrontation between these two people really represented too many things for them, and also precipitated too many things.


"Captain! Kill him fiercely!

"Nevertheless, Tyranny's fans still express their position very clearly. For them, they don't care about this showdown, which can be called a ten-year dispute. It needs to be exciting to live up to the reputation of both parties. Those who just want to see their leader, Desert Guyan, can punch the opposite Ye Xiu directly to the ground.


Boom, boom, boom!


The Tyranny fans at the scene brought a lot of props to cheer for their team for today's game. At this time, they made the best use of the props in their hands that could create a figure. All kinds of banging and banging, all kinds of loud and bright voices were mixed in the venue. If no matter what, these voices have only one purpose, then act Han Wenqing on!


Soon after the characters of both sides were loaded, the game entered the countdown, and the map also began to be randomly selected during the countdown, which symbolized that the background kept flickering after the random big question mark.




The arena map for this game: Magma Arena.


Because these maps are officially designed by Honor Games for the playoffs, these maps are not only not in the Honor Gallery, they are not even in the Honor Online Games. This also leads to the fact that no one can imagine what the map looks like just by hearing the name.


Now that the map selection is complete, the system naturally needs to display the map information in a wave. The current electronic screen, the entire system of projection, and the TV broadcast show the overall picture and some details of this map to everyone.




The whole map is very simple and can be easily described. In short, it is a tic-tac-toe. There is a special origin decoration in the middle of the map, but it may be for domestic review. All the characters are surrounded by a circle, so that It is more like Jiugongge, UU reading www.uukanshu.com rather than a Chinese character.


And the nine-square grid of this map looks like hot magma in the area. Obviously, this is a partial effect map. If the character is hit into the magma, it will take the fire attribute burning damage of the magma.


To put it simply, this is a map whose structure is clear at a glance and the effect is also clear at a glance, which does not bring you any sense of strangeness.


After the map is displayed, the characters of both sides have entered the map, and the game officially begins. Ye Xiu's Lord Grim refreshes in the south of the map. Han Wenqing is in the north of the map. Both of them are the two most experienced players in the professional circle. As soon as they entered the picture, both sides began to turn their perspectives to observe. And seeing the hot and flowing magma, they already knew what the map was like.


The two of them moved very quickly, but their visual perception did not stop, and they kept observing the map as they moved. As far as the overall structure of this map is concerned, it looks quite clear at a glance. But Ye Xiu and the others still wanted to know as much as possible about the details of the map.


For example, the details of each area of ​​the map, the fluctuations in length and width, these are one of the factors that may affect the game, and it is also the information that the two of them need to collect as soon as possible.


The two sides have been in each other's field of vision for a long time. After all, although there are ups and downs on the map plane, there are no obstacles, and the characters' field of vision is also very broad.




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